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Get ready for the mid-term exam in Introduction to Latin America with this comprehensive study guide covering key topics and readings from weeks 1-5. Includes important figures, historical events, and comparative analysis questions.

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  1. STUDY GUIDE FOR MID-TERM LATI 50 Introduction to Latin America

  2. ABOUT THE MIDTERM (i) • Coverage: Weeks 1-5 • Grade share: 33% (without optional paper) • Format: closed-book exam (no electronic devices) • Date: Thursday, February 18 (note: changed from February 16) • Duration: 80 minutes (12:30-1:50 pm) • Bring blue books and writing materials

  3. ABOUT THE MIDTERM (ii) • Readings: • Modern Latin America, introduction + chapters 1-5, 9-10, 12-13 • MLA website, Documents 10, 15, 37, 39 • GarcíaMárquez, Chronicle of a Death Foretold • Videos: • “Builders of Images” (partial) • “The Garden of Forking Paths” (Argentina) • Class Notes: • Lectures 1-10 (outlines on-line)

  4. STUDY GUIDE (a) Identify and state the significance of: • Santiago Nasar • Bayardo San Román • Emiliano Zapata • EvitaPerón • The “boom” • ISI • César Augusto Sandino • Mestizaje • Platt Amendment • NAFTA • Bureaucratic-authoritarian regimes • Augusto Pinochet • Hispanidad

  5. STUDY GUIDE (b) • Compare the Spanish American path to independence with that of Brazil. What difference did it make? • How does Chronicle of a Death Foretold exemplify the phenomenon of “magical realism”? • Compare the Mexican Revolution with either (a) the Cuban Revolution, or (b) the revolution in Nicaragua. • Compare economic strategies in Chile and Argentina. • Describe Latin America’s patterns of democratization during the course of the twentieth century. What are the implications of these trends?

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