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Aftermath of the War: Cold War

Aftermath of the War: Cold War. The Big Three in Tehran 1943 SU and US suspicious of each other. Potsdam Conference of July 1945 Note: before the dropping of the bombs on Japan Main issue? Eastern Europe

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Aftermath of the War: Cold War

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  1. Aftermath of the War: Cold War • The Big Three in Tehran 1943 • SU and US suspicious of each other. • Potsdam Conference of July 1945 • Note: before the dropping of the bombs on Japan • Main issue? Eastern Europe • March, 1946…Churchill gives speech…an ‘iron curtain’ has ‘descended across the Continent’

  2. A Cold what exactly? • WWII alliances ended in mutual suspicions • Eastern Europe…again… • Who started it? Stalin’s intentions…previously closed Soviet archives… • The Years of 1945-1949 • The Truman Doctrine (1947) • Greece (1946)…Financial aid to countries feeling threatened by Communist expansion… • The Marshall Plan (1947)…or the ‘Economic Recovery Program’ • $13 billion for the economic recovery of war-torn Europe…ulterior motives? ‘Our policy is not directed against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos’ General Marshall

  3. A Cold what exactly cont… • ‘Containment’ • At first the US’s goals were to get out of European affairs quickly… • July 1947 in Foreign Affairs, George Kennan advocated a policy of containment…what did it mean? • Soviet Blockade of Berlin in 1948 (Western powers shipped 2.3 million tons of food on 277,500 flights) • the US adopts containment as formal American policy… • NATO and the Warsaw Pact • 1949: Soviets detonate first atomic bomb…growing arms race and a series of MILITARY alliances • NATO (April 1949): Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, US, Canada, West Germany, Greece, and Turkey… • Warsaw Pact (1955): Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Soviet Union…

  4. The Cold War goes global… General Douglas MacArthur during Korean War

  5. The frigidity spreads… • The Korean War (1950-1953) • Once Japan was removed US and USSR split Korea at the 38th parallel • Any hopes of independent government gone when split between north and south… • June 25, 1950, Stalin approved a North Korean invasion of the South… • UN approval of US troops under MacArthur sent in September…motives? • Thwarted by China…yes China • 33,000 American casualties and a growing hatred of China • The First Vietnam War (early 1950’s to 1954) • The Vietnamese under Ho Chi Minh want the French out… • 1954: North and South Vietnam… • Berlin Crisis (1958) • ‘the testicles of the West: every time I want to make the West scream, I squeeze on Berlin’ (Hitchcock, 215) • 1958 (Eisenhower) and 1961 (JFK): 6 month ultimatums • Leads to the Berlin Wall in August of 1961…powerful symbol of division between east and west…

  6. The Frigidity spreads cont… • The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) • Fidel Castro of Cuba • 1961: Bay of Pigs • 1962: SU attempts to station nuclear missiles in Cuba…a truce is reached • The Second Vietnam War (early 1960’s-1973) • Widely publicized • 58,000+ American casualties • The tide on the Cold War is turning…’Vietnam syndrome’…come back to US fighter flying over Soviet ship

  7. Wait…what’s that…a thaw? • Willy Brandt and Ostpolitik (1969)… • Was an increase in cultural, personal, and economic relations between East and West Germany… • Antiballistic Missile Treaty (1972) • Limitation on Soviet and American antiballistic missile systems and military spending... Willy Brandt (1913-1992)

  8. Postwar Soviet Union • Do we remember Stalin… • Postwar (late 1940’s-early 1950’s) Soviet Union economy was dominated by heavy industry developments…40% of the heavy manual labor performed by… • Nikita Krushchev (1894-1971) • Assumed power in 1955…heavily critical of Stalin • Destalinization: Release of prisoners, decentralize gov, broader intellectual tolerance • Too many failed policies and a clash in personalities led to his downfall in 1964… Nikita Krushchev and that other guy…I forget his name** …

  9. Postwar Soviet Union cont… • The Brezhnev Years • Gave power back to the central ministries and reunited the Communist Party • ‘Reinvented’ Stalin’s image…and all that went with that… • The economy remained stagnate…lack of incentives… • Dies in November of 1982… Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982)

  10. The Soviet Empire Disintegrates • The Gorbachev Years • Realized whole system had to be overhauled…hence his perestroika… • At first merely economic…but had to be more than that…glasnost… • 2 candidate elections, a parliament, other political parties • March, 1990…he became first President • Main problem…Eastern Europe Mikhail Gorbachev (1931-present)

  11. The Eastern European question • ‘Ceased to exist’ • Multi-ethnic country (92 nationalities) • Iron fist -vs- glasnost • Self-determination, not succession… • 1989: Fall of Berlin Wall • 1991…Soviet Union was no longer…Russia was just plain old Russia again • Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine…the list goes on and on… Tanks in Red Square (1991)

  12. And now For something entirely different…

  13. The Fall of the Nationalist Party in China • Chiang Kai Shek…remember him…had failed to expel the Japanese during WWII • Had terrorized the population • Had not solved China’s economic problems. • 1948, Communist forces, led by Mao Zedong, took Beijing. In April they took Nanking. Chiang fled to Taiwan. • October 1, 1949 Mao proclaimed the establishment of the People’s Republic of China…for the first time in 12 years, China was at peace…

  14. Mao’s Focus/Goals • Construct a Socialist society…had to be pragmatic…hence the ‘New Democracy’ • China’s peasantry • Rent Reduction • Cooperative Farming • Equal Rights for Women (689…read) • Reality check…Mao had a vision of a utopian communist society…and would stop at nothing to achieve that… Mao Zedong (1949)

  15. Mao Zedong’s “New Democracy” and ‘Great Leap Forward’ • Moved slowly…at first, in order not alienate the peasantry… • Private ownership of industry allowed, with close government supervision…why? Capitalism needed… • 1950 Agarian Land Reform • 2/3 of peasants received land • 1953 First Five Year Plan: Collective Farms • Called for increase in industrial output…through increased food production…did not produce… • 1958 Second Five Year Plan…or the ‘Great Leap Forward’: Communes… • Existing rural collectives were combined into ‘people’s communes’…disaster…

  16. The Great Proletarian Cultural Movement, 1966-76 • Mao’s renewed effort to complete his final stage of utopian communism • The Red Guard… • Made up of... • Sent in to eliminate usurpers… • Mao’s Little Red Book • Stressed practical learning over the sciences and humanities • To eliminate the Four Olds: • Old Ideas • Old Habits • Old Customs • Old Culture

  17. Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) • 1976 Mao died, and was succeeded by Deng Xiaoping…brought the cultural rev. to an end • The Four Modernizations: • Industry, Agriculture, Technology, National Defense. • Created profit incentives, managers allowed more control, small businesses encouraged. Farmers given incentives…limited private capitalism allowed! • Housing, education, and sanitation improved… • 5th modernization? • One child law • Suppressing of dissidents…

  18. Modern China • Still calling itself a communist state, but: • 1990’s a Chinese stock market • Closure of the state-run factories • Western values, stores, fashions in China’s cities. • Growth of a middle-class • Huge class disparities, awful pollution, large dams in construction. • 2008 China hosted the summer Olympics.

  19. Recovery and Renewal in Western Europe • France • Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), takes control in 1958, his goals… • From socialism to the right…issues now? • Great Britain • A Welfare State after the war • 1979…the ‘Iron Lady’…she was unable to get rid of the Welfare State • 1997…Tony Blair…war in Iraq • Despite all this GB remains the best place to be in the event of a…

  20. It’s all about the United States man…

  21. The 1960’s…it’s groovy man… • The 1960’s were a radical time man…’permissive society’ • Rise of youth and ‘counterculture’ man… • Civil Rights movement man… • Popular culture man… • Rock and roll man… • The Beetles and Bob Dylan • and Hollywood man… • Cultural icons and sexual explicitness • and sex man • Sexual permissiveness… • Birth control pill • And drugs man • Too many to list

  22. The Civil Rights movement • The Jim Crow South (1876) • De jure segregation and de facto segregation • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)…separate but equal… • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)… • A slow process of protest… • Martin Luther King (1929-1968)… http://youtu.be/smEqnnklfYs

  23. Scientific and technological advances • The Computer • Grace Hopper and COBOL (the first computer ‘language’) • Space travel! • 1969, Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong • Dangers of Science and Technology? • E.F. Schumacher and Small is Beautiful*(p.718) (1975), examined the effects modern industrial technology has on the earth’s resources…

  24. A New Feminism • In the 20th century, Western women had experienced a dramatic change in status, however… • De facto inequalities… • Birth control and sexuality • Economic opportunities were still limited…salary discrepancies… • Feminist sex wars (divisive) • Abortion… • Roe versus Wade (1973) in the US • 1990, Belgium was the last western country to decriminalize…

  25. The Environment… • By the 1970’s the effects of progress on the environment was becoming apparent… • Chernobyl, 1986…the greatest human-made environmental disaster of the second half of the 20th century… • Eastern Europe after 1989… Robert Smithson’s ‘Spiral Jetty’

  26. Popular Culture • Had been steadily growing since the 60’s…effects of…both represented divisions as well as commonalities… • 1967-1973, the Golden Age of Rock… • Straightforward rock-and-roll now had competition • Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols… • MTV (1981) • Image is now as important as sound… • Racial barriers? • Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five (rap/hip hop)

  27. The Rightward Shift and Beyond • The New Right • New conservatism…back to ‘traditional family values’…why? • Failure of the ERA (1982)… • Abortion…again…Hyde Amendment (1976) • Degradation of our 2-party system? • Terrorism and the Gulf Wars • A new enemy… • Women’s role in combat • http://youtu.be/7gMt-CyJ2qM • Globalization and the West • See next…

  28. Globalization What the heck is it exactly and what does it mean for the ‘West’…

  29. Globalization • Globalization: A term that is frequently used today to describe the process by which peoples and nations have become more interdependent (ie, global economy) • Multiculturalism: ethnic diversity in a given society and ‘goods’ that promote that diversity • Music • Art • Film • Consumer goods, etc

  30. The ‘West’ in the Global Age • What exactly is ‘the West’? • The West’s ‘institutions’ • The nation-state and nationalism… • Small businesses… • Marriage… • Catholicism… • Democracy… • Human/Women’s rights… • Can you think of anything else? • From Western to World here at WWCC Clarkston?

  31. Yuri Gagarin, the first Soviet cosmonaut, remarked, ‘‘What strikes me, is not only the beauty of the continents . . . but their closeness to one another . . . their essential unity.’’ p. 975

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