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John F. Kennedy High School Restructuring. Dr. Donnie W. Evans. Eileen F. Shafer. State District Superintendent. Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education. Dr. Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard. Deputy Superintendent. 03/01/11. JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA. High School
John F. Kennedy High School Restructuring Dr. Donnie W. Evans Eileen F. Shafer State District Superintendent Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education Dr. Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard Deputy Superintendent 03/01/11
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA High School John F. Kennedy HSPA Average HSPA Scale Scores (1) Number of students that received a Diploma due to passing HSPA or passing AHSA (2) Language Arts Literacy 187.0 Mathematics 185.7 HSPA 68 AHSA 177 High School John F. Kennedy Average Class Size (1) 20.97 Attendance Rate (2) 87.1 Suspensions (3) 953 Expulsions (4) 0 Paterson Public Schools Division of Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation
Post Graduate Plans, 4 & 2 years college (1) School John F. Kennedy Total # of Graduates 289 # of Students 74 4 Year College % of Students 25.60 # of Students 132 2 Year College % of Students 45.67 JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA High School John F. Kennedy # of Students 68 Students taking AP classes (2) # of students scored 3 and above 12 Paterson Public Schools Division of Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA 9th GRADE PLACEMENT READING LEVELRESULTS FOR JFK SENDING SCHOOLSBased on 8th Grade Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Tier Acceleration No Intervention Strategic Intervention Intensive Intervention Phonics-based Intervention Not tested (X – SPED) Not tested (X – LEP) Not tested/reported (N/D) TOTAL STUDENTS Reading Level 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Students 27 141 291 30 7 54 30 49 629 • Reading Level Codes • – Grade 9 + • – Grade 7 + • – Grade 6 - 7 • – Grade 3 - 6 • – Grade 2 Paterson Public Schools Language Arts/Literacy Dept. 10/18/10
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA • CAPA RECOMMENDATIONS • LAL/MATH/SPED/CULTURE/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/LEADERSHIP • SCHOOL/DISTRICT • District administrators along with building leadership should collect information on the various instructional strategies used to implement the curriculum. The data collected from these focused learning walks should include, yet not be limited to information on: • effective use of the co-teaching model • flexible grouping and use of differentiation of instructional strategies • exemplars connected with project-based learning • portfolios as a tool to track student progress over time and to ensure that rigor is evident • holistically scored writing across the curriculum • higher order thinking and problem solving skills and activities along with inquiry based instruction • infusion of technology to deliver instruction • use of Bloom’s Taxonomy • LAL • Reduce reliance on teacher-directed instruction and intentionally plan instructional time to include defined tasks that engage students in substantive literacy activities. Create objectives and/or essential questions that provide greater specificity about expected goals and a greater degree of clarity about what students will be expected to do.
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA • CAPA RECOMMENDATIONS • MATHEMATICS • The district should develop comprehensive curricula for all courses that include prerequisite skills, strategies, resources, and the infusion of technology that reflects the NJCCCS. • The school should ensure that special education and ELL teachers are included in respective general education, content planning time and other content level meetings and professional development opportunities. • SPECIAL EDUCATION: • SCHOOL • The school should re-examine its schedule of room assignments to ensure that special education students are provided with hands-on science laboratory experiences as part of the curriculum in the sciences. Without these experiences, the core curriculum content standards in science cannot be properly implemented. • The school should assign all grades nine through twelve special education students to receive remedial reading through Read 180 and Wilson Program strategies as long as needed.
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA • CAPA RECOMMENDATIONS • ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS • DISTRICT/SCHOOL • The district should support the school to designate a single ESL teacher for double periods of ESL for continuity in the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Supplemental ESL should be a third period, if needed, with a focus on reading and/or writing; do not allow students to take ESL I and II and/or III in the same marking period. Incorporate differentiated instruction and group work in bilingual content area classes to those students who have limited or no formal schooling. • Develop an in-school program with the focus on closing the achievement gap. A self-contained, Newcomers Program should be developed that would function for a minimum of six months where skills are emphasized to close the achievement gap. This can be supplemented by an ESL class that focuses on skills and concepts in English for the purpose of closing gaps in content instruction, including mathematics. • SCHOOL CULTURE/LEADERSHIP • SCHOOL: • 9. The building leadership should recognize the existing belief system of the school community and begin to work towards leadership actions that will create a positive, cohesive culture that fosters high expectations around teaching and learning for all students. This begins with self-refection and moves toward building knowledge and capacity around the necessary instructional practices to support effective teaching and learning.
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA • CAPA RECOMMENDATIONS • SCHOOL CULTURE/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/LEADERSHIP • DISTRICT/SCHOOL: • The building leadership should begin to address capacity building by: • Instituting structures with defined protocols, consistent implementation, and specific accountability measures • Broadening the school leadership’s understanding of the effects of school culture on achievement. It is necessary for the team to receive training and coaching in Systems Thinking and Leadership Change. • The district supports the efforts of the building leadership in changing the culture of the building by supplying the opportunities and resources to build the capacity of the leadership team. • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/LEADERSHIP and NCLB SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE • DISTRICT/SCHOOL • The school leaders, with the assistance of the district staff, should create and implement systemic procedures that ensure comprehensive instructional leadership. These procedures should address, but not be limited to: • Assurance of uniformity and consistency of unified practices, procedures, and administrative goals and visions that propel the staff, students and school administrators into high achievement and performance goals. • Continued and consistent monitoring of staff, students and school administrators to ensure that each stakeholder is held to optimal performance and accountability standards.
JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL DATA • CAPA RECOMMENDATIONS • The appropriate professional development should be provided for the administrative team to assist them in accomplishing these goals. • 12. The building leadership should support, encourage and provide assistance, when needed, to the school to establish a fully functioning site-based School Leadership Committee that will provide a shared leadership role in addressing such school-related issues as, but not limited to: • Improving school climate-attendance rates and lateness • Improving staff and student accountability towards aiming at higher achievement standards and ways to reach them • Increasing student and staff recognition programs • Taking professional and personal ownership of student achievement by all stakeholders • Data collection and analysis on teaching and learning impacts of research-based best instructional practices • The district should assist the school in implementing ideas of the school improvement team tied into the school and district mission and vision.
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A PETITION OF CONSIDERATION FORM FOR EACH SCHOOL AND REVIEW WITH THE PEA PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Executive Director of Human Resources and PEA Leadership ACTION: Develop petition of consideration form, review the form with PEA RESOURCES: Petition of consideration form, administration, PEA leadership TIMELINE: 10/01/10 OUTCOME: Final petition of consideration form
STRATEGY: MEET WITH THE UNION LEADERSHIP TO REVIEW THE PLAN PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and PEA Leadership ACTION: Develop petition of consideration form, review the form with PEA RESOURCES: Petition of consideration form, administration, PEA leadership TIMELINE: 11/01/10 OUTCOME: Final petition of consideration form
STRATEGY: SURVEY JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN GRADES 9-11 USING THE CAREER SURVEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Principal of John F. Kennedy High School, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Office of Assessment, Guidance Counselors, Director of Counseling, Students and Teachers ACTION: Surveys are completed by students on-line, results are tabulated RESOURCES: On-line survey, data analysis, staff administration, student tabulated results, office of assessment TIMELINE: 11/10/10 OUTCOME: Data results of career choices
STRATEGY: SURVEY ALL 8TH GRADE STUDENTS IN THE DISTRICT USING THE CAREER SURVEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Director of Counseling, Elementary Guidance Counselors, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Elementary Principals and Office of Assessment ACTION: Surveys are completed, enter data into the system, tabulate the data RESOURCES: Online surveys, data analysis, staff, administration, students, tabulated results TIMELINE: 11/15/10 OUTCOME: Data results of career choices
STRATEGY: TABULATE SURVEY RESULTS AND RECOMMEND THE TOP FIVE CAREER CHOICES OF THE 8TH GRADE STUDENTS COMBINED WITH 9TH, 10TH, AND 11TH GRADE STUDENTS FROM JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Office of Assessment, Counselors, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Principals and Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education ACTION: Take all 8th grade surveys and John F. Kennedy High School 9th, 10 and 11th grade surveys and tabulate the data RESOURCES: Career survey results, data analysis, administration, students, staff TIMELINE: 12/01/10 OUTCOME: Develop a report with the results of the data, list top five career choices selected by the students
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A STEERING COMMITTEE TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and PEA Leadership ACTION: Meet to discuss strategies for the transformation of John F. Kennedy High School RESOURCES: Committee Members TIMELINE: 12/01/10 OUTCOME: Meeting agendas and recommendations
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A BUDGET NECESSARY FOR EACH SCHOOL AT JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Directors, Supervisors and Assistant Superintendent for School Education ACTION: Develop a budget for each of the schools RESOURCES: Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Directors, Supervisors, Assistant Superintendent for School Education and Business Office TIMELINE: 02/01/11 – 02/24/11 OUTCOME: Budget for all schools
STRATEGY: PARENT/COMMUNITY FORUMS TO PROMOTE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Advertise for parent/community forum, schedule parent/community forum RESOURCES: Media, connect-ed, letters, parent/community forum TIMELINE: 02/15/11 – 06/30/11 OUTCOME: Schedule parent/community forum
STRATEGY: DEVELOP RIGOROUS CURRICULUM IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services, Deputy Superintendent, Subject Directors and Subject Supervisors ACTION: Develop courses, syllabus, rigorous curriculum in line with the Schools-Within-A-School Model RESOURCES: Administration revised curriculum guides and syllabus TIMELINE: 02/28/11 – 08/01/11 OUTCOME: Completed theme courses for all the schools
STRATEGY: DETERMINE STAFFING RATIO FOR EACH SCHOOL, ALL POSITIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Executive Director of Human Resources ACTION: Analyze class size, determine teacher's schedules in line with PEA contract, document staff required for each school RESOURCES: PEA contract, personnel, administration, teachers TIMELINE: 03/01/11 OUTCOME: Document staff required for each school
STRATEGY: COMMUNICATE THE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL TO PARENTS, STUDENTS, STAFF AND THE COMMUNITY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Press release, parent/community forum, faculty meetings, student assemblies, written communication and academy fair RESOURCES: Media, forums, faculty meetings, assembly programs, flyers, written communication, academy fair, staff, students, parents, administration TIMELINE: 03/03/11 OUTCOME: Complete the student roster for all Schools-Within-A-School at John F. Kennedy High School
STRATEGY: ADVERTISE FOR ALL STAFF POSITIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Executive Director of Human Resources, Position Control Coordinator and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Advertise for all positions, post, interview, hire, transfer RESOURCES: Postings, resumes, interviews TIMELINE: 03/11/11 OUTCOME: Postings for all positions
STRATEGY: ACADEMY FAIR BROCHURE WILL INCLUDE JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL, SCHOOLS-WITHIN- A-SCHOOL MODEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Office of School Choice, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Director of Communications ACTION: Revise the academy brochure to include the Schools-Within-A-School Model RESOURCES: Academy fair, brochure, administration TIMELINE: 03/11/11 OUTCOME: Completed academy brochure
STRATEGY: PRINT THE ACADEMY BROCHURES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Communications Department, Print Shop and Office of School Choice ACTION: Enter purchase order for academy brochure, communicate with the print shop RESOURCES: Purchase order, academy brochure printed TIMELINE: 03/15/11 OUTCOME: Printed copies of academy brochure
STRATEGY: ACADEMY FAIR MARCH, 2011 PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Supervisor of School Choice, Principals, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Director of Communications ACTION: Set-up each academy at the academy fair, advertise the academy fair, connect-ed, academy fair letters to parents, academy fair RESOURCES: Academy fair, administration, media, communication to parents TIMELINE: 03/28/11 OUTCOME: Academy fair scheduled for March, 2011
STRATEGY: IDENTIFY AT JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL, THE AREAS TO HOUSE EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent Business Services and Executive Director of Facilities ACTION: Tour John F. Kennedy High School, map out schools individually and map out common areas RESOURCES: Capacity report, building floor plan, administration TIMELINE: 04/01/11 OUTCOME: Develop a report identifying the individual floor plans, include in the report the common areas
STRATEGY: STUDENT APPLICATIONS COMPLETED FOR SCHOOL CHOICE AND AT JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL WITH EXISTING STUDENTS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Supervisor of School Choice, Director of Counseling, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Guidance Counselors ACTION: Students will sign up at the academy fair, students will complete applications for the schools at John F. Kennedy High School and applications will be sent to School Choice RESOURCES: Administration, staff, student applications, academy/school fair, School Choice Office TIMELINE: 04/01/11 OUTCOME: Completed student applications
STRATEGY: RECRUIT, HIRE, TRANSFER AND/OR PROMOTE CO-PRINCIPALS FOR THE SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A- SCHOOL MODEL AT JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Executive Director Human Resources ACTION: Advertise, interview, select, transfer RESOURCES: Administration, staff, applicants TIMELINE: 04/15/11 OUTCOME: Appoint Co-Principals for the Schools-Within-A-School Model at John F. Kennedy High School (One for Operations and one for Curriculum and Instruction)
STRATEGY: SELECT DIRECTOR, VICE PRINCIPAL AND SUPERVISOR FOR EACH SCHOOL-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Executive Director of Human Resources and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Advertise, interview, select, transfer RESOURCES: Administration, staff, applicants TIMELINE: 04/15/11 OUTCOME: Appoint Director, Vice Principal and Supervisor for the Schools-Within-A-School Model at John F. Kennedy High School
STRATEGY: DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS WILL SERVICE ALL SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals and Department Chairpersons ACTION: Revise job description, meet with department chairpersons to review responsibilities RESOURCES: Job descriptions, scheduled meetings, administration TIMELINE: 05/02/11 OUTCOME: Revised approved job description
STRATEGY: DEVELOP STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS ENTERING THE SCHOOLS, BEFORE JULY, DURING THE SUMMER AND AFTER SEPT. 1ST PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Supervisor of School Choice, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Develop procedures for school choice, develop procedures to fill vacant seats at John F. Kennedy High Schools-Within-A-School RESOURCES: School choice staff, student applications TIMELINE: 05/02/11 OUTCOME: Student rosters for all three schools at John F. Kennedy High School
STRATEGY: CONDUCT INTERVIEWS WITH TEACHER REVIEW/SELECTION TEAM, PRINCIPAL, ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM, CONTENT SUPERVISOR AND TWO PEA MEMBERS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Executive Director of Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Content Supervisors, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and PEA members ACTION: Conduct interviews, record findings, complete personnel transaction forms RESOURCES: Resumes, interview sheets, schedule of interviews, personnel transaction forms TIMELINE: 05/16/11 OUTCOME: Staff all schools at John F. Kennedy High School
STRATEGY: REVIEW OF RECOMMENDED STAFF BY ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION AND STATE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT AND DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Review credentials and recommended candidates for all positions RESOURCES: Applicants, resumes, certifications, administration TIMELINE: 05/20/11 OUTCOME: Staff roster for all Schools-Within-A-School
STRATEGY: RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES FOR STAFFING AT SCHOOLS AT JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL CREDENTIALS ARE VERIFIED BY HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Executive Director of Human Resources ACTION: Confirm certification for each position as required by code RESOURCES: Applicants, recommended candidates, certifications TIMELINE: 05/25/11 OUTCOME: Confirmed certifications for all positions as required by code
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A STUDENT SCHEDULE PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Deputy Superintendent, PEA and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Develop student schedules RESOURCES: Scheduler, administration TIMELINE: 05/30/11 OUTCOME: Student schedules
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A TEACHER SCHEDULE PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, PEA, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Scheduler ACTION: Develop a teacher schedule in line with the PEA contract RESOURCES: PEA contract, scheduler, administration TIMELINE: 05/30/11 OUTCOME: Schedule in line with PEA contract for all schools
STRATEGY: IMPLEMENT A STUDENT ADVISORY PROGRAM PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Director of Counseling, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, Principals, Scheduler and PEA Leadership ACTION: Schedule a meeting to discuss advisories, discuss union concerns with advisories, develop a teacher schedule with advisories RESOURCES: Administration, PEA leadership, schedule, scheduler TIMELINE: 06/01/11 OUTCOME: Schedule to include student advisories
STRATEGY: PROVIDE 18 HOURS OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL STAFF PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER, 2011 PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services, Director of Staff Development and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Schedule staff development sessions for staff, budget for staff development RESOURCES: Staff development schedule TIMELINE: 06/20/11 – 08/01/11 OUTCOME: Final schedule of staff development, sign-in sheets for staff
STRATEGY: ACADEMY SEATING FINALIZED PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, Supervisor of School Choice, Academy Administrators and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Complete student roster for each academy/schools at John F. Kennedy High School RESOURCES: Student choice, student rosters TIMELINE: 07/01/11 OUTCOME: Student roster for each academy/school
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR ALL SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent Academic Services, School Leadership Team and Principals John F. Kennedy High School ACTION: Meet for technical assistance regarding school improvement plan, write school improvement plan RESOURCES: Administration, staff, data TIMELINE: 07/01/11 OUTCOME: Written school improvement plan
STRATEGY: GRAND OPENING OF SCHOOLS-WITHIN-A- SCHOOL CEREMONY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Principal of Operations, Director of Communications, Parents and Students ACTION: Advertise grand opening, press release, opening ceremony program for parents, staff, community and students RESOURCES: Media, administration, staff, parents, students, grand opening ceremony program TIMELINE: 08/15/11 OUTCOME: Grand opening ceremony with written program
STRATEGY: CONDUCT STUDENT ORIENTATION PROGRAM PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Principal of Operations, Staff and Students ACTION: Develop student orientation the week prior to school opening RESOURCES: Administration, supervisors, directors, staff, team building activities TIMELINE: 08/15/11 - 08/30/11 OUTCOME: Scheduled student orientation, detailed written program
STRATEGY: CONDUCT PARENT & STUDENT MEETING PRIOR TO OPENING OF SCHOOLS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Principal of Operations, Staff, Students, Parents and Community ACTION: Develop a program for parent(s)/student(s) meeting RESOURCES: Administration, staff, parents, students, principals John F. Kennedy High School, Principal of Operations TIMELINE: 08/25/11 OUTCOME: Scheduled parent(s)/student(s) meeting
STRATEGY: DEVELOP SCHOOL/BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Rotary Club, Paterson Education Fund (PEF) and Paterson Alliance ACTION: Reach out to establish school/business partnerships RESOURCES: Paterson Rotary Club, Paterson Education Fund (PEF), Paterson Alliance TIMELINE: 09/01/11 OUTCOME: List of business partnerships per school
STRATEGY: DEVELOP SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY COLLABORATION FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School and College/University collaboration ACTION: Reach out to colleges/universities to establish collaborations RESOURCES: Passaic County Community College (PCCC), Montclair State University (MSU), Stevens Institute, William Paterson University (WPU), Farleigh Dickenson University (FDU), Staff, Administration TIMELINE: 09/01/11 OUTCOME: List of colleges/universities collaborations per school
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A VISION/MISSION FOR EACH SCHOOL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: Principals John F. Kennedy High School and Staff ACTION: Develop a vision and mission for each school RESOURCES: Administration, staff, strategic plan TIMELINE: 09/01/11 OUTCOME: Written vision and mission for all three schools
STRATEGY: DEVELOP A CAMPUS COORDINATING COUNCIL REGARDING SHARED FACILITIES PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Staff, Principal of Operations, Executive Director of Facilities and PEA Leadership ACTION: Recruit members for the coordinating council, administration, teachers, PEA representation, facilities personnel RESOURCES: Scheduled meetings of campus coordinating council, administration, staff, teachers, PEA reps TIMELINE: 09/01/11 OUTCOME: Schedule campus coordinating council meetings
STRATEGY: ESTABLISH A SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TEAM TO INCLUDE STUDENTS, PARENTS, COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS AND FACULTY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE: State District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Principals John F. Kennedy High School, Staff, Students, Parents and Community ACTION: Establish school improvement teams - one for each school RESOURCES: Administration, staff, students, parents, community, schedule, school improvement teams for all schools TIMELINE: 09/01/11 OUTCOME: Scheduled meetings for school improvement teams for all schools