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LEADING FOR TODAY’S LEARNERS. Public Schooling Begins. students are ‘processed’ in ‘ batches ’ (year groups) all ‘processed’ at the same rate pre-set curriculum ‘delivered’ to all in ‘bite-sized’ pieces in a pre-set order. Public Schooling: Addressing The Times.

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  2. Public Schooling Begins • students are ‘processed’ in ‘batches’ (year groups) • all ‘processed’ at the same rate • pre-set curriculum ‘delivered’ to all in ‘bite-sized’ pieces in a pre-set order

  3. Public Schooling:Addressing The Times • aim is to produce a standardized, quality ‘product’ • ‘products’ easily sorted according whether or not they meet the quality control standards

  4. THE ‘PRODUCTION LINE’ MODEL One Size Fits All • the traditional academic curriculum is the quality control mechanism -- used to sort students • many are rejected - and allowed to drop off the production line

  5. For most of the 20th century this seemed OK to most people • System gave everyone ‘the basics’ (basic skills) • Post-secondary education rationed to those with ability • Very low unemployment • Plenty of low-skill jobs for the production line’s rejects… THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE

  6. The World Has Changed Unprecedented flow of: Private capital Ideas Technology Goods Services


  8. Understanding 21st Century World CHANGES IN THE WORK PLACE: What does the knowledge society mean? • All Students: there is no such thing as unskilled work! • skills for work, citizenship, and college readiness are now essentially the same

  9. Changing the way we live, the way we produce things, the way we communicate, the way we learn

  10. Understanding 21st Century World New Competencies: most work today requires competencies (skills, knowledge & dispositions) we don’t know how to assess or teach to all students • Learning how to learn • Problem solving • Teamwork Requiring

  11. Skills For Industrial Age • Punctuality • Following instructions • Recognizing the authority of the supervisor • Working on monotonous tasks for a long period of time

  12. 21st Century Skills Digital-Age Literacy * Basic, scientific, economic, and technological literacies * Visual and information literacies * Multicultural literacy and global awareness Inventive Thinking * Adaptability and managing complexity * Self-direction * Curiosity, creativity, and risk taking * Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning Effective Communication * Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills * Personal, social, and civic responsibility * Interactive communication High Productivity * Prioritizing, planning, and managing for results * Effective use of real-world tools * Ability to produce relevant, high-quality products http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skill21.htm

  13. Knowledge In Today’s World • is a process, not a ‘thing’ • does things • happens in teams, between people, not in individual ‘experts’ • can’t be ‘codified’ into ‘disciplines’ • develops on an as-and-when needed basis • develops to be replaced, not stored.

  14. CHANGES IN OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE LEARNING PROCESS • How People Learn (new findings from the Learning Sciences) • Universal Design For Learning • Exponential growth of information: Memorizing facts versus Learning how to find, use, and apply knowledge (what you know and what you do with what you know matters)

  15. LEARNING • involves generating knowledge not storing it • is primarily a group - not an individual - activity

  16. Happens in Real World Contexts

  17. Should be ‘just-in-time’ not ‘just-in-case’

  18. needs to be à la carte, not en bloc.

  19. Minds • Are not containers • OR • Filing cabinets • To • Store Knowledge • “Just In Case”

  20. MINDS are RESOURCES that can be CONNECTED to other resources in order to GENERATE NEW KNOWLEDGE http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=9853

  21. Technology has a large role to play in 21st century schools. Technology, alone cannot drive reform.

  22. TECHNOLOGIES FOR LEARNING Metiri Group, http://www.metiri.com/Solutions/RangeOfUse.htm

  23. What you do with what you know 21st Century 20th Century What you know YOU


  25. Projects Loose set of activities Supplements the curriculum Thematic Broad summative assessments No management structure Problem/Project Based Learning Inquiry-based. Use Thought Provoking Question as a focus. Part of the curriculum Focused Aligns specified outcomes with assessment for learning Uses project management tools to structure learning “Projects” vs. Project/Problem Based Learning

  26. Boring…. • “The subjects they teach in school are incredibly boring, it’s just dried up cardboard, it doesn’t have any taste or flavor of what really happens.” (student, Trying to Learn, 2003, http://www.teachers.ab.ca/Quick+Links/Publications/Other+Publications/Trying+to+Teach+Trying+to+Learn+Listening+to+Students/) (YIT, 2002)

  27. Does Inquiry Impact Student Achievement on Standardized Examinations? Gap Analysis Percentage of Gap Subject & Grade

  28. Low Quality Authentic Instruction (1sd below mean Average Quality Authentic Instruction (mean) High Quality Authentic Instruction (1sd above mean) High School Mathematics and Science Conventional Achievement GainsAccording to Levels of Authentic Instruction1000 schools (NELS Survey) Science Mathematics 4.5 10 4 9 3.5 8 3 7 6 Gains in Achievement 2.5 Gains in Achievement 5 2 4 1.5 3 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 Grades 8 to 10 Grades 10 to 12 Grades 8 to 10 Grades 10 to 12 Source: Lee, Smith & Croninger (1995, 1997), cited in Newmann & Wehlage (1995)

  29. High Socioeconomic Status Students Low Socioeconomic Status Students High School Authentic Instruction and Conventional Achievementfor Low and High Socioeconomic Students High Authentic Instruction School 27 25 23 Science Score (IRT Scale) 21 19 17 15 8th Grade 10th Grade 12th Grade Source: Based on Lee, & Smith (1994, 1995); Lee, Smith & Croninger (1995,1997), Newmann & Wehlage (1995)

  30. Evidence of Learning in the 21st century classroom

  31. Evidence of Learning in the 21st century classroom

  32. Change: What Does It Take?

  33. Strong Principal Leadership is Essential The average correlation between principal leadership behavior and school achievement is .25 which means…. a one standard deviation increase in principal leadership is associated with a 10 percentile point gain in school achievement. Marzano, 2006

  34. Leadership for Incremental Change • Emphasize relationships • Establish strong lines of communication • Be an advocate for the school • Provide resources • Maintain visibility • Protect teachers from distractions • Create culture of collaboration • Look for and celebrate successes Marzano, 2006

  35. Leadership for Second Order Change • Develop a shared vision • Shake up the status quo • Expect some things to seem worse • Propose new ideas • Base decisions on evidence • Tolerate ambiguity and dissent • Talk research and theory • Provide feedback on instruction • Create explicit goals for change • Define success in terms of goals Marzano, 2006

  36. Average School, Average Teacher Marzano, 2006

  37. Highly Ineffective School, Highly Ineffective Teacher Marzano, 2006

  38. Highly Effective School, Highly Ineffective Teacher Marzano, 2006

  39. Highly Ineffective School, Highly Effective Teacher Marzano, 2006

  40. Highly Effective School, Highly Effective Teacher Marzano, 2006

  41. Highly Effective School, Average Teacher Marzano, 2006

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