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1. Spring 2011 Administration of the
Measurements of Student Progress (MSP)
Grades 3 8
School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Training
April 14, 2011
5. Glossary of Terms
7. Whom to contact District Assessment Coordinator
Jack Monpas-Huber, x4774
Assistant to the District Assessment Coordinator
Mary Crandell, x4771
11. Responsibilities of the DAC
12. Responsibilities of the Principal
13. Responsibilities of the SAC
14. Communicating with Families School staff should communicate information to students and parents about the administration of the MSP tests and how the results will be used
Communication should describe:
The purpose of the tests
When the tests will be administered
What the tests will be like
How the results will be used
How student, school and district results will be reported
The use of accommodations for individual students
Many handouts and publications are available on state testing and graduation requirements at www.k12.wa.us/Resources
15. Participation of English Language Learners:New Non-English Proficient (NNEP) Students
16. Accommodations for Special Education Students
17. Accommodations for English Language Learners
18. Preparation for testing Come to the SAC training
Review the SAC notebook, including the ACM and DFA
Train building proctors
Model PowerPoint training available
Familiarize your team with the tools and accommodations allowed
Testing time needed:
Allow an additional 1520 minutes for proctor activities
19. Test Security State Laws Governing Security
All test content is confidential and secure. No part of any test booklet or accommodated CDs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or placement in any information storage and retrieval system.
Ensuring Test Security
Tests must be maintained in a secure manner (locked, limited-access) and not revealed to students or teachers prior to testing.
Distribution and collection process: chain of custody must be maintained, including the collection of scratch paper or glossaries.
Students must not be given inappropriate assistance during the time they are taking the test (e.g., visual, tactile or audible clues that lead the students to the correct answer, materials on the walls or blackboards that assist students in finding correct answers, or explanations that lead the student to the correct answers).
Test must be maintained in a secure manner before and after administration because items are reused over time.
20. When do we get our tests? Tests will be delivered to schools on April 2526
Find a nice, quiet, locked place to process and keep your tests. A room with long tables will let you spread out items for processing.
Tests must be maintained in a secure manner (locked, limited-access) and not revealed to students or teachers prior to testing.
Distribution and collection process: chain of custody must be maintained, including the collection of scratch paper or glossaries.
Take a look at what youve received
Youre the best judge of if you have what you need.
Look early, and let the DAC know if you need any additional items.
Inventory what youve received to make sure you have a test for each student. This will give you time to process new booklets if needed.
What else will be included?
Tools & manipulatives will be included with your tests. Heres what can be used:
Grades 36: manipulatives and tools may be used; calculators may not be used
Grades 78: manipulatives and tools, including calculators may be used
Tools & manipulatives will be provided for each student in grades 36. Please contact the DAC if you need to check out calculators.
22. Responsibilities of the test proctors, scribes,and persons assisting withSign Language/Braille/Large Print
23. Essential proctor training
24. Moving In and Moving Out What happens if a student moves during the testing window?
A pre-identified student booklet may follow a student to any other school in the district.
If a Pre-ID test booklet from another district is used, the testing district must apply a School/Site Label over the Pre-ID student information on the front cover of the student test booklet. Boxes 15 (MSP/HSPE/WAAS-DAPE) and Boxes 16 (EOC) on the back cover (demographic page) of the student test booklet must be completed.
In the absence of receiving a Pre-ID booklet from the previous school/district, a blank overage test booklet should be used.
Contact the DAC with specific questions.
Students Who Enter or Withdraw During the Testing Window
In grades 38, districts/schools are encouraged to administer the MSP to all partially enrolled students per professional judgment.
Testing the first day a student arrives in a district would not generally be recommended. Districts/schools may be able to administer just reading and/or mathematics to a late-enrolling student.
Score reports from these tests could help inform educational decision making.
25. Absenteeism What happens if a student is absent?
Students who are absent with a valid excuse and do not take the MSP/HSPE/EOC state assessments will not be included in Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) or state results.
They will be counted as non-participants for AYP purposes.
Make a note of the absence on your Pre-ID roster.
Students who are absent without a valid excuse (absent unexcused) will be treated as not having been tested.
These students will be included in calculations of percentages of students meeting standards, as not meeting standard. Student absences need to be reported on the back cover (demographic page) of the test booklet as either excused or unexcused.
This documentation must follow local school board policy on excused absences. Return test booklets of students in grades 38 and 10 with your scorable materials.
Make a note of the absence on your Pre-ID roster.
31. Packing It Up New process for packing up
In order to quickly troubleshoot and expedite packing, the DAC will be coming to schools for pack-up.
Schedule available today: please identify a good time.
If needed, a separate day for Science pick-up is fine.
Preparing materials for confirmation
Please have all the tests sorted by type (math, science, etc) and in numeric order, even the X'd out tests. This will help us shoot through the full list quickly.
DAC will bring packing supplies like labels and tape and stuffing and boxes.
Booklets without pre-ids will be listed on blank student roster sheets. Those can be prelisted (in numeric order) in order to save time.
Please look at your unused (and open) booklets to make sure they're all recorded on the handwritten student roster.
Things to keep in mind
Please identify whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
Are there any irregularities to write up?
Please make a note of other reasons that a test might have not been completed (NNEP, etc).
32. Whats Next? Results will be available
Here is the date for the SSS school results and public announcements.
Here is the date for actual school results.
Here is our plan for getting these results communicated to the community.
Feedback needed
What questions did you have during testing that could have been covered in the training?
We would like to schedule the SAC training earlier. When would you suggest?
How was the pack-up? How can we make that easier?
Celebration of a job well-done!
Here is where we suggest school recognition and district recognition of getting through OSPI testing.
33. Best Practices Lets take a minute to share your ideas
Do you have a process that has worked well that youd like to share
Building Discussions
Take a minute or two to talk to your compadres about planning