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Crowd Sourced Traffic Monitoring. JAM DODGE. By Mitchell Cox, Alec Larsen and Benjamin Sim. Overview. Motivation Demonstration Iterations Group Member’s work. Motivation. [1] http://healthylifecarenews.com/wp content/uploads/2011/05/Congestion.jpg

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Crowd Sourced Traffic Monitoring JAM DODGE By Mitchell Cox, Alec Larsen and Benjamin Sim

  2. Overview • Motivation • Demonstration • Iterations • Group Member’s work

  3. Motivation [1] http://healthylifecarenews.com/wp content/uploads/2011/05/Congestion.jpg [2] http://thenack.iblog.co.za/files/2009/06/traffic.jpg [1] [2]

  4. Motivation =

  5. Demonstration

  6. Iterations • Two iterations • 1st iteration = majority of features included • 2nd iteration = additional features incorporated. • Responsibility shifted between the two iterations.

  7. First Iteration Alec Mitch Benji

  8. Second Iteration Alec Mitch Benji

  9. Backend Functionality • Login • Point Logging • Point Retrieval

  10. Does having a Login make sense? • All data anonymous to prevent system abuse • Logging in is a hassle – you don’t log into your GPS • Two distinct login processes: • Android login • PC/Mobile login • Protection against freeloading

  11. Android Login • Simple with no user interaction • Only users logging in from the Android Application will have PC access

  12. PC/Mobile Login • Uses selective redirection based on device: • Mobile – Automatic redirection to map page • PC – Requires a valid unique identifier to gain access to the maps page

  13. PC/Mobile Login

  14. Point Logging • Points passed in via a Query String in the url • Query string has parameters for: • Latitude • Longitude • Speed • Bearing • Points within similar geographic location have speed and bearing averaged

  15. The DATAbase! • Simple Structure • Large Tables

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