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Spring and Summer 2019 Test Set-Up Training Georgia Milestones Assessment System March 5 and 7

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Spring and Summer 2019 Test Set-Up Training Georgia Milestones Assessment System March 5 and 7

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  1. Spring and Summer 2019 Test Set-Up Training Georgia Milestones Assessment System March 5 and 7

  2. Participants • GaDOE • Sandy Greene, Ed.D., Director, Assessment Administration • Taiesha Adams, Ed.D., Assessment Specialist • Joe Blessing, Assessment Specialist • Robert McLeod, Ed.D., Assessment Specialist • Chris Shealy, Director, Technology Services • DRC • Anu Tummala, Program Management • Evan Gedlinske, Program Management • Missy Shealy, Program Management • Phil Peterson, Customer Care • Stuart Bowlus, Program Management 2

  3. All webinar recordings are available the day after the presentation. Click on the original registration link for any Assessment webinar to access the recording. March 5: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6369493241379414018   March 7: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1269746106010175746  This presentation file can be found at http://testing.gadoe.org Certificates are now sent from GoToWebinar after live training sessions. Those watching recordings will not receive a certificate. Webinars

  4. Quick Start Guides and Videos • Accommodations • Monitor Student Progress • Test Examiner Training • Report Delivery • Student Setup • Test Sessions  • Multiple Student Upload • Test Irregularity Form • User Setup • Test Examiner Training • Testing Irregularities • Student Test Tutorial • Technology-Enhanced Items • 3-5, 6-8, High School Found on the Georgia Milestones Presentations Page http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Presentations.aspx

  5. Agenda • Reminders • Key Dates • User administration • Assigning New Permissions • Additional Materials • Test Setup • Student Management • Test Sessions Management • Tracking Status 5

  6. Reminders – Manuals • The EOG and EOC tests have separate TAMs and Paper/Pencil Supplements. • The EOC Winter administration TAM is also the manual to be used for EOC Spring 2019 and EOC Summer 2019. • The EOG Spring administration TAM is also the manual to be used for EOG Summer Retest 2019. • The Paper/Pencil supplements are only available online for districts printing through eDIRECT or the GaDOE website. 6

  7. Reminders – Specifying Content • Specifying Content • As a way to preserve your COS Service Device’s space, new administrations’ content will not be automatically downloaded. • Before your testing window, please ensure the proper administrations and accommodations have been selected under the Content Management tab with your configuration(s). • After checking the appropriate boxes, click “Update Configuration.” • Content download times will vary depending on your site’s individual network speeds and ISP. • Once all content has been downloaded and your configuration is showing green, your students will be able to test. 7

  8. Reminders – Specifying Content 8

  9. Key Dates

  10. Key Dates – Preliminary Reporting • Important Note: Failure to follow protocols and/or notify GaDOE and DRC of local testing windows will impact (delay) reporting dates. • Enrollment Guide available on eDIRECT under General Information – Documents 10

  11. EOC Preliminary Reports for Spring Graduates • In eDIRECT check the Preliminary Reporting Timeline on the last page of Enrollment Guide Spring 2019underGeneral Information>Manuals • Please contact the GaDOE if there is concern about receiving senior EOC score reports prior to graduation

  12. Key Dates

  13. Assigning Permissions for New Administration 13

  14. User Administration, Edit 14

  15. User Administration, Edit 15

  16. Edit User, Permissions 16

  17. Edit User, Permissions 17

  18. Edit User, Permission Sets • System Test Coordinator • School Test Coordinator • School Technology Coordinator 18

  19. Edit User, Mass Assign Permissions 19

  20. eDIRECT Permissions • eDIRECT Permissions • Reference the Permissions Matrix in the eDIRECT User Guide • Each user will be assigned a set of permissions (district/school level), to allow the user to handle testing responsibilities • Assign those permissions to appropriate district- or school-level personnel that assist in trouble-shooting • Example, “Test Tickets - Unlock” permission 20

  21. Additional Materials 21

  22. Additional Materials 22

  23. Student Management 23

  24. Source Data Loaded to eDIRECT • PreID • Submitted to GaDOE through Data Collections • Data loaded to eDIRECT • All students have been placed into Online Test Sessions based on Course and Teacher • School staff should transcribe paper-pencil tests into an online form. • A do not score label should be placed on the paper document. • No pre-ID labels will be provided.  • Contact the district's assigned Assessment Specialist if it is believed student responses cannot be transcribed online. 24

  25. Students – Manage Students Must select a school in order to Add Student(s) 25

  26. Students – Add/View/Edit Student Detail 26

  27. Students – Add/View/Edit Accommodations • Step 1: Activate/Assign Accommodation Prior to Student Login Activate Accommodation and Form Prior to Student Use • IMPORTANT -- Be sure to enter accommodations beforeprinting test tickets! • Some accommodations require specific test forms, which are assigned when students are placed into test sessionsand reassigned when accommodations are entered. If you enter accommodations after printing test tickets, be sure to check if the password has been regenerated and reprint as needed. 27

  28. Students – Add/View/Edit Accommodations • Step 1: Activate/Assign Accommodation Prior to Student Login Assign Form Prior to Login for Transcribing – No Student Interaction Scribe (Transcription) assigned for students who test with standard paper test booklet • IMPORTANT -- Be sure to enter accommodations beforeprinting test tickets! • Some accommodations require specific test forms, which are assigned when students are placed into test sessionsand reassigned when accommodations are entered. If you enter accommodations after printing test tickets, be sure tocheck if the password has been regenerated and reprint as needed. 28

  29. Students – Add/View/Edit Accommodations • Step 2: Enter the Accommodations type and select the basis of the Accommodation Code accommodation type Determine basis of accommodation • IMPORTANT -- Be sure to enter accommodations beforeprinting test tickets! • Some accommodations require specific test forms, which are assigned when students are placed into test sessions • and reassigned when accommodations are entered. If you enter accommodations after printing test tickets, be sure to • check if the password has been regenerated and reprint as needed. 29

  30. Students – Add/View/Edit Demographics 30

  31. Students – Add/View/Edit Testing Codes EOC Only PTNA – Present, Test Not Attempted GaVS – Georgia Virtual School 31

  32. Students – Multiple Student Upload 32

  33. Students – Multiple Student Upload • Newly submitted records will be matched against existing records • based on System Code, Last Name, Date of Birth and GTID • Existing records will be updated with latest information • Students with teacher updates will be removed from existing test sessions and added to new test sessions if the students have not started testing • Online Indicator field should be set to "Y" • New records will be added to eDIRECT • Students should be placed into Online Test Sessions • Based on Course and Teacher • Recommended method for bulk changes to Test Session placement 33

  34. Students – Reminder! Be sure that any updates you make to students in eDIRECT (one-by-one or via Multiple Student Upload) are also made in your local student information system! 34

  35. Test Session Management 35

  36. Test Sessions • Can be used for grouping students for administration • Used for grouping students for reporting • Test session naming convention: • <Teacher Last Name>, <Teacher First Name> • When created by Pre-ID submission or Multiple Student upload • Example: JOHNSON, BRENDA • Session names can be edited through the end of the Test Setup window • Session name assigned at time of final reporting will be used to group reports • Will be unique by District, School, Assessment (grade and content area) • Do not need to test in physical location to which student is assigned • Account for students served in programs outside of the local school district (ex. GNETS) who are required to test but have scores report under the home school. 36

  37. Test Sessions – Paper Testers • Paper forms are available for those students who cannot access the online assessment due to their disability • Student responses from paper administrations should be transcribed into a corresponding online form; therefore, these students should be setup in online test sessions • For Pre-ID submissions and Multiple Student Uploads, verify the Online Indicator field is set to “Y” for all students • If for some reason a student’s response cannot be transcribed, contact your district Assessment Specialist for guidance 37

  38. Test Sessions 38

  39. Test Sessions – Add Test Session 39

  40. Test Sessions – View/Edit 40

  41. Test Sessions – Edit/Print Test Ticket Currently if a student submits prematurely from a test, the School or System Test Coordinator can unlock the test ticket to allow the student back in.  Use Print Selected to print individual tickets (or Print All to print all) 41

  42. Test Sessions – Export Student Details Session, Content Area and Assessment filters can be used to refine number of students exported Use the Export Student Detail button to export a CSV list of all students who are in a all test sessions currently listed (for a school) Use the Export Student Detail feature to export a CSV list of students who are in a specific test session. 42

  43. Test Sessions – Export Student Details • Export Student Details will provide a means to check testing codes and coding of accommodations 43

  44. Test Sessions – Test Tickets and Test Rosters Each Test Ticket contains the student’s username and password for the test session. Note that the student will have a separate Test Ticket for each section of the test. Test tickets will print one per page and can be used as a sheet of scratch paper. Usernames and passwords are NOT case sensitive If a student receives an accommodation, it will be noted here • The Student Test Roster contains a list of students and their: • usernames/ passwords • form numbers • assigned online accommodations Note that Username is always “Student First Initial – Student Last Name – Number” and Password is always “Four Character Word – Four Digit Number”, and are printed in ALL CAPS 44

  45. Tracking Status During Testing 45

  46. Tracking Status During Testing • eDIRECT provides a number of ways to help you track the progress of students in testing. • During online testing windows, we recommend checking the status daily and again once all planned testing is complete. 46

  47. Tracking Status During Testing • Pay special attention to students whose Status = “In Progress” • Could represent students who exited the test using “Pause/Exit” rather than “Review/End Test > End Test > Submit”. • “In Progress” tests are processed, scored and reported as Completed tests at the end of the state testing window only. • Ensure that any tests that require invalidation are coded correctly. 47

  48. Tracking Status During Testing • Log into eDIRECT • https://ga.drcedirect.com • From the top navigation pane, select Manage Test Sessions under the Test Management group. 48

  49. Tracking Status During Testing • Choose Administration > school (if required) > Status Summary Tab > Show Sessions • This shows all students who are in the system. 49

  50. Tracking Status During Testing • The Session Summary will show the total number of Sessions in Progress. • The Student Summary will show the number of Students in Progress for each course. 50

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