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Cross section measurements for light charged particle emission induced by neutrons in the 1 MeV – 100 MeV+ energy range at n_TOF. E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Pavlik. Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, University of Vienna.
Cross section measurements forlight charged particle emission induced byneutrons in the 1 MeV – 100 MeV+ energy range at n_TOF E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Pavlik Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, University of Vienna
Experimental facilites • General considerations for charged particle reactions
Motivation for (n,xc) studies • information on nuclear reaction mechanisms • experimental constraints for nuclear model calculations • design of nuclear facilities (e.g. ADS and fusion reactors) • gas production and subsequent embrittlement of materials • maybe interest in astrophysics (?)
WNR, Los Alamos R.C. Haight et al., Proc. Nuclear Data Conf., Gatlinburg 1994, pp.154
Detectors in the WNR set-up DE E, DE E c.p. low pressure proportional counter 5 cm Ø 25 torr Xe 10 torr Ar + 10% CO2 silicon 450 mm2 500 µm timing information CsI(Tl) 5 x 5 cm2 1 cm photodiode readout 10 m – 6x104 n/cm2/s/MeV / 5x5 cm2 – 1.5x106 n/MeV/s
Fe-56 (n,xa) s(En) S.M. Sterbenz et al., Proc. Nuclear Data Conf., Gatlinburg 1994, pp.314
Fe-56 (n,xa) ds/dW, ds/dE, d2s/dWdE S.M. Sterbenz et al., Proc. Nuclear Data Conf., Gatlinburg 1994, pp.314
Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron Louvain-la-Neuve
Detectors in the CRC set-up DE E c.p. NE102 plastic scintillator Ø 4 cm 100 µm timing information CsI(Tl) Ø 3.8 cm 2.2 cm photomultiplier 3.28 m – 105 n/cm2/s (2 MeV FWHM) / 6x6 cm2 ~ 106 n/MeV/s
Bi-209 (n,xc) / CRC, Louvain-la-Neuve 105 n/cm2/s, 6x6 cm2 Bi-209 (0.4 mm), En = 62.7 MeV, DEFWHM = 2 MeV E. Raeymackers et al., Nucl. Phys. A 726 (2003) 210
CsI pulse shape DE-E c.p. discr.
Bi-209 (n,xc) c = p, d, t, a s(En) Bi-209 (n,xc) c = p, d, t, a ds/dE En = 62.7 MeV E. Raeymackers et al., Nucl. Phys. A 726 (2003) 210
Al-27 (n,xp) d2s/dWdE En = 62.7 MeV S. Benck et al., PRC 58 (1998) 1558
Al-27 (n,xa) d2s/dWdE En = 62.7 MeV S. Benck et al., PRC 58 (1998) 1558
Fe-nat (n,xc) s(En) I. Slypen et al., J. Phys. G 30 (2004) 45
Fe-nat (n,xc) s(En) continued Differences attributed to contributions from below 15 MeV I. Slypen et al., J. Phys. G 30 (2004) 45
The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala MEDLEY Detector
Telescopes in the MEDLEY Detector E: CsI(Tl) 4 cm Ø 5 cm photomultiplier DE1: silicon 2.4 cm Ø 50-60 µm DE2: silicon 450 mm2 400-500 µm 10 m – 5x104 n/cm2/s (1 MeV FWHM) / Ø 8 cm ~ 1.2x106 n/MeV/s S. Dangtip et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 452 (2000) 484
Light charged particle discrimination S. Dangtip et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 452 (2000) 484
Fe-nat (n,xc) Pb-nat (n,xc) c = p, d, t, 3He, a ds/dE En = 96 MeV DEFWHM = 1 MeV V. Blideanu et al., Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 014607
Fe-nat (n,xc) Pb-nat (n,xc) c = p, d, t, 3He, a ds/dW En = 96 MeV V. Blideanu et al., Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 014607
Proposed layout for n_TOF scattering chamber with charged particle detectors beam monitor chamber fission detectors 1 MeV – 100+ MeV: detector events <1 – 3 µs after the g flash Proposed operation mode: in combination with fission detectors (perhaps also in combination with capture detectors possible?)
Possible layout of the scattering chamber Charged particle detector set-up for n_TOF sample Si-Si-CsI telescopes for light charged particle detection multiple telescopes per emission angle proton recoil telescopes for neutron beam monitoring Scattering chamber: pressure < 10-5 mbar
Comparison of neutron intensities • WNR 1.5x106 n/MeV/s • CRC ~106 n/MeV/s • TSL 1.2x106 n/MeV/s • n_TOF 2.7x106 n/7x1012 p, 1 MeV…100 MeV, fission collimator
per 7x1012 p in 4p solid angle Estimated reaction rates
per 3x1018 p in 1 detector of Ø 4 cm with 20 cm sample-detector distance Estimated detector events
Estimated events for Fe-56 (data from ENDF) per 3x1018 p in 4 detectors of Ø 4 cm with 20 cm sample-detector distance
What seems feasible? • production cross sections s(En) for (n,xc) • c = p, a, d • c = d, t, 3He • differential cross sections ds/dW, ds/dE • double differential cross sections ?