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Por y para. Learning to use por and para. The prepositions por and para are often confused because they can both mean “ for ” in English. They are NOT interchangeable!. Let’s look at the difference! →. Estuvimos en Sevilla por dos meses. =
Pory para Learning to use porand para
The prepositions porand para are often confused because they can both mean “for” in English. They are NOT interchangeable! Let’s look at the difference! →
Estuvimos en Sevilla por dos meses. = (We were in Sevilla for two months.) Lo voy a ver mañana porla mañana. = (I am going to see him tomorrow in the morning.) La preposiciónpor The preposition poris used to express duration or a period of time (during, in, for).
Más Por is used to express means of transportation or communication. Le habléporteléfono. = (I talked to her/him/you formal on the phone.) Vinieronporavión. = (They came by plane.) Porcan mean through, around, along and by. Élhuyóporla ventana. = (He escaped through the window.) Caminamospor la avenida Magnolia. = (We walk along Magnolia avenue.)
Y más Por is used to express cause or reason. Me enfermépor el frío. = (I got sick because of the cold.) No pudieronvenirpor la lluvia. = (They couldn’t come because of the rain.) Te felicitoportucumpleaños. = (I congratulate you on your birthday.)
Por is often used with the verbs ir, venir, pasar, mandar, volver,preguntar, regresarand enviar. Fueporleche. = (He went to get milk.) Paso porti a lasocho. = (I’ll pick you up at eight.) VolvimosporIván. = (We came back for Iván.)
“Estarpor” is used with an infinitive to refer to something unfinished: El trabajoestáporser hecho. = (Work is to be done.) The passive voice (by): Este librofueescritoporMark Twain. = (This book was written by Mark Twain.)
“Estarpor” can also mean “about to.” Estamosporsalir. = (We are about to go out.) Por is used to express exchange or substitution. Paguéciendolarespor la pulsera. = (I paid one hundred dollars for the bracelet.) Si la maestra se enfermara, trabajaríaporella. = (If the teacher gets sick, I would work in her place.)
Y porúltimo Por is used to express velocity, frequency or multiplication. Este cocheva a sesentamillasporhora. = (This car goes sixty miles per hour.) Voy a Abercrombie dos vecesporsemana. = (I go to Abercrombie two times per week.) Dos por dos son cuatro. = (Two times two is four.)
por acá/ahí/aquí = around here/here por ahora = for now por casualidad = by chance por cierto = certainly por ejemplo = for example por escrito = in writing por eso = therefore, that’s why por favor = please Common expressions with por
por fin = finally por primera vez = for the first time por lo pronto = for the time being por lo tanto = therefore por lo visto = apparently por supuesto = of course por último = finally Más
La preposiciónpara Para is used for destination: A lasochosalípara la universidad. = (I left at eight for the university.) Para is used to show purpose or for when you give or intend to give something to someone else: Estosvegetales son para los niños. = (These vegetables are for the kids.) Este pastel esparaLupita. = (This cake is for Lupita. )
Para is used for a deadline: Necesito el vestidoparamañana. = (I need the dress for tomorrow.) El ensayoesparael lunes. = (The essay is due on Monday.)
Más: Para + infinitive means “in order to”: Necesitamosdineroparair de excursión. = (We need money in order to go on a trip.) Para is used for comparison when the result is unexpected: Elenitaesmuyaltaparasuedad. = (Elenita is very tall for her age.)
Para can be used when talking about employment: Juan trabajapara el gobierno. = (Juan works for the government.) Para is used for an objective or goal: Nora y yoestudiamosparaingenieros. = (Nora and I are studying to be engineers.)
Check Your Knowledge! Fill in the blank with por or para. Estuvo en la ciudad _____ dos horas. Los libros son _____ los estudiantes. Viaja _____ avión. Miguel habla _____ teléfono. Voy a la fiesta _____ la tarde. Salgo _____ Perú Estudio _____ hablarmejor. por para por por por para para