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The World: 600 -1450

The World: 600 -1450. Expanding Communities. Demographic and Environmental Changes. Nomadic Migrations Vikings Turks Aztecs Mongols Arabs Predict the impact of these movements. Demographic and Environmental Changes. Migration of Agricultural Peoples Bantu migrations

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The World: 600 -1450

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  1. The World: 600 -1450 Expanding Communities

  2. Demographic and Environmental Changes • Nomadic Migrations Vikings Turks Aztecs Mongols Arabs Predict the impact of these movements.

  3. Demographic and Environmental Changes • Migration of Agricultural Peoples Bantu migrations Europeans to Eastern and Central Europe • Consequences of Disease For ex. Black Plague 1348 • Growth and Role of Cities Urbanization How much of this demonstrates continuity?

  4. Mediterranean trade circuit Silk Routes IndianOcean Trans-Saharan Trade Trans-American circuits Religious connections: missionaries, inter-religious contact Impact of Mongols Inter-regional networks and Contacts

  5. Mediterranean Circuits

  6. Silk Routes

  7. Indian Ocean

  8. Trans-Saharan Trade

  9. Trans-American trade

  10. Religious Connections

  11. Impact of Mongols: Blessing or a Curse

  12. China: Internal and External Expansion • Tang Dynasty Technological innovations: compass, paper, gunpowder etc. Influence on Japan Footbinding, Neo-Confucianism • Song Dynasty All the makings of an industrial revolution • Early Ming Zheng He voyages, eunochs and nomadic threats

  13. Islamic World: Dar al-Islam • Expanding cultural, economic and political influence Al-Andalus/ Islamic Spain North and West Africa Indian Ocean: East Africa, India, SE Asia • Technological accomplishments: astrolabe, algebra, philosophy, cartography…

  14. Al-Andalus

  15. Islamic World: Sample Comparisons • Compare Islam to Christianity • Compare Islamic contacts with Europe and with Africa • Crusades- points of view compared • Compare gender changes • Compare support/ patronage of arts and sciences

  16. Europe • Break in eastern and Western Christendom: political significance? • Religious schisms compared: Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism Sunni/ Shiite in Islam

  17. Europe • Restructuring of institutions Role of religion: Papacy, Crusades, architecture and education Development of feudalism Comparison of feudalism in Europe and Japan Increasing importance of monarchy over church

  18. Amer-Indian World • Migrations over the Bering Strait at least 10,000 years ago. • Northern America: Cahokia • Southwest: Hohokam • Meso-America; Olmecs, Maya, Toltec (Aztec) • South America: Nazca, Moche, (Inca)

  19. Sub-Saharan Africa • West African kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, Songhay • East African city states: Axum, Kilwa, Mombasa • Southern Africa: Great Zimbabwe • Contacts with Islamic World, Indian Ocean world, and within Africa • Role of Trade, Education and Religion

  20. Questions we will focus on: • Was there a world economic network in this time period? • How did gender roles change? • How can material culture and urban history help us to understand early societies?

  21. Conclusions • Examples of continuity? • Examples of change? Think about new and old players. Similar patterns and trends: demographic, social and cultural, technological. New avenues of intersection.

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