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ECG Interpretation

ECG Interpretation. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. William A. Shapiro, M.D. http://anesthesia.ucsf.edu/shapiro. advancing health worldwide TM. Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. Course Objectives & Description:.

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ECG Interpretation

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  1. ECG Interpretation Advanced Cardiac Life Support William A. Shapiro, M.D. http://anesthesia.ucsf.edu/shapiro advancing health worldwide TM Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care

  2. Course Objectives & Description: • Recognize & initiate early management of peri-arrest conditions that may result in cardiac arrest • Manage cardiac arrest until return of spontaneous circulation, or transfer of care • Understanding of arrhythmia interpretation • Recognize the hemodynamic consequencesof arrhythmias

  3. Normal Sinus Rhythm Normal sinus rhythm results from the initiation of an electrical signal (the cardiac impulse) by cells of the sinus node at a rate appropriate to the age and state of activity of the individual, and then the propagation of that signal in an orderly manner through the atria, A-V junction, ventricular specialized conducting system and the ventricular myocardium

  4. Cardiac Conduction System Bachmann’s bundle Sinus node Internodal pathways Left bundle branch AV node Posterior division Bundle of His Anterior division Purkinje fibers Right bundle branch

  5. Arrhythmia An arrhythmia reflects either abnormally rapid or slow impulse initiation by the sinus node, or interruption of the sinus rhythm by impulses originating from some other site in the heart, either for short or long periods of time

  6. Mechanisms of Arrhythmias • Reentry • Automaticity • Altered normal automaticity • Abnormal automaticity • Triggered Rhythms due to DAD (delayed after depolarizations

  7. Causes of Arrhythmias • Physiologic and Pathologic Processes • Vagal stimulation, Fever, Hypothermia • Electrolyte abnormalities, CNS problems • Hypovolemia, Pain, anaphylaxis, etc. • Preexisting Cardiac & Pulmonary Disease • Acute coronary syndrome, HTN, AODM • COPD, hypoxia, hypercarbia

  8. The Electrocardiogram

  9. The Electrocardiogram R T P U Q S PR Interval QRS Interval

  10. The Electrocardiogram PR Interval QRS Interval QT Interval

  11. Cardiac Conduction System Relationship of ECG to anatomy

  12. Cardiac Conduction System Relationship of ECG to anatomy


  14. Normal Sinus Rhythm • Rate 60-100 beats per minute • Rhythm: Regular • P waves: Upright in Leads: 1, 2, AVF

  15. Determining the Rate

  16. Determining the Rate

  17. Determining the Rhythm

  18. Sinus Tachycardia • Rate: Greater than 100 beats per minute • Rhythm: Regular • P waves: Upright in Leads: 1, 2, AVF

  19. Sinus Tachycardia • Rate: Greater than 100 beats per minute • Rhythm: Regular • P waves: Upright in Leads: 1, 2, AVF

  20. Sinus Bradycardia • Rate: Less than 60 beats per minute • Rhythm: Regular • P waves: Upright in Leads: 1, 2, AVF

  21. Sinus Bradycardia • Rate: Less than 60 beats per minute • Rhythm: Regular • P waves: Upright in Leads: 1, 2, AVF

  22. Premature Atrial Complexes • P wave Rhythm: Irregular • P waves: Premature, often in the T-wave • QRS complex: Normal or widened P-wave

  23. Premature Atrial Complexes • P wave Rhythm: Irregular • P waves: Premature, often in the T-wave • QRS complex: Normal or widened

  24. Premature Atrial Complexes • P wave Rhythm: Irregular • P waves: Premature, often in the T-wave • QRS complex: (Normal or widened) or blocked Non conducted P-wave

  25. Atrial Tachycardia • Rate: Atrial- 140-240 bpm, p-waves hard to see • Rhythm: • P-wave- regular • QRS- 1-1 conduction with atrial rates < 200 bpm • With atrial rates > 200 bpm, A-V conduction block common (less than 1-1 conduction) • PR interval- depends on the origin of the p-wave • QRS- usually normal

  26. P-Wave P-Wave Atrial Tachycardia

  27. Atrial Tachycardia Atrial Tachycardia with variable block P-Waves are regular at 160 bpm

  28. Atrial Flutter • Rate: Atrial- 300 bpm (260-320) • Rhythm: • P-waves- regular • QRS- 2-1 conduction - 150 bpm, variable AV conduction with constant AV conduction ratio • P-waves: F-waves (Flutter), sawtooth pattern • QRS- usually normal, obviously sometimes wide

  29. Atrial Flutter F-waves

  30. Atrial Flutter Atrial Flutter with variable conduction (block)

  31. Atrial Fibrillation • Rate: Atrial- rapid, Ventricular- Depends • Rhythm: • P-waves- irregular • QRS- beat to beat variability, Irregularly irregular • P-waves: From F-waves (Flutter) to absent • QRS duration- normal or wide

  32. Atrial Fibrillation

  33. Atrial Fibrillation

  34. Atrial Fibrillation

  35. Premature Junctional Complexes • Rhythm: Irregular • P waves: Retrograde • PR interval: < .12 sec or nonexistent • QRS complex: Normal or widened

  36. Premature Ventricular Complexes • Rhythm: Irregular • P waves: Usually not seen • QRS complex: Wide > .12 sec • Compensatory pause

  37. This is the sinus and the QRSdistance This distanceis double the sinus distance Premature Ventricular Complexes Compensatory pause

  38. Premature Ventricular Complexes • Unifocal PVCs • Multifocal PVCs

  39. This is the sinus and the QRSdistance This distanceis double the sinus distance Premature Ventricular Complexes Compensatory pause Interpolated PVC

  40. Premature Ventricular Complexes Ventricular Bigeminy Pairs of PVCs

  41. Premature Ventricular Complexes PVC on T-wave precipitating Ventricular Tachycardia

  42. Ventricular Tachycardia • Rate: Approx 100-230 bpm • Rhythm: Usually regular • P waves: Usually not seen • Independent A and V activity • A-V dissociation • QRS complex: Wide > .12 sec • Capture beats, fusion beats

  43. Ventricular Tachycardia

  44. Ventricular Tachycardia Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

  45. Ventricular Fibrillation • Rate: Rapid- no effective cardiac rhythm • Rhythm: Irregular • P, QRS, T- waves: Absent • No blood pressure!

  46. Ventricular Fibrillation Course VF Fine VF

  47. Ventricular Fibrillation

  48. Ventricular Asystole • P, QRS, T- waves: Complete absent of cardiac electrical activity • Complete absent of effective cardiac pumping function

  49. Acute Coronary Syndromes

  50. Acute Coronary Syndromes

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