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File 1. NuN. Have you ever lived with a _ _ _ or a _ _ _ _ ?. Monk. who are they?. ¿Qué son?. What do they do ?. ¿Cómo se hicieron … ?. How did they become … ?. Read. Their motivation was …. Find a synonym or translate into English the following words 1.Avenge _________ ;
File 1 NuN Have you ever lived with a _ _ _ or a _ _ _ _ ? Monk who are they? ¿Qué son? What do they do? ¿Cómo se hicieron …? Howdidtheybecome …?
Read. Their motivation was … • Find a synonymortranslate into English the following words • 1.Avenge _________ ; • 2. Made me do again and again _____________ ; 3. Stupid _____ • 4. intelligent _______ ; 5. Be the same level as the rest __________ ; • 6. Licenciado ______7. period when you don’t work anymore ________ ; 8. Boss ________ ; 9. student ______ • 10. unintelligent _______ ; 11. University _______ • 12 crew ______ ; 13. Be on holiday for a short period of time __________ ; • 14. Continue doing an effort __________________ REVENGE Dumb Kept me doing Smart Catch up with Graduate Retirement The head of Pupil slow Graduateschool Staff Be off work Gritone´steeth
Theremusthavebeensomething unique Paragraph 2 • 15. debe haber sido algo ________________ • 16. Only ______ • 17. Remember ________ • 18. me divertía ____________ • 19. Me tiraban ____________ • 20. Todo lo que ellos querían _________________ • 21. Me animó a _____________ • 22. Fountain _______ • 23. noun for strong _________ • 24. A person who writes reviews __________ • 25. Know what you want __________________ • 26. Refuse to change your mind ___________________ recall Itamused me theythrew at me Whatevertheywanted Itencouraged me to … source strength critic Knowyourmind Sticktoyourguns
Paragraph 3 • 27. I was nervous (pordejar= _______________________) • 28. A person who likes being alone _______ • 29. Estoy feliz haciendo lo que hago ________________________ • 30. Hard = _______ • 31. opposite of loner ________ • 32. Abilities_________ • 33. Tratar con ___________ • 34. informar a alguien de algo ______________________________ I wasnervous of leaving A loner I´mhappydoingwhat I want tough A trouper skills Dealwith Fillsomeone in on …
35. creencias ________ • 36. Un chico cabezota y travieso _______________________ • 37. No me hicieron cambiar de opinión ______________________ beliefs A Determined and rebelliouskid Theyfailedtochangemymind
TRANSLATION • 1.Saber lo que se quiere _______________________ • 2. Ser fiel a tus principios _____________________ • 3. bajarte la nota _________________ • 4. Arreglárselas por uno mismo ___________________________ • 5. se reían de él _________________________ • 6. Se negó a cambiar de opinión _____________________ • 7. apretó los dientes y siguió __________________ • 8. Se puso a nivel de los demás ___________________ • 9. poner al día a alguien ____________________ • 10. Estar agradecido a alguien por _________________ • 11. pidió un consejo a su padre _________________________ • Toknowyourownmind • Sticktoyourguns • Mark down • Manageonourown • Theymadefun of him • He refusedtochangehismind • Shegrittedherteeth and • He caught up withtheothers • Fillsomebody in on a topic • Be gratefulfor … • He askedher dad foradvice
Grammar: linkers • 1.Result: • - Así que: ________ • - Por tanto ________ • Por consiguiente: __________ • 2.Reason: • - porque: _______________ • a causa de: ____________ • debido a: ____________ • 3. Purpose: • - para: _________________ • __________________ • para que no ___________ • __________________ • -por si _____________ • - para que él pudiera/fuera • ______________________ so Therefore/consequently As a result Because/as/for/since Because of Dueto/owingto To/ in orderto So as to In order no to So as notto In case So that (he could …)
Grammar: linkers • 4. Contrast • - pero ____________ • - sin embargo _____________ • _______________ • aunque _______________ • ____________________ • A pesar de _____________ • ________________________ But /yet However/nevertheless Although/ eventhough/ though In spite of Despite Weenjoyedtheplay in spite of/despitebeing a longwayfromthestage Wetookagesbecause of the heavy traffic I tooktheprice off the bag so thatshecouldn ´t knowhowmuchithadcost Keepthereceipt in case your dad likesit Eventhoughsheisanonlychild, sheisn ´t spoilt at all Priceshaveincreasedduetohighproductioncosts
Translateinto English. • No pudimos salir a consecuencia del terrible frio • Hacía frio así que no salimos • A pesar del esfuerzo, no gané • Como hacía mucho frío, no salimos • Lo hice para que ganaras el partido • Lo hice por si ganabas • Yo lo hice para que ganaras el partido • No salí para no coger un catarro • Me esforcé, sin embargo no gané • Wecouldn ´t gooutdueto /owingto /because of thecold • Itwascold so wedidn ´t goout • In spite of theeffort, I didn ´t win • As / sinceitwasfreezingwedidn ´t goout • I didit so thatyoucouldwinthegame • I didit in case you won the match • I didit so thatyoucouldwinthegame • I didn ´t getout so as nottoget a cold • I made a greateffort, yet/however I didn ´t win
listening revealed staff Miserable bunch Recently-publishedsurvey Bothdealwith resources Work-life balance consulatncy Senior managers supportive Key factor declines Leastimportant achievements rather earning At theirpeak of theirpowers presumably employees Long haveyoubeenhere