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ETPGAH UK Mirror Group. Progress report. Phil Sketchley - Chief Executive National Office of Animal Health Ltd. UK Mirror Group. Structure and functioning (stakeholders, chair, secretariat, meetings, etc.) Action plan and selection of priorities Communication at national level
ETPGAH UK Mirror Group Progress report Phil Sketchley - Chief Executive National Office of Animal Health Ltd
UK Mirror Group • Structure and functioning (stakeholders, chair, secretariat, meetings, etc.) • Action plan and selection of priorities • Communication at national level • Directing national funding • Work programme for 2008
Structure of UK Mirror Group • Secretariat: VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) • Professor Steve Dean – Chief Executive • Dr Jack Kay – VMD-R&D and Science Policy Manager • Gemma Adams – secretary • Chair: Phil Sketchley - NOAH – National Office of Animal Health – representing UK animal medicines industry. • Current stakeholders: • Professor Quintin McKellar - Dean RVC- Royal Vet College • Professor Julie FitzPatrick - Chief Executive, Moredun Research Institute. • Dr John Preston MRCVS – VMD Board. • Catherine McLaughlin – Animal Health and Welfare, National Farmers Union, • Dr Alex Morrow – Defra Animal Health and Welfare and Eurogap. • Professor Jim Scudamore – Liverpool Vet School & ETPGAH consultant. • Invitation to CVO (vacant)
Progress of UK Mirror Group • 2 meetings held so far –hosted by Defra • July 2007 and Jan 2008 • Key Actions @ first meeting: ESTABLISHING GAPS in Research • To assist in developing a common priority list, it was agreed each member would submit details of their perceived priorities: • 7 most important exotic diseases • 7 most important endemic diseases • 7 most important zoonotic diseases • 7 most important products for treatment • 7 most important areas for further research
Avian influenza Foot and Mouth Blue tongue disease Newcastle disease Veterinary Laboratories Agency; Institute for Animal Health, Compton; Centre for Infections, Health Protection Agency Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Veterinary Laboratories Agency; Scottish Agricultural College Disease UK groups with expertise Exotic Diseases Priorities
Mastitis (multi-agent) Tuberculosis (and diagnostic tuberculins) Parasitic gastroenteritis Lameness University of Bristol; Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Moredun, AFBI Stormont, Imperial College; Institute for Animal Health, Compton Moredun Research Institute University of Bristol; Royal Veterinary College; University of Liverpool; Scottish Agricultural College; University of Bristol Endemic Diseases Priorities Disease UK groups with expertise
VTEC 0157 Campylobacter Salmonella Antimicrobial resistance Veterinary Laboratories Agency; Health Protection Agency; University of Edinburgh; Imperial College Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Institute for Animal Health, Compton; University of Bristol; University of Cambridge; University of Nottingham; University of Oxford Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Institute for Animal Health, Compton; Institute of Food Research, Norwich; University of Bristol; University of Cambridge; University of Nottingham Veterinary Laboratories Agency; University of Birmingham; Health Protection Agency; University of Bristol; Royal Veterinary College Disease UK groups with expertise Zoonotic Disease Priorities
West Nile Fever Echinococcus multilocularis Classical swine fever African Horse Sickness Leishmaniasis (via PETS) Heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) Fascioloiasis Anthrax Cryptosporidiosis Toxoplasmosis Leptospirosis Toxoplasmosis Sheep scab African Swine Fever Bovine viral diarrhoea Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Tick-borne diseases Necrotic enteritis Infectious bronchitis Gumboro & Mareks Brachyspira Neospora Others?
Cat Flu (emerging virulent strains and novel approaches to control) Border’s disease Strangles Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Mycoplasma Feline Infectious Peritonitis Myxomatosis Angiostrongylus vasorum E. Cuniculli Pasterellosis (rabbits) Rabies Nosema ceranae infestation Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis Porcine Multisystemic Wasting disease (PMWS) pigs Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathies Caseous Lymphadenitis (sheep) Clostridium botulinum ANNEX: ADDITIONAL DISEASES AND ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO UK TO BE KEPT UNDER REVIEW
Infectious pancreatic disease (IPN) salmon Bovine abortion Bovine respiratory disease Swine respiratory disease Poultry coccidiosis/ colisepticaemia Varroa destructor infestation Digitial Dermatitis Neopspora vaccine Anthelmintic resistance (sheep mainly) Caseous Lymphadenitis (sheep) RabiesOrf/ringworm Listeriosis Lyme Borreliosis Blackhead (turkeys) Bee products – Small Hive Beetle, etc. Anticancer medicines for companion animals Antibiotic to treat nosema (both apis and ceranae forms) Fish infectious diseases and issues (e.g. ERM, PKD, sea lice) ANNEX: ADDITIONAL DISEASES AND ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO UK TO BE KEPT UNDER REVIEW
Anthelmintics (new mode of action chemical family and vaccines) Alternatives to animal challenge tests for vaccines DIVA vaccines Risk based methodology for re-testing veterinary vaccines DNA vaccines Coccidiosis Chlamydiosis Equine viruses Brucellosis Ruminant respiratory viruses TSEs ANNEX: ADDITIONAL DISEASES AND ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO UK TO BE KEPT UNDER REVIEW
Centres of expertise for collaboration with UK Mirror Group-summary • Institute for Animal Health (Pirbright) - FMD, Bluetongue • Institute for Animal Health (Compton) - Salmonella, Campylobacter, Mareks Disease, Coccidiosis • VLA (veterinary Laboratories Agency) - TB, Rabies, AI • Moredun - Parasitic gastroenteritis, Chlamydiosis, ParaTB • University of Bristol - Campylobacter, Salmonella • University of Cambridge - Salmonella, Campylobacter • RVC - influenza (epi), Lameness, Antimicrobial resistance. • AHT (Animal Health Trust) - equine viruses • Stormont - Brucellosis, ruminant respiratory viruses
Communication at national level • So far just within immediate group • Now we intend to embrace a larger audience of research establishments
Directing national funding • No specific actions initiated yet. • This will be addressed at our next meeting in April • Also to determine a detailed work programme after identifying collaboration with other national mirror groups