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Lingfield Equine Vets. “ Excellence in Equine ”. Summer Newsletter. ‘ Excellence in Equine’.
Lingfield Equine Vets “Excellence in Equine” Summer Newsletter ‘Excellence in Equine’ Latest News: It has been a busy winter for us here at Lingfield Equine Vets. As always we have provided two vets for every race meet at Lingfield Park Race course and as the peak all-weather season draws to a close and racing moves onto the turf, we breathe a sigh of relief at the lack of major injuries sustained on the track. As the weather improves and the competitive season progresses, the performance horse and sports medicine work takes off. Feel free to call any of our vets to ask for advice about your horse or horses London 2012 Olympics Lingfield Equine Vets are proud to announce that several members of our team have been selected to work as part of the dedicated veterinary team at the London 2012 Olympics this Summer. Natasha, Rebecca, Fernanda and Jo will be working alongside top veterinary surgeons from all over the world in order to keep international elite equine athletes safe and well during the event. Meanwhile, Rachel, Kate and Camilla will be holding the fort during this busy time! Diary Date: 2nd September 2012! Annual LEV cup held @ Sussex Polo. All welcome! RCVS Accreditation After a huge amount of hard work and preparation by the whole team, we are in the final stages of being awarded ‘Equine General Practice’ RCVS Accreditation. The RCVS Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) is a voluntary initiative to accredit veterinary practices in the UK. Through setting standards and carrying out regular inspections, the Scheme aims to promote and maintain the highest standards of veterinary care. As such, awardment of the highest possible status we could obtain is a great achievement for Lingfield Equine Vets and recognises our continued commitment to maintain the best possible service for our clients Congratulations! There are many reasons to celebrate this year…As well as London 2012 we are pleased to announce the following: Our senior partner Rachel Atherton is in foal! The new arrival is due in October so Rachel will be heading off on maternity leave in late September but will be easing up on clinical work over the coming months as her bump expands. We are all absolutely delighted for her and know she will make a fantastic mum! Advanced congratulations are due to vet Kate Gibson and her Fiancé Simon who are due to marry on 14th July . As well as seeing the happy couple marry, we are all looking forward to a great party! Finally, our dedicated veterinary assistant Natasha Stonely was awarded her SQP qualification earlier this year. ‘Suitably Qualified Person’ is the legal term for animal medicine advisors who form a category of professionally qualified people who are entitled to prescribe and/or supply certain veterinary medicines in the UK under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations. Well done Natasha! Vet Clinics Our regular clinics have become increasingly popular. For those new to the clinic concept, if more than 3 horses need to be seen regularly at the same time, you can book a regular clinic where no visit fee will be charged. Remember, we host monthly dental clinics at the practice with Simon Viewig from the Westrow Dental Clinic. Book early to avoid disappointment. Price Changes As fuel prices continue to escalate we have been forced to review our visit charges and will now be charging a nominal fee of £5.00 for our 0-5 mile visit band from July 1st 2012. A sad Goodbye… Our wonderful vet Fernanda (Fernando, Fernandez, Consuelez, Fandango etc) is sadly leaving us for warmer climes…her husband Suryan is relocating to Singapore with a work promotion in July. Fernanda has been with Lingfield Equine Vets since it started in July 2007 and will be hugely missed by colleagues and clients alike. We wish her and her young family all the best in their new adventure and look forward to visiting them soon! Chester Lodge, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, Surrey RH19 2RD www.lingfieldequinevets.com Tel: 01342 300008
Lingfield Equine Vets ‘Excellence in Equine’ Laminitis Myths! It is a common belief that laminitis in the spring is caused by access to lush pasture, especially if the horse or pony is overweight. However new research has demonstrated that 90% of laminitis cases are the result of an underlying hormonal condition, namely Cushing’s disease (PPID) or Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS). Unless one of these conditions is present, grazing alone is unlikely to cause laminitis. In order to correctly diagnose and treat such laminitis cases, it is important that horses and ponies with an underlying hormonal disease are identified. Laminitis has the potential to cause extensive damage to the feet even before clinical signs are evident. Early diagnosis and intervention are critical if the crippling changes that are seen in the disease are to be avoided. If your horse or pony is within the 90% that do have an underlying hormonal disease, then a clear diagnosis will enable us to treat the laminitis appropriately and help to prevent future painful episodes. Cushing’s disease (PPID) and EMS can be easily diagnosed by blood tests. The practice is supporting the “Talk About Laminitis” initiative, which will help us to test laminitis-prone horses and ponies for underlying hormonal diseases. Until the end of June the laboratory fees for the blood test which detects new cases of Cushing’s disease will be free, so spring into action now and talk to us about laminitis. Please call the practice on 01342 300008to discuss how your horse or pony can benefit from this scheme and to book an appointment. For more information and to download your free blood test voucher visit www.talkaboutlaminitis.co.uk • Summer Offers • Take part in our facebook quiz and enter to win a multitude of different prizes – go to our facebook page (lingfield equine) to find out more. Other offers: • Vaccination and routine dental rasp £65 • Free faecal worm egg count if you recommend a friend to us • Basic haematology blood screen to check white blood cells and red blood cells (a useful pre-competition screening test to ensure your horse is optimum fitness) - £30 • Valid until 31st August 2012 • Nutritional programme • Not sure if you are feeding your horse correctly? • Is he not losing weight despite all your hard efforts? • Has he had a recent health issue and you are wondering if you could help him • recover faster by changing the diet? • Is it costing you a fortune to feed your horse and you would like a cheaper option? • If you answered yes to any of the above please call us. We can offer you a nutritional programme taylor made for your horse . Using a computer software feed analysis (supported by Saracen horse feed), our portable weight scales and veterinary knowledge we can provide you with printouts of the diets, amounts to be fed (both forage and hard feed) and timings they should be fed at (if important) all at a competitive price • For further details please call the practice and ask to speak to Camilla on 01342 300008 Laboratory Services: As many of you know we are able to run haematology and biochemistry blood samples in house. Now we have upgraded our machines to the latest state of the art equipment. It must be good because they have elected to use the same machines at the Olympics Charity Talks After the success of previous talks we have continued to organise client education evenings and enjoyed a lovely evening at Westerham Golf Club talking about ‘Weight and Worming’ in March this year. Kate, Rebecca and Camilla also presented a talk on ‘Equine Physiology’ for Chelsham and Bromley Riding Club in January. We welcome any suggestions for future talks so please contact the practice with your ideas. Chester Lodge, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, Surrey RH19 2RD www.lingfieldequinevets.com Tel: 01342 300008