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PCWA Study Plan. Physical Habitat Characterization Study Plan Geomorphology Study Plan Riparian Habitat Mapping Study Plan Aquatic Habitat Characterization Study Plan Water Temperature Study Plan Hydrology Study Plan Cultural Studies. Geomorphology Study.
PCWA Study Plan • Physical Habitat Characterization Study Plan • Geomorphology Study Plan • Riparian Habitat Mapping Study Plan • Aquatic Habitat Characterization Study Plan • Water Temperature Study Plan • Hydrology Study Plan • Cultural Studies
Geomorphology Study • Classify and organize bypass reaches (river reaches downstream of Project dams and/or diversions) into distinct reaches based on stream morphology. • Distinguish the relative responsiveness (i.e. “sensitivity”) of river reaches to alterations of flow and sediment regimes. • Describe geomorphic conditions of river reaches immediately upstream of Project facilities to evaluate their suitability to serve as reference reaches in later study phases. • Identify potential comparison streams (reference reaches) in the vicinity of the MFP if reaches immediately upstream of Project facilities are determined to be unsuitable as reference reaches. • Provide the framework for organizing future survey efforts.
Helicopter Survey • Sediment contributions from large-scale mass-wasting sites • Depositional features at tributary confluences • Fine sediment deposits • Dominant bank materials • Relative presence of large woody debris • Potential floodplain locations
Ground Characterization • Entrenchment ratio (floodprone width divided by the bankfull width; Wfp/Wbf) • Width-to-depth ratio (bankfull width divided by the average bankfull depth; Wbf/Dbf) • Sinuosity (ratio of stream distance to valley distance) • Water surface slope • Bed particle size
Riparian Habitat Mapping • Identify the locations of riparian and meadow habitat along the streams and rivers upstream and downstream of the MFP dams and reservoirs, • Qualitatively describe riparian and meadow habitats , • Identify unregulated streams in the vicinity of the MFP that could serve as comparison reaches for subsequent studies, and • Identify potential historical and existing activities that may have or are currently affecting the development of riparian habitat.
Aquatic Habitat Characterization • Review existing reports, topographic maps, geological maps, hydrologic units and contributing watershed areas, and other available materials. • Stratify and classify habitats in the study streams based on review of existing information, Rosgen Level I geomorphologic classifications, topographic maps, and aerial imagery. • Evaluate habitats and strata in the field using helicopter reconnaissance for confirmation and a higher level of resolution. • Incorporate Rosgen Level II information for finalization of strata. • Select habitats in portions of major strata to be ground-truthed in consultation with resource agencies. • Ground-truth habitats in representative lengths of major strata.
Hydrology • Assemble the existing hydrologic data available in the Project vicinity into a comprehensive database. • Select a preliminary water-year type classification for the watershed, in consultation with the resource agencies. • Select the period of record for analysis of Project and unimpaired hydrology. • Describe the Project and unimpaired hydrology through a series of hydrologic analyses. • Determine if additional data are needed to support the upcoming relicensing. • Provide a complete hydrologic data set and corresponding analyses to support the geomorphology, riparian and aquatic habitat, and water temperature studies described in this package.