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Introduction to Afro-Brazilian Music

Introduction to Afro-Brazilian Music. Cultural/Ethnic Influences. Indigenous peoples Including Guarani, Tupi, Kayapo, Yanomami Portuguese (European) Other ethnicities: Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Japanese, Syrian/Lebanese African (mostly West-African) Including Bantu, Yoruba, Ewe.

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Introduction to Afro-Brazilian Music

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  1. Introduction to Afro-Brazilian Music

  2. Cultural/Ethnic Influences • Indigenous peoples • Including Guarani, Tupi, Kayapo, Yanomami • Portuguese (European) • Other ethnicities: Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Japanese, Syrian/Lebanese • African (mostly West-African) • Including Bantu, Yoruba, Ewe

  3. Slave Trade • 1538-1850: approx. 3.5 million slaves from Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, Congo, Mozambique (incl.Yoruba, Ewe, Fon). • 1850: slave trade abolished • 1871: Law of the Free Womb • 1888: Slavery abolished

  4. General Characteristics of West African/Afro-Brazilian Music • Dense textures • Interlock • Rhythmic complexity (polyrhythm) • Open-ended forms • Structure based on melodic/rhythmic ostinato patterns • Music is means of communal participation

  5. Candomblé

  6. Aspects of Candomblé • Afro-Brazilian religion (syncretic) • Worship of hierarchy of orixás: deities • Ceremonies: involves dancing, drumming, singing (in Yoruban), to invite orixás to manifest (spirit possession)

  7. Olorun (creator of the universe, sky father) Exú (gatekeeper; trickster god) Xango (warrior, god of thunder, fire) Iemenjá (goddess of sea; mother goddess) Orixas are related to each other Each has preferred foods, colors, symbols Each has distinct personality The Orixás

  8. Musical Characteristics of Candomblé • Musical characteristics: • Call and response • Polyrhythms • Open-ended forms • Specific rhythms for each orixá • Hierarchy of drums

  9. Instruments Used in Candomblé • Atabaque drums (set of three: Rum, Rum-Pi, Lê) • Agogô (double-headed cowbell) • Drums considered sacred: instruments must be baptised before use

  10. Candomblé Drumming • Three drums are in hierarchical relationship; directed by master drummer • Master drummer: oldest male initiate, lead singer, plays any drum he desires; responsible for facilitating spirit possession • Plays improvised patterns against rhythmic ostinato patterns of other drums

  11. Capoeira Afro-Brazilian art form combining music, dance and martial arts

  12. Capoeira • Instruments: • Berimbau: musical bow with shaker • Pandeiro: similar to tambourine, played with hands • Atabaque drums: similar to conga drums, played with hands • Agógô: double-headed cowbell, struck with stick

  13. Roda de Capoeira • Jogar = body play • Ginga = basic movement • Tocar = musical play • Lead berimbau plays “toques” (rhythmic patterns) • Directs course of the “game” • Brincar = verbal play (improvised song lyrics with stock refrains) • Malícia=cunning, trickery (ex. Benção)

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