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Tripartite Meeting September 2006 Seoul, Korea

Tripartite Meeting September 2006 Seoul, Korea. Item B12. CSR Maintenance Procedures - feedback and commentary mechanisms on Q&As, CIs and Rule Change Proposals Gil-Yong Han Response Manager IACS Permanent Secretariat.

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Tripartite Meeting September 2006 Seoul, Korea

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  1. Tripartite MeetingSeptember 2006Seoul, Korea Item B12. CSR Maintenance Procedures - feedback and commentary mechanisms on Q&As, CIs and Rule Change Proposals Gil-Yong Han Response Manager IACS Permanent Secretariat

  2. CSR Maintenance Procedures - feedback and commentary mechanisms on Q&As, CIs and Rule Change Proposals Contents 1 IACS meetings with Industry 2. CSR Maintenance Procedures 2.1 Organization/function 2.2 IACS CSR Knowledge Center 2.3 Q&As and CIs 2.4 Rule Changes Proposals(RCP) 3 CSR Cross Check (introduction only) 4 Summary

  3. 1.IACS meetings with Industry IACS Industry (ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, etc) 1. IACS regular meetings with Industry - CSR Rule Change Proposals - IACS activities on CSR issues 2. IACS publishes FAQs + Answers on the web site

  4. 2. CSR Maintenance Procedures • 1. IACS PR 32 • IACS Procedural Requirement No.32 defines ‘CSR • Maintenance Procedures’. • - Became effective on 1 August 2006. • 2. Objective • - To Facilitate a consistent and uniform application of IACS CSR. • 3. Scope of the Maintenance Procedures • Questions and Answers (Q&A) regarding CSR • Common Interpretations (CI) on CSR • Rule Change Proposals (RCP)

  5. 2.1 Organization/function • Adoption of amendments to CSR • Decision on policy & controversial issues. Council • Advise Council on CSR issues • Track the CSR maintenance process SG/CSR [GPG] CSR Secretariat • CSR Secretariat: • Day-to-day operation of IACS CSR DB • Monitor the reply schedule • Publish FAQs / CSR • Report to Council and SG/CSR • Hull Panel: • Review technical answers • Review Rule Change Proposals • Resolve controversial technical issues • Feedback CIs to all IACS Members Hull Panel CSRPT 1 (Bulk) • Possess and provide technical expertise • Prepare technical answers/interpretations • Reply to the Questions • - Prepare/review Rule Change Proposals (RCP). CSRPT 2 (Tanker)

  6. 2.2 IACS CSR Knowledge Centre • 1. Objective • To facilitate the CSR maintenance process in an effective and • transparent manner. • 2. Function • On-line database with interactive dialogue facility. • KC = Q&As + CIs + RCPs. • IACS Members access the KC to search agreed Q&As and CIs. • 3. Operation • - The IACS KC started to offer its services on 1 Aug 2006.

  7. 2.2 IACS CSR Knowledge Centre

  8. 2.3 Q&As and CIs • 1. Objectives • - (Q&A) Questions are answered in a consistent and timely • mannerby the relevant group. • - (Q&A) The so prepared answers are fed back to Members and • referenced where relevant. • (CI) Members’ requests for Common Interpretations (CI) are • dealt with in a consistent and timely manner by the • relevant group. • (CI) The so developed CIs are uniformly applied by Members. • 2. Procedures - PR 32 • 2.1 In general, IACS CSR PTs prepare answers / CIs within • ten (10) working days. • 2.2 CSR Secretariat publishes FAQs & Answers on its web.

  9. 2.4 Rule Change Proposals (RCP) 1. RCP Procedures (PR 32) 1.1 Project Teams - Draft and review RCP. 1.2 Hull Panel - Review and approve RCP 1.3 IACS Members’ Technical Committees - Review and approve RCP. - Comments are sent to PTs. 1.4 Council adopts RCs (Rule Changes).

  10. 2. Rule Changes – time table 2.4 Rule Change Proposals (RCP) 2.1 Final Rule Changes (adopted by IACS Council) : - Published once a year on 1st Jan; and - Enter into force from the following 1 July. 2.2 In case of urgent need to make rule changes / corrections: - Rule Change Notice or Corrigenda issued.

  11. 3. CSR Cross-Check 1. Objective To ensure that IACS Members approve the same set of drawings with the same results of required scantlings. 2. Hull Panel Project Team 3 ‘FEA Cross Check’ Consistent implementation of FEA requirements of the two sets of CSR. 3. Hull Panel Project Team 4 ‘Rules Cross Check’ Cross-check the prescriptive requirements (rule required scantlings) of the 2 sets of CSRs. Work is under progress within the Hull Panel.

  12. 4. Summary • 1. IACS Procedural Requirement 32 (CSR Maintenance) defines Procedures for dealing with Q&As, CIs and Rule Change Proposals; • 2. IACS PR 32 defines the procedures and time frame for CSR amendments / publication; • 3. IACS CSR KC is a tool to support the IACS organization in implementing PR 32; • 4. IACS Permanent Secretariat will publish FAQs and Answers on its web site on a regular basis; and • To further facilitate communication and transparency, IACS plans to meet with Industry Associations regularly to brief industry of the CSR maintenance and harmonization activities. • END

  13. Reference 1: Q&As and CIs – IACS members IACS Member Question Answer unanimous technical controversial *PT (T, B) • Each arrow indicates entry into CSR DB • Permsec facilitates policy technical controversial Hull Panel policy Council SG/CSR policy IACS Member: a single point of contact PT: Project Team (PT 1: 3 Bulker Members + 1 Tanker Member) (PT 2: 3 Tanker Members + 1 Bulker Member) • Project Teams are authorized to make decisions and reply to the questions, except • for cases where unanimous agreement is not reached.

  14. Reference 2: Q&As and CIs - Industry/Stakeholders Industry Question Answer Chair/ Perm Sec • Each arrow indicates entry into CSR DB • Permsec facilitates Policy Technical SG/CSR Council PT PT: Project Team (dedicated email account)

  15. Reference 3: Rule Changes Proposals (RCP) Request or RCP Response to comments • Each arrow indicates entry into CSR DB • Permsec facilitates IACS Member PT RCP HP-3/4majority decision IACS Members TC IACS Member: a single point of contact PT: Project Team RCP: Rule Change Proposal HP: Hull Panel TC comments PT review Adoption Final RCP Entry into Force Council HP

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