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MEET THE HIGHLANDERS. Coach Nash Coach Fromme Coach Williams Coach Phelps. Our Coaches Head Coach- Coach Skinner. Coach Lilley Coach Johnson Coach Hays Coach Goree Coach Rozelle. Get involved with the TWHS Quarterback Club
Coach Nash Coach Fromme Coach Williams Coach Phelps Our CoachesHead Coach- Coach Skinner • Coach Lilley • Coach Johnson • Coach Hays • Coach Goree • Coach Rozelle
Get involved with the TWHS Quarterback Club Help with the Games- Scoreboard, concession stand, announce, etc. One Team – One Goal
Excellence! • McCullough Junior High has 11 teams: • We expect to win! • We expect the players to work hard!
Expectations • We expect excellence in the classroom. • No pass, no play! • The players are expected to live at a higher standard (i.e. – yes sir, no sir) • They are always considered athletes no matter where they go • Athletics is a privilege
Rules • FAILURE TO COMPLY COULD RESULT IN SUSPENSION OR DISMISSAL • You must meet U.I.L. requirements for participation as well as standards established by CISD to be eligible. • Use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco could result in suspension from the team. Repeat offenders are subject to dismissal from the team. • Players are to be neat and well groomed. Hair must also be neat and well groomed so as not to cause a problem wearing a helmet. The coach will have the final decision as to whether or not the length and style causes a problem. No dying of hair. • Earrings are not to be worn at school or while representing the school. No jewelry (necklace, rings, bracelets) during practice. • Players who must miss due to illness or emergency MUST notify their coach as well as the grade level office. All players will make up work missed at practice at the appropriate time. Excessive absences could result in suspension or dismissal. Players will practice unless an excuse note is written by parent, doctor, or school nurse.
Players must be in athletic period in order to be properly prepared. Exceptions could be made with pre-arranged approval in extraordinary situations from the head coach and student’s counselor. • Conduct in class as well as at other school activities will be monitored and players are expected to be leaders in this area as well. Conduct problems will be addressed and dealt with by the coaches in the form of counseling, extra work and/or punishment or dismissal. • Players are responsible for all equipment issued to them. They are also to respect other people’s equipment and property. Stealing (borrowing without permission) will not be tolerated and could result in dismissal from the team. • Disrespect for coaches, officials or school personnel will not be allowed. This includes actions, language or attitude. Communication between the coach and players as well as parents is essential if a problem exists. • The coach will make the final decision on whether a young man will be allowed to maintain his status as a member of the football team. The decision is based upon consideration of all of the listed policies. • Students are to leave for and return from contests with the team. No exceptions are to be made. They are required to ride the bus to the contest and then ride the bus back to the school. No parents are allowed to pick up their athlete at an event.
Practice • 7th Grade – Before school; practice starts at 7:00 A.M. • - Locker room opens at 6:30 A.M. • 8th Grade – After school; practice ends at 5:30 P.M. • Monday – Friday; until games start • When games start, no practice on game days (usually Monday and Tuesday) • Friday after school practice ends early, depending on where the Varsity football team plays (Coaches have responsibilities) • If we have school, then we have practice. • Please GET ON QBC EMAIL
Concerns • Asthma and/or Diabetes any Allergies – LET US KNOW please make sure the coaches AND the nurse have an inhaler for your child • Plenty of Water • Parents are welcomed to watch practice (please check in at front office) • If there seem to be any concerns or problems, feel free to contact your child’s coach, or Coach Skinner.
FAQ’s • Will there be early morning practice after season? No • Do the players have to ride bus after game? Yes • Can students play other sports and football? Yes • Do the students have to shower after practice? Yes • After the season do the students have to do off season? Yes
FAQ’s Cont. • Can the students eat breakfast? Yes • Can parents bring food on game days? Yes. Sign up with Jason's Deli • If student fails, do they still have to come to practice? Yes • Can parents come watch practice? Yes • Where do parents pick up and drop off players? West Side of school near practice fields.
Information • Parents wishing their child to have food on game days can bring food and give it to him/her before or after their child’s game. The coaches encourage their players to bring food to school that they can take to the game • Game can be cancelled at any time (I.e. weather) We will try to cancel the games as early as possible. Plan to Play • Please get on email list
Information Continued • McCullough has no control on whether or not we play games that are played at other schools. • If games are cancelled early, then an email will be sent out. Please sign up for Parent Home Access Center at www.conroeisd.net to get on school email list • Sign up for QBC list on Athletic WebSite
Information continued • This year McCullough has 11 teams. Six in 7th grade and five in 8th. Teams have been split to optimize student playing time and make our teams competitive. • Since there are 11 teams, please know what team your child is on and who his coach is. • McCullough’s teams are named after their coach. This should cut down on confusion.
Information Continued • If you have a question or concern about anything with football or your son’s team, go to the coach first- all coach’s names, pictures and email links are at athletic page • Parents will be required to pay a fee to get into games. • The team that plays on the first game will stay and watch the 2nd game until half time. • After games please promptly pick your child up from the school. Please park in the parking lot
Information Continued • At the games, please stay in the stands. Please stay off the rail and have your kids stay off the rail so others can see the game. • Please limit the number of sodas your child drinks. Please encourage them to drink plenty of water. • Please encourage your child to eat breakfast. The cafeteria will provide breakfast during football season on red days. Students can purchase food or brink some from home.