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PLENARY SESSION ON NEW EUROCITIES STRUCTURES Gijón, 30 September 2004. EUROCITIES NEW STRUCTURES. In 2003, EUROCITIES undertook the definition of new Strategic Objectives (adopted in Nov. 2003 during the EUROCITIES AGM in Porto)

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  2. EUROCITIES NEW STRUCTURES In 2003, EUROCITIES undertook the definition of new Strategic Objectives (adopted in Nov. 2003 during the EUROCITIES AGM in Porto) In 2004, these new Strategic Objectives constituted the basis for the definition of new EUROCITIES Structures aimed at: “enabling the organisation as a whole to reach its objectives in the most cost effective way, and make it a major interlocutor in the European Territorial Dialogue and on the wider international scene. “

  3. PROCESS • Year 2003 : Definition of EUROCITIES Strategic Objectives • EUROCITIES AGM 2003 : Approval of Strategic Objectives • Year 2004 : Discussion on new EUROCITIES Structures • EUROCITIES EXCOM Meeting 1st October 2004 in Lille • EUROCITIES AGM 2004 : Approval of EUROCITIES New Structures (Vienna, 13 Nov. 2004)

  4. TeleCities Steering Committee participation • TLC Presidency, Vice Presidency, past Presidency and Steering Committeehave actively participated to the discussion process in order to: • Ensure the priority level of Information Society within EUROCITIES • Ensure the continuity of the heterogeneous membership model of TeleCities • Guarantee the integrity of TeleCities in terms of brand and activities • Ensure the delivery of the same level of services to all members independently from the size of the city

  5. New EUROCITIES Structures (31st August 2004) The Executive Committee will set up Working Groups in the fields of: Governance and Dialogue-related issues, Research, European Neighbourhood Policy, Euromediterranean Cooperation, others 6 FORUMS FOR THEMATIC ACTIVITIES: • Social Affairs FORUM • Economic Development FORUM • Environment FORUM • Knowledge Society FORUM – TeleCities • Mobility FORUM – ACCESS • Culture FORUM

  6. Changes for TeleCities in terms of BRAND • Telecities, Sub network of EUROCITIES will become EUROCITIES Knowledge Society FORUM – TeleCities • TeleCities logo will not be used anymore and will be replaced by the new EUROCITIES logo in all publications • TeleCities website : www.telecities.org will be redirected to www.eurocities.org from which there will be an access to a section on the new Forums that will contain all the information on activities

  7. Changes in terms of DECISION MAKING PROCESS • Telecities President and Vice President will become theFORUM Chair and Vice chair • The FORUM Chair will submit the FORUM work programme to the EUROCITIES ExCom for approval • The FORUM Steering Committee will be composed of a Chair, a Vice Chair and Working Groups Chairs. It will be in charge of defining and developing the FORUM Annual Work Programme

  8. Changes in terms of MEMBERSHIP (I) • TeleCities members who are also members of EUROCITIES will remain EUROCITIES members • TeleCities members, not members of EUROCITIES will become EUROCITIES Associated partners (no voting right at the AGM) • Associated partners would be able to participate to the other EUROCITIES FORUMS within the limit of 10% of the total of members participating to the FORUM • New applications from cities, non-eligible for EUROCITIES, will be submitted to the decision of the EUROCITIES ExCom

  9. Changes in terms of MEMBERSHIP (II) • TeleCities Business members will become EUROCITIES Associated Business partners • FEES : • EUROCITIES members: EUROCITIES fee (15 000 euros) • Cities (> 50 000 inhab.): 4 000 euros (=) • Cities (< 50 000 inhab.): 4 000 euros (2004: 2 000 euros) • Business members: 10 000 euros • Other organisations: 4 000 euros

  10. Changes in terms of BUDGET • TeleCities Budget will be merged into EUROCITIES’ one • Incomes from EUROCITIES Associated partners will go the overall EUROCITIES budget • Fundings from EU Projects will go to the EUROCITIES overall budget and will be used for projects activities

  11. Changes in terms of STAFF • In 2003, TeleCities Co-ordination Office was composed of 3 staff (1 manager + 2 officers) • The new EUROCITIES Knowledge Society FORUM will be supported by 1 full-time Policy Officer • The new EUROCITIES Communication Department will support the communication activities of the FORUM (website, newsbrief) • The work on EU projects will be done by Project officer(s) paid by project funding

  12. Changes in terms of ACTIVITIES • EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum will continue to develop its current activities (Conferences and Working Groups) within its possibilities in terms of staff and budget • To ensure continuity, the current Steering Committee of TeleCities (composed by 1 city/EU country + former president) will become the Forum Advisory Board

  13. TeleCities Steering Committee proposals • The new Forum has to be able to offer content specific services based on the demands of the members of the EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum – TeleCities • In order to allow the Forum to achieve these objectives, a number of organisational and financial mechanisms should be set up • Associated partners should not be limited to any percentage, but admitted rather on the basis of their committment and quality of contribution to the objectives of the EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum – TeleCities. • The new Forum should take advantage of the recognition and strength of the existing brand name, logo, web presence (domain and features) of TeleCities, and use it as part of the EUROCITIES concept.

  14. Next actions EUROCITIES EXCOM Meeting 1st October 2004 in Lille EUROCITIES AGM 2004 : Approval of EUROCITIES New Structures (Vienna, 13 Nov. 2004) • Send letter from the Steering Committee to the Mayors, members of the EUROCITIES EXCOM • Lobbying EXCOM Members • Consider alternative options

  15. CONCLUSIONS Thanks to the commitment and active participation of its members, the new FORUM TeleCities will continue to be the referent at European level for the development of Information Society in European Cities The final approval of these new structures will take place in Vienna on 13 November 2004 during the EUROCITIES AGM Thank you for your attention! Comments and Questions are welcome!

  16. Comments • Strength of TeleCities position  strong lobbying • Focus on the achievements made • Money raised by TeleCities should be used by TeleCities • Work together with ExCom • 10% ceiling is unacceptable • Valuing our history, keeping our brand (name and logo) • Support to actions proposed by Steering Committee • Nodoby tried to sell this new concept to small cities

  17. Comments • why small cities should accept this new structure implying a decrease in services provided? • what if TeleCities proposals are rejected? What actions can be taken? • Raise ceiling for small cities • what can small cities get from the new structures? What’s in there for them? • If the structures go through, a number of small cities may set up a “network of excellence”, an EEIG or another kind of network

  18. Comments (3) • Get EUROCITIES cities to decide on the structures  they won’t kill TeleCities off • How are these new structures going to be implemented? • If structures go through, smaller cities may go independent and set up another network • How can we make sure that our requests are accepted by ExCom? • Is the SC in touch with EC officials about this debate?

  19. Comments (4) • Lobbying actions towards ExCom and European Commission • More transparency is needed in the whole process (e.g. ExCom minutes) • 10% ceiling and increased fees  small cities are not welcome • What’s SC vision of TeleCities projects, strategy for the future of the network? • Involvement of small cities in the process • What about an alternative proposal?

  20. CONCLUSIONS The Steering Committee need the support from the members to continue the process and intensivate actions until the AGM taking place in Vienna in November Don’t hesistate to contact the steering committee members during this conference with your ideas and feedback! Thank you very much!

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