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Eastside High School Restructuring Schools-Within-A-School Model

Eastside High School Restructuring Schools-Within-A-School Model. Dr. Donnie W. Evans. Eileen F. Shafer. State District Superintendent. Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A PETITION OF CONSIDERATION FORM FOR EACH SCHOOL AND REVIEW WITH THE PEA.

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Eastside High School Restructuring Schools-Within-A-School Model

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  1. Eastside High School Restructuring Schools-Within-A-School Model Dr. Donnie W. Evans Eileen F. Shafer State District Superintendent Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education

  2. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A PETITION OF CONSIDERATION FORM FOR EACH SCHOOL AND REVIEW WITH THE PEA PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Director of Human Resources and PEA Leadership ACTION: Develop petition of consideration form, review the form with PEA RESOURCES: Petition of consideration form, administration, PEA leadership TIMELINE: 02/09/10 OUTCOME: Final petition of consideration form

  3. STRATEGY: MEET WITH THE UNION LEADERSHIP TO REVIEW THE PLAN PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Director of Human Resources and PEA Leadership ACTION: Develop petition of consideration form, review the form with PEA RESOURCES: Petition of consideration form, administration, PEA leadership TIMELINE: 02/09/10 OUTCOME: Final petition of consideration form

  4. STRATEGY: SURVEY EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN GRADES 9-11 USING THE CAREER SURVEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Co-Principals – Eastside High School, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Office of Assessment, Students and Teachers ACTION: Surveys are completed by students on-line, results are tabulated RESOURCES: On-line survey, data analysis, staff administration, student tabulated results TIMELINE: 02/10/2010 OUTCOME: Data results of career choices

  5. STRATEGY: SURVEY ALL 8TH GRADE STUDENTS IN THE DISTRICT USING THE CAREER SURVEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Director of Counseling, Elementary Guidance Counselors, Elementary Principals and Office of Assessment ACTION: Surveys are completed, enter data into the system, tabulate the data RESOURCES: Career surveys, data analysis, staff, administration, students, tabulated results TIMELINE: 02/10/2010 OUTCOME: Data results of career choices

  6. STRATEGY: TABULATE SURVEY RESULTS AND RECOMMEND THE TOP FIVE CAREER CHOICES OF THE 8TH GRADE STUDENTS COMBINED WITH 9TH, 10TH, AND 11TH GRADE STUDENTS FROM EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Office of Assessment, Counselors, Principals and Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education ACTION: Take all 8th grade surveys and Eastside High School 9th, 10 and 11th grade surveys and tabulate the data RESOURCES: Career survey results, data analysis, administration, students, staff TIMELINE: 02/15/2010 OUTCOME: Develop a report with the results of the data, list top five career choices selected by the students


  8. STRATEGY: ACADEMY FAIR BROCHURE WILL INCLUDE EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Office of School Choice, three Principals Eastside High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Revise the academy brochure to include the three Schools-Within-A-School Model RESOURCES: Academy fair, brochure, administration TIMELINE: 02/22/2010 OUTCOME: Completed academy brochure

  9. STRATEGY: COMMUNICATE THE THREE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A- SCHOOL TO PARENTS, STUDENTS, STAFF, AND THE COMMUNITY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Press release, parent/community forum, faculty meetings, student assemblies, written communication, and academy fair RESOURCES: Media, forums, faculty meetings, assembly programs, flyers, written communication, academy fair, staff, students, parents, administration TIMELINE: 02/22/2010 OUTCOME: Complete the student roster for all three Schools-Within-A-School at Eastside High School

  10. STRATEGY: RECRUIT, HIRE AND/OR PROMOTE THREE ADMINISTRATORS FOR THE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A- SCHOOL MODEL AT EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Assistant Superintendent of Operations ACTION: Advertise, interview, select, transfer RESOURCES: Administration, staff, applicants TIMELINE: 03/01/2010 OUTCOME: Appoint three Principals for the three Schools-Within-A-School Model at Eastside High School

  11. STRATEGY: PRINT THE ACADEMY BROCHURES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Communications Department, Print Shop and Office of School Choice ACTION: Enter purchase order for academy brochure, communicate with the print shop RESOURCES: Purchase order, academy brochure printed TIMELINE: 03/10/2010 OUTCOME: Printed copies of academy brochure

  12. STRATEGY: SELECT TWO VICE PRINCIPALS FOR EACH SCHOOL- WITHIN-A-SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Advertise, interview, select, transfer RESOURCES: Administration, staff, applicants TIMELINE: 03/15/2010 OUTCOME: Appoint six vice principals, for the three Schools-Within-A-School Model at Eastside High School

  13. STRATEGY: HIRE, TRANSFER, OR PROMOTE A (COO) CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER FOR THE ENTIRE BUILDING PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Assistant Superintendent of Operations ACTION: Advertise, interview, select, transfer RESOURCES: Administration, staff, applicants TIMELINE: 03/15/2010 OUTCOME: Appoint chief operations officer (COO) for Eastside High School

  14. STRATEGY: ACADEMY FAIR MARCH 16, 2010 PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Operations, Supervisor of School Choice Principals, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Director of Communications ACTION: Set-up each academy at the academy fair, advertise the academy fair, connect-ed, academy fair letters to parents, academy fair RESOURCES: Academy fair, administration, media, communication to parents TIMELINE: 03/16/2010 OUTCOME: Academy fair scheduled for March 16, 2010

  15. STRATEGY: STUDENT APPLICATIONS COMPLETED FOR SCHOOL CHOICE AND AT EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL WITH EXISTING STUDENTS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Supervisor of School Choice, three Principals Eastside High School and Guidance Counselors ACTION: Students will sign up at the academy fair, students will complete applications for the three schools at Eastside High School and applications will be sent to School Choice RESOURCES: Administration, staff, student applications, academy/school fair, school choice office TIMELINE: 03/20/2010 OUTCOME: Completed student applications


  17. STRATEGY: DEVELOP CURRICULUM IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE THREE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Subject Directors, Subject Supervisors and Deputy Superintendent ACTION: Develop courses, syllabus, curriculum in line with the three Schools-Within-A-School Model RESOURCES: Administration revised curriculum guides and syllabus TIMELINE: 03/01/2010 -7/01/2010 OUTCOME: Completed theme courses for all three schools

  18. STRATEGY: DETERMINE STAFFING RATIO FOR EACH SCHOOL, ALL POSITIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Assistant Superintendent of Operations ACTION: Analyze class size, determine teacher's schedules in line with PEA contract, document staff required for each school RESOURCES: PEA contract, personnel, administration, teachers TIMELINE: 04/01/10 OUTCOME: Document staff required for each school

  19. STRATEGY: IDENTIFY AT EASTIDE HIGH SCHOOL, THE THREE AREAS TO HOUSE EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Director of Facilities ACTION: Tour Eastside High School, map out three schools individually, map out common areas RESOURCES: Capacity report, building floor plan, administration TIMELINE: 04/01/10 OUTCOME: Develop a report identifying the three individual floor plans, include in the report the common areas

  20. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A STUDENT SCHEDULE PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Deputy Superintendent, PEA and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Develop a student schedule in line with the PEA contract RESOURCES: PEA contract, scheduler, administration TIMELINE: 04/01/10 OUTCOME: Schedule in line with PEA contract for all three schools

  21. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A TEACHER SCHEDULE PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, PEA and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Develop a teacher schedule in line with the PEA contract RESOURCES: PEA contract, scheduler, administration TIMELINE: 04/01/10 OUTCOME: Schedule in line with PEA contract for all three schools

  22. STRATEGY: DEVELOP INTERVIEW SHEETS FOR ALL POSITIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Director of Human Resources and Content Area Supervisors ACTION: Develop questions for interviews, review of interview questions by Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School RESOURCES: Interview questions TIMELINE: 04/01/10 OUTCOME: Interview questions and score sheets for all positions

  23. STRATEGY: ADVERTISE FOR ALL STAFF POSITIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Director of Human Resources, Position Control Coordinator and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Advertise for all positions, post, interview, hire, transfer RESOURCES: Postings, resumes, interviews TIMELINE: 04/15/10 OUTCOME: Postings for all positions

  24. STRATEGY: IMPLEMENT A STUDENT ADVISORY PROGRAM PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals, Scheduler and PEA Leadership ACTION: Schedule a meeting to discuss advisories, discuss union concerns with advisories, develop a teacher schedule with advisories RESOURCES: Administration, PEA leadership, schedule, scheduler TIMELINE: 05/01/10 OUTCOME: Schedule to include student advisories

  25. STRATEGY: CONDUCT INTERVIEWS WITH TEACHER REVIEW/SELECTION TEAM, SCHOOL’S CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR, CONTENT SUPERVISOR AND TWO PEA MEMBERS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Operations, Director of Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Content Supervisors, three Principals Eastside High School and PEA members ACTION: Conduct interviews, record findings, complete personnel transaction forms RESOURCES: Resumes, interview sheets, schedule of interviews, personnel transaction forms TIMELINE: 05/10/2010 OUTCOME: Staff all three schools at Eastside High School

  26. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR ALL THREE SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of NCLB and Academic Support Programs, School Leadership Team and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Meet for technical assistance regarding school improvement plan, write school improvement plan RESOURCES: Administration, staff, data TIMELINE: 05/15/10 OUTCOME: Written school improvement plan

  27. STRATEGY: REVIEW OF RECOMMENDED STAFF BY ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION AND STATE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Review credentials and recommended candidates for all positions RESOURCES: Applicants, resumes, certifications, administration TIMELINE: 05/20/10 OUTCOME: Staff roster for all three Schools-Within-A-School

  28. STRATEGY: RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES FOR STAFFING AT THREE SCHOOLS AT EASTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL CREDENTIALS ARE VERIFIED BY HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Director of Human Resources ACTION: Confirm certification for each position as required by code RESOURCES: Applicants, recommended candidates, certifications TIMELINE: 05/25/10 OUTCOME: Confirmed certifications for all positions as required by code

  29. STRATEGY: PARENT/COMMUNITY FORUM TO PROMOTE THREE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Advertise for parent/community forum, schedule parent/community forum RESOURCES: Media, connect-ed, letters, parent/community forum TIMELINE: 05/25/2010 OUTCOME: Schedule parent/community forum

  30. STRATEGY: DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS WILL SERVICE ALL THREE SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals and Department Chairpersons ACTION: Revise job description, meet with department chairpersons to review responsibilities RESOURCES: Job descriptions, scheduled meetings, administration TIMELINE: 06/1/2010 OUTCOME: Revised approved job description

  31. STRATEGY: ACADEMY SEATING FINALIZED PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Supervisor of School Choice, Academy Administrators and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Complete student roster for each academy/three schools at Eastside High School RESOURCES: Student choice, student rosters TIMELINE: 06/18/2010 OUTCOME: Student roster for each academy/school

  32. STRATEGY: DEVELOP STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS ENTERING THE THREE SCHOOLS, BEFORE JULY, DURING THE SUMMER AND AFTER SEPT. 1ST PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Operations, Supervisor of School Choice, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and three Principals Eastside High School ACTION: Develop procedures for school choice, develop procedures to fill vacant seats at Eastside High Schools' three Schools-Within-A-School RESOURCES: School choice staff, student applications TIMELINE: 07/1/2010 OUTCOME: Student rosters for all three schools at Eastside High School

  33. STRATEGY: PROVIDE 18 HOURS OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL STAFF PRIOR TO SEPT. PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of Staff Development ACTION: Schedule staff development sessions for staff, budget for staff development RESOURCES: Staff development schedule TIMELINE: 07/1/2010 OUTCOME: Final schedule of staff development, sign-in sheets for staff

  34. PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Chief Operations Officer, Director of Communications, Parents and Students ACTION: Advertise grand opening, press release, opening ceremony program for parents, staff, community and students RESOURCES: Media, administration, staff, parents, students, grand opening ceremony program TIMELINE: 08/23/2010 OUTCOME: Grand opening ceremony with written program STRATEGY: GRAND OPENING OF THREE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A- SCHOOL CEREMONY

  35. STRATEGY: CONDUCT PARENT & STUDENT MEETING PRIOR TO OPENING OF SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Chief Operations Officer, Staff, Students, Parents and Community ACTION: Develop a program for parent(s)/student(s) meeting RESOURCES: Administration, staff, parents, students, three principals Eastside High School, chief operations officer TIMELINE: 08/23/2010 OUTCOME: Scheduled parent(s)/student(s) meeting

  36. STRATEGY: CONDUCT STUDENT ORIENTATION PROGRAM PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Chief Operations Officer, Staff and Students ACTION: Develop student orientation the week prior to school opening RESOURCES: Administration, supervisors, directors, staff, team building activities TIMELINE: 08/23/10 - 08/30/10 OUTCOME: Scheduled student orientation, detailed written five day program

  37. STRATEGY: DEVELOP SCHOOL/BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Rotary Club, Paterson Education Fund (PEF) and Paterson Alliance ACTION: Reach out to establish school/business partnerships RESOURCES: Paterson Rotary Club, Paterson Education Fund (PEF), Paterson Alliance TIMELINE: 09/1/2010 OUTCOME: List of business partnerships per school

  38. STRATEGY: DEVELOP SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY COLLABORATION FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School and College/University collaboration ACTION: Reach out to colleges/universities to establish collaborations RESOURCES: Passaic County Community College (PCCC), Montclair State University (MSU), Stevens Institute, William Paterson University (WPU), Farleigh Dickenson University (FDU), Staff, Administration TIMELINE: 09/1/2010 OUTCOME: List of colleges/universities collaborations per school

  39. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A VISION/MISSION FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Three Principals Eastside High School and Staff ACTION: Develop a vision and mission for each school RESOURCES: Administration, staff, strategic plan TIMELINE: 09/1/2010 OUTCOME: Written vision and mission for all three schools

  40. STRATEGY: DEVELOP A CAMPUS COORDINATING COUNCIL REGARDING SHARED FACILITIES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Staff, Chief Operational Officer (COO), Director of Facilities and PEA Leadership ACTION: Recruit members for the coordinating council, administration, teachers, PEA representation, facilities personnel RESOURCES: Scheduled meetings of campus coordinating council, administration, staff, teachers, PEA reps TIMELINE: 09/1/2010 OUTCOME: Schedule campus coordinating council meetings

  41. STRATEGY: ESTABLISH A SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TEAM TO INCLUDE STUDENTS, PARENTS, COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS AND FACULTY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, three Principals Eastside High School, Staff, Students, Parents and Community ACTION: Establish three school improvement teams - one for each school RESOURCES: Administration, staff, students, parents, community, schedule, school improvement teams for all three schools TIMELINE: 09/1/2010 OUTCOME: Scheduled meetings for school improvement teams for all three schools

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