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WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINING WATER USE PURPOSES IN West Java province. Presented in Workshop Urban Management, ITB Bandung, 3 March 2011 By : Dr. Ir. Suardi Natasaputra. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SERVICES WEST JAVA PROVINCE. Indonesia. Topics.
WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINING WATER USE PURPOSES IN West Java province Presented in Workshop Urban Management, ITB Bandung, 3 March 2011 By : Dr. Ir. SuardiNatasaputra WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SERVICES WEST JAVA PROVINCE Indonesia
Topics • General Information of West Java Province • Problems and related with climate change • Development Strategies • Conclusion and Recommendation for Research
WEST JAVA PROVINCE Area : 37,060.4 km2 Adm regions: 17 regencies, and 9 municipalities Population (2007): ± 41.5 million peoples
River Basin WS. Citarum WS. CiliwungCisadane WS. CimanukCisanggarung WS. Citanduy WS. CisadeaCibareno Water Resources Development and Management based on the River Basin WS. CiwulanCilaki
Potential of Surface Water Available and Catchment Area in 6 River Basins
Irrigation Area in West Java Large schemes Rural irrigation (small schemes) Irrigation area 9
WATER RESOURCES UTILIZATION MODEL WATER RESOURCES UTILIZATION Catchment Area • Agriculture • Domestic • Municipal • Industry Infrastructure Lake River Head Works Irrigation & marshland Irrigation Land Low land sea Municipal Groundwater pump 10 Supply Distribution Demand
Problems and Related with Climate Change Existing Problems Impact of Climate Change (source: Ludwig. F, and Marcus Moench) On flood & drought: Higher variability of rainfall, Extreme rainfall occur more often, Less rainfall and increase evaporation, reduced stream flow. Very little research on the impacts of climate change on groundwater, uncertain impact. Variability of rainfall will affect recharge rates. • Flood & drought, due to: • Hydrology Environmental Degradation of the basins, • Higher rainfall intensity • Longer rainfall period • Lead to increase runoff, less infiltration rate. • Groundwater degradation: • Uncontrolled water discharge • Less infiltration rate • Reduce groundwater level, lead to reduce base flow
Problems and Related with Climate Change • Existing Problems • Impact of Climate Change • (source: Ludwig. F, and Marcus Moench) • Water quality degradation: • Waste water pollutant from domestic & industries • Garbage • High sediment content • Lead to high cost of WTP • Coastal erosion (abrasion): • Environmental degradation destroying mangrove tree • High ocean wave • Lack of treatment structures • Water quality and health: • Higher temperature of surface water will increase algal blooms, microbial activity and bacterial population. • Lack of proper sanitation, warmer climate will increase the risks of water-borne diseases. • Global warming will cause significant melting of glaciers, which will increase sea levels. 13
FLOOD POTENTIALAREAS • IN WEST JAVA Kab.Karawang 11.060 Ha Kab.Indramayu 16.119 Ha Kab.Bekasi 7.226 Ha Kab.Subang 2.710 Ha Kota Tasikmalaya 10 Ha Kab.Bandung 2.701 Ha Kab.Tasikmalaya 70,50 Ha
2000: 6.178.955 Jiwa 2005: 6.923.900 Jiwa 2009: 7.073.527 Jiwa* 2010: 7.867.006 Jiwa 2015: 9.107.259 Jiwa 2020: 10.190.304 Jiwa 2025: 11.382.200 Jiwa *Data Jawa Barat DalamAngka 2009, BPS Future problem Land-use change due to urbanization needs more water supply Source: Brinkman J.J, Deltares 2011
Climate Change - Trend analysis annual rainfall in Bandung basin, Period 1879-2007 Source: Brinkman J.J, Deltares 2011
Climate Change - Trend analysis average seasonal discharge in Nanjung Citarum basin, Period 1997-2010 Impact of climate change ?
Climate Change - Trend analysis average seasonal dischage in Tomo Cimanuk basin, Period 1999-2010 Impact of climate change ?
Climate Change - Trend analysis average seasonal discharge in Tegal Datar Cimandiri basin, Period 1999-2010 Impact of climate change ?
Water Resources Management VISION: Optimal services, equitable and sustainable. Grand Strategies: • Irrigation service development, in order to support the national food production. • Raw water capacity development for domestic, municipal and industries, in order to support the health of community and regional economic development. • Water conservation and flood management, in order to increase the environmental quality and productive territory development. • Information system development, in order to increase the empowerment and community participation in the water resources management.
Improvement of Irrigation Management Performance • Improve efficiency: • At the farm level: improve cropping pattern, crop type, water allocation procedure, and System of Rice Intensification (SRI). • At the networks level reduce losses by: Rehabilitation, canal lining, flow control system. • At the basin level, concept of reuse water. • Deliver water to the farmers on right quantity and right time improveservice agreement, and water allocation system. • Ease operation and reduced cost of O&M 21 21
Measure Strategies of the Raw Water Capacity Development • Rehabilitation of the existing small lake (total identified is about 620) • Construction of Jatigede Reservoir (On going project) • The development of small reservoirs in the upstream of the river basin. • The development of field reservoir or canal storage in the downstream of the river basin.
Water Conservation and Flood Control Management • Watershed Management, to increase base flow and to reduce peak flood and erosion rate. • Land-use Regulation, to ensure that communities are not allowed to develop on flood plain • Flood control structure • Mitigation, to reduce the effect of flood disaster on communities: • warning system, • Strengthening buildings to be more resistant against flood • Changing crop cycle and cropping patent • Economic diversification • Food storage programs 23
RESERVOIRS (DAMS) LOCATION PLAN SADAWARNA Dam CIMETA Dam CIKAPUNDUNG Dam CIPANAS SAAT Dam 1. Volume : 970.000 M3 2. Inundation area : 10,80 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab Bandung,, Flood Retention, and Irrigation 4. Status : DED 2006 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 147,5 Billion 1. Volume : 350.000 M3 2. Inundation area : 31 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab. Bandung, Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : DED 2004 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 25,5 Billion 1. Volume : 13,5 Juta M3 2. Inundation area : 230 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab. Subang Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : Sertifikasi (2009) 5. Cost of Const. Rp. 225 Billion 1. Volume : 1,4 Juta M3 2. Inundation area : 48,24 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kertajati Aerocity., Flood Retention and Irrigation. 4. Status : DED (2007) 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 50 Billion. CIWIDEY Dam 1. Volume : 1,18 Juta M3 2. Inundation area : 10,16 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab/ Kota Bandung,-Cimahi, Irrigation, and Flood Retention 4. Status : DED 2005 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 72 Billion WS Cidanau-Ciujung-Cidurian-Cisadane-Ciliwung-Citarum WS Cimanuk-Cisanggarung CITEPUS Dam PROPOSED OF KERTAJATI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LOCATION 1. Volume : 696.000M3 2. Inundation area : 6,74 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Pelabuhan Ratu Sub District, Flood Retention and Irrigation 4. Status : Sertifikasi (2009) 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 60 Billion WS Cisadea-Cibareno SENTOSA Dam 1. Volume : 10.000.000 M3 2. Inundation area : 42,5 ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab./Kota Bandung,Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : DED (2007), Re-DED 2009 by BBWS 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 750 Billion. SUKAWANA Dam 1. Volume : 719.000 M3 2. Inundation area : 16,08 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Bandung / Cimahi, Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : DED (2004) 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 113,5 Billion WS Ciwulan-Cilaki CITARIK Dam WS Citanduy 1. Volume : 340.000 M3 2. Inundation area : 11,19 Ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kab./Kota Bandung, Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : DED (2004) 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 61,71 Billion SUKAHURIP Dam 1. Volume : 2.037.025 M3 2. Inundation area : 13,82 ha. 3. Water Use : DMI for Kec..Pangandaran,,Flood Retention and Irrigation, 4. Status : DED (2007) 5. Cost of Const. : Rp. 113,5 Billion.
THE WATER SOURCES POTENTIAL SCHEME FOR BANDUNG AREA Plan of Sukawana Dam Volume = 718.770 m3 Inundation = 40,70 Ha Status = DED 2004 Const. Cost = Rp. 105.932.680.000,- • Rencana 5 Wdk Kecil • Plan of Cikapundung Dam • Volume = 319.000 m3 • Inundation = 15,29 Ha • Status =DED 2004 • Const. Cost = Rp.,- • WdkCiawiruka • Status = Identifikasi • Cipanengah 1, 2 dan 3. • Status = Identifikasi Plan of Cimeta Dam Volume = 970.288 m3 Inundation = 10,80 Ha Status = DED 2006 Const. Cost = Rp. 178.393.567.000,- S. Cimeta S. Cimahi S. Citarik S. Juanda S. Citarum S. Cirata Plan of Citarik Dam Volume = 307.468 m3 Inundation = 37,63 Ha Status = DED 2004 Const. Cost = Rp.90.346.303.000,- S. Cikapundung S. Saguling WESTERN OF BANDUNG Plan of Ciwidey Dam Volume = 743.000 m3 Inundation = 7,53 Ha Status =DED 2005 Const. Cost = Rp. 95.678.000.000,- BANDUNG CITY EASTERN OF BANDUNG Plan of Cibatarua Dam Volume = 1 Juta m3 Inundation = 7 Ha Status = DED 2005 (APBN) Const. Cost = Rp. 750.000.000,000,- (included Santosa Dam) SOUTHERN OF BANDUNG S. Ciwidey S. Cisangkuy Plan of Santosa Dam Volume = 10.000.000 m3 Inundation = 42,5 Ha Status = DED 2007/Re DED 2009 River Plan of Dam Existing Dam DMI service’s area Interbasin Interbasin Water Transfer Q = 0,8 m3/det S. Cilaki S. Cibatarua SAMUDRA INDONESIA SkemaPotensi SDA diWilCekungan Bandung-3
THE WATER SOURCES POTENTIAL SCHEME FOR WESTJAVA INTERNASIONAL AIRPORT TERITORY( LOCATION AT KERTAJATI SUB DISTRICT OF MAJALENGKA DISTRICT) Laut Jawa Situ Citamiang Luas = 14,3 Ha ; Luas baku = 31 Ha Areal diairi = 31 Ha ; Vol = 123.350 m3. Rehab & penataan = Rp. 2,5 Milyar Laut Jawa Rawa Cimaneuh Luas = 27,9 Ha; Areal diairi = 20 Ha; Vol = 418.500 m3 Rehab & penataan = Rp. 3 Milyar Sal. Rambatan PROPOSED OF WESTJAVA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Rawa Jawura Luas = 55 Ha ; Luas baku = 58 Ha Areal diairi = 38 Ha ; Vol = 640.500 m3 Rehab & Penataan = Rp. 4 Milyar Bd. Rentang = 89.000 Ha Rencana Trase AirBaku S. Cipanas paeh S. Cikujang S. Cilebakjero L = 5,25 km • S. Cibalida S. Cibarengkok S. Cimanuk S. Cipanas Plan of Cipanassaat Dam Volume = 1,59 Juta m3 Inundation = 53,37 Ha Status = DED 2007 Const. Cost = Rp. 64,8 Billion S. Cideres S. Cipanassaat S. Cimurutud Cipanas Dam Volume = 120 Juta m3 Genangan = 795 Ha Status = DD 2006 BiayaPemb. = Rp. 115 Milyar S. Cikasarung S. Cipelang • S. Cilutung Bd. Cariang = 600 Ha S. Cipeles S. Cipelang • S. Cigaruguy S. Cicacaban Rencana Wdk Cipelang Volume = 4,79 Juta m3 Genangan = 189 Ha Status = Identifikasi 2005 Biaya Pemb. = pm Plan of Jatigede Dam Volume = 979,5 Juta m3 Inundated area = 3.953 Ha Status = Constructed in 2007 Const. Cost = Rp. 3.585 Billion S. Ciandana •
Conclusion • The existing problems mostly because of environmental degradation, compare with the climate change. • Watershed management is the priority of the conservation activities. • Increasing efficiency and water storage are good strategies for water resources development program. • The impacts of climate change on water in West Java, still uncertainly, needs more research
Recommendations • Subject of research: • Climate change impacts on environmental and natural ecosystems • Climate change impacts on water quality and health • Groundwater potential and recharge • Automatic flow control structures to increase efficiency of irrigation system • Optimal cropping patent and optimal water use for irrigation, based on the predictable seasonal river discharge as the impact of climate change. • Conservation measures to increase infiltration rate by artificial recharge
Juanda DamLocated in Citarum River Salient Features : Cathment Area : 4.500 Km2 Average Discharge : 175 m3/det Surface Area : 83 Km2 Storage Capacity : 3,6 x 109 m3 Effektive Storage : 2,5 x 109 m3 Type of Dam : Rockfill Dam High of Dam : 105 m Length of Dam : 1.220 m DAM PURPOSES Power Capacity : 215 MW Service Irrigation Area : 296.000 Ha Water Supply : 20 m3/det Tourism
Cirata Dam Located in Citarum River Salient Features : Cathment Area : 4.119 Km2 Surface Area : 62 Km2 Storage Capacity : 2.162 x 109 m3 Effektive Storage : 7.96 x 106 m3 Type of Dam : Rockfill Dam High of Dam : 125 m Length of Dam : 456.5 m DAM PURPOSES Power Capacity : 500 MW Tourism
Saguling DamLocated in Citarum River Salient Features : Surface Area : 56 Km2 Storage Capacity : 9,82 x 106 m3 Effektive Storage : 6,9 x 106 m3 Type of Dam : Rockfill Dam High of Dam : 97,5 m Length of Dam : 301,5 m DAM PURPOSES Power Capacity : 700 MW Tourism