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Understanding Japan's PRTR System & Environmental Management

Learn about Japan's Pollution Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system, its implementation, legal framework, and business operator requirements. Discover the flow of information, background, and benefits of the PRTR system in Japan. The PRTR aims to increase transparency in chemical substance release and transfer data, promoting environmental awareness and control measures.

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Understanding Japan's PRTR System & Environmental Management

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  1. Hyogo Prefectural Government Agricultural and Environment Affairs Dept. , Environmental Management Bureau, Environmental Impact Assessment Office PRTR Systemand Actions Taken in Japan

  2. What is PRTR system ? PRTR Target business operators (via) Local government Central government A people Compilation & official announcement Local government Submit compilation results & individual data Compilation & announcement to meet needs of regional areas PRTR is an abbreviation of Pollution Release and Transfer Register PRTR is a system for government to annually compile and officially announce information regarding the release of chemical substances into the environment as well as the transfer of them. Flow of information Adding up release amount from households, agricultural fields, vehicles Registration of release and Transfer amount

  3. Grounds for the implementation of PRTR system 1984Accident in a chemical plant in Bhobar, India (Chemical substances in large quantity released into the air.) 1992PRTR system was paid attention in the action plan “Agenda 21” adopted by the “Earth Summit”. 1996OECD recommended member countries to introduce & implement PRTR. 1999The Law regarding promulgatedThe Law Concerning Reporting etc. of Releases to The Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements. 2001The law regarding PRTR system was activated 【Status of PRTR system implemented in various countries】 Japan Manufacturing, etc. announced 2

  4. Contents of The Law Concerning Reporting etc. of Releases to The Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements The Law Concerning Reporting etc. of Releases to The Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements 〈enacted July 13, 1999/put into effect:March 30, 2000/final amendment:Dec. 13, 2002〉 • Chapter 1General regulations and rules [Article 1~Article 4] • Article 1 (Purpose) • Article 3 (Guidance for the management of chemical substances) • Article 4 (Liability of business operator) Chapter 2Control of the release of Class I designated chemical substances, etc.   [Article 5~Article 13]【→ PRTR System】 Chapter 3Information sharing, etc. by business operators using the specific chemical substances. [Article 14~Article 16]【→ SDS System】 Chapter 4 Miscellaneous rules [Article 17~Article 23] Article 17(Measures taken by central and local public bodies) Chapter 5 Penalties [Article 24] Supplementary rules 3

  5. PRTR System Business operators should clarify the amount of their release and transfer, and evaluate as well as improve their actions to control chemical substances. Business operators The amount of chemical release to the environment and the amount of their transfer should be identified by every business operator and every target chemical. No. of notification in 2013 36,638 Via local government PRTR制度 Evaluation for chemical control status Enhance the understandings of people regarding the situations of chemical release and control of chemical substances. Japanese people Notified Data (estimated) Notification The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and The Environmental Ministry are to estimate the amount of release from sources (households, agricultural fields, vehicles, etc.) apart from the notified data. Claim each business operator the transparency of data and make official announcement of data Central government The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Environmental Ministry are to compile notified data and officially make announcement of the results as well as notify them to related ministries and local governments. ◎Announcement of the compilation results by substances, types of operators, and areas, etc. ◎Announcement of the data of each business operator 4

  6. Outline of the notification of PRTR PRTR届出の概要 Notifying Send Register・Compilation Official announcement Local government Central government Business operator ■Eligible period for PRTR One year from April 1 of the previous year ※In the case of notification made in 2014, target period for PRTR is from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014. ■Notification periodFrom April 1st to June 30th ■Target chemical substancesClass I specified chemical substances 462 chemicals(including specially designated class I 15 chemicals) ■Requirement for notificationRequirement for notification is applied to Types of target businessNumber of employeesAmount to handle, etc. 5

  7. Target chemical substances 対象化学物質 Class I specified chemical substances (462 substances) Target chemicals should be selected based on hazards and possible exposures ※Hazard=Adverse impacts on human health, reproduction and growth of animals and plants, destruction of ozone layer Specially designated class I chemical substances (15 substances) Chemical substances that are to be carcinogenic for human beings Nickel compounds, Benzene, Arsenic and its inorganic compounds, Dioxins, etc. Potentially give adverse impacts on human health, by destroying ozone layer, and increasing the amount of solar ultraviolet ray which reaches ground surface(Example:Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)) Potentially disturb reproduction and growth of animals and plants (Example:Nonilphenol) Potentially give adverse impacts on human (Example:benzene) 6

  8. Target Business Operators 届出要件 Target business operators are for those who meet the requirements of “target types of business”, “required number of employees”, “handling amount of target chemicals” ■Target types of business:24 types Example:metal mining industry, petroleum & natural gas mining industries, manufacturing, electrical industries, thermal supply industries, sewage treatment facilities, warehouses, petroleum wholesalers, automobile repair & maintenanceindustries, automobile wholesalers, general waste treatment facilities, industrial waste treatment facilities, medical industries・・・・ ■No. of employees: 21 employees or more on fulltime basis. ※The number is the total number hired by certain target business operator. It does not represent the respective number working in factories or branch offices and workshops. ■Handling amount of target chemicals:Annual handling is 1tonnage or more ●Handling amount is to cover eligible period for the expected year of registry   ( manufacturing amount + use amount ) ● Specially designated class I chemicals require 0.5tonnage or more. ● Notified numerical figures do not represent handling amounts. 7

  9. What to notify by target business operators  排出量と移動量 ■Release amount : Amount released into the environment as a result of business activities ①Release into the air ②Release into public water bodies (rivers, lakes, coastal seas) ③Release into the ambient soil ④Landfill (final disposal treatment) by business operator ■Transfer amount : The amount transfers outside of the boundary of business operator ⑤Transfer to sewer :Amount released to sewer ⑥Transfer outside of business operator :Amount hand over to operator in charge of industrial waste treatment 8

  10. Calculation of Release Amount and Transfer Amount 数値の算出方法 (Source: PRTR Manual on calculation of release amount) Release and transfer amounts can be calculated using one of the following 5 calculation methods • Method using revenue & expenditure of substances Use the difference between amount coming in and going out of business operator • Method using actual measurement Measure on-site concentrations of exhaust gas and effluent water, then, multiply the measured values by amounts of exhaust gas and effluent water • Method using effluent coefficient Multiply handling amount (amount used by business operator) by effluent coefficient (portion estimated to be released into the environment) • Method using values specific to specific physical properties of certain chemical substances Multiply effluent and release amounts by values of physical properties (values that can fix the amount of chemical substance contained, such as steam pressure, solubility, etc.) ⑤Other calculation methods that can give accurate calculated values 9

  11. Release apart from target business operators (Estimation by central government) 数値の算出方法 Central government estimate and officially announce release amount from non-target business operators, mobile entities such as automobiles, and households • Among target business operators required for notification, business operators with their number of employees less than 21 • Among target business operators, business operators with their annual handling amount of chemical substances is less than 1 tonnage • Types of business exempted from notifying: construction industries, food & beverages industries, agriculture, etc. • Household: Release accompanied by the use of insect repellants, paints, herbicides, insecticides, detergents • Mobile entities (transportation): automobiles, bicycles, vessels, trains, airplanes Targets for estimation Identifying use amount, shipment amount of target chemicals Estimate amount released into the environment Identifying target chemicals for estimation Estimate respective release amount by municipalities available documents Monitoring results Set the portion of amount released into the environment Region/area-wise indicators such as population, the use of land 10

  12. SDS System SDS制度 SDS:Safety Data Sheet ■ At the time when potentially hazardous chemical substances and products containing these chemical substances are handed over or provided to other business operators, then, SDS mandates business operatorsto provide information regarding properties of related chemical substances and the ways of handling them. Significance of SDS system • For the purpose of proper/appropriate control and management of chemical substances, etc., the availability of information regarding their toxicities/hazards as well as handling procedures/process are required. • It is relatively easier to obtain information from manufacturers of chemical substances on toxicities/hazards of chemicals. However, chemical substances manufacturers are usually reluctant to provide those information at the time of business dealings. • SDS assures the dissemination of necessary information for voluntary control/management of chemical substances. • (Assure the safety of workers → Promote the manufacturing of safe products and • proper environmental management) 11

  13. Requirements for SDS System① SDS制度の要件① • Target business operators for SDS system • All of the business operators that handle the Class I specified chemical substances (462 substances) and Class II specified chemical substances (100 substances) as well as products that contains these specified chemicals. • No requirements for the types of businesses, the number of employees on fulltime basis and annual handling amount of the chemical substances • (Different from PRTRsystem, SDS system does not have requirements for exemption) • Products that fall into the following categories are not necessary to provide SDS and labels. • Amount of the target chemical substances contained in products is 1% or less(as for specially designated class I chemical substances, less than 0.1%)【=portion contained in product should be low】 • Solidproducts(※)【=pipes, boards, assembling parts】 • ※The solid products should be the ones that maintain their solid state and do not transform into powder or particles during the process of handling by business operators. • Products used in air-tight state【=condenser, etc.】 • Products for general consumers 【=insecticides, insect repellants, detergents for household use, etc.】 • Recyclable resources 【=used cans, metal slags, etc.】 12

  14. Requirements for SDS System② SDS制度の要件② • by Document • by Disk • by Fax • by E-mailApproval by receiver is required • through Homepage ■When to send SDS, etc. • Send by the time when specified chemical substances, etc. are handed over or provided to other business operators. • Send whenever specified chemical substances are handed over or supplied to other business operators. However, more flexible time for sending SDS can be applied to the case when the same specified chemical substances are continuously or repeatedly handover or supplied to the same business operator. • If/when any changes in safety data have taken places, then, efforts should be made to immediately send updated SDS. ■How to send SDS 13

  15. Information Required to be submitted by SDS System SDSへ記載する内容 • 【Information to be submitted】 • 1.Chemical products and company profiles • 2. Summary of risks and toxicities/hazards • 3.Constituents and ingredients • 4.Emergency medical treatment • 5. Preparedness for fire • 6. Preparedness for leakage • 7.Cautions for handling and storage • 8.Measures for exposure prevention and protection • 9.Physical and chemical properties • 10.Stability and reactivity • 11.Toxicities/hazards • 12.Environmental impacts • 13.Cautions for disposal • 14.Cautions for shipment • 15.Laws/regulations applied to • 16.Other information 【Manifestation flow of SDS】 14

  16. Obligations to make efforts for labeling ラベル表示の努力義務規定 • SDS System mandates to provide information on properties and handlings of specified chemical substances as well as to make efforts to indicate them by labeling. ①Name of product • 【Information dissemination in response to GHS】 • In handing over or supplying chemical substances, etc. in containers or packages, business operators should make efforts to post labeling regarding ① to ⑥, which comply with JIS Z 7253, on the containers or packages. • Pure substances:from From June 1st, 2012 • Mixed substances:from From April 1st, 2015 ②Caution/attention ③Pictorial labeling ④Info. On risks, toxicities/hazards ⑤Tips ⑥Identify supplier 15

  17. Changes in the number of business operators subject to notifications in Japan on-going target substances 276 target substances, before & after the amendment Newly added substances 186 substances newly added by the amendment Substances eliminated from the target chemicals 85 substances eliminated by the amendment The total number in Japan has been decreasing No.of product s notified by product types No.of business operators notified In response to the amendment of the ordinance in November of 2008, target chemical substances have changed from 354 substances to 462 substances since 2010. Manufacturing, etc. 16

  18. The changes in the number of business operators Subject to notifications to Hyogo Prefectural Government The number of business operators in Hyogo Prefecture subject to notification has been slightly decreasing. The number of business operators in Hyogo Prefecture subject to notification in 2011 were1,588, which accounts for 4.4% of the total number in Japan and ranks 6th following Aichi Prefecture, Hokkaido, Osaka Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Saitama Prefecture. 17

  19. The amount of release and transfer in Japan Eliminated Newly added On-going 18

  20. The amount of release and transfer in Hyogo Prefecture The total amount of release and transfer in Hyogo Prefecture in 2011 was 23,460tonnage. This amount covered 5.9%of the total amount in Japan and ranked 2 following Aichi Prefecture. Transfer amount Transfer volume (t) Release amount Release volume(t) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 19

  21. PRTR Data in 2012 Target business types metal mining, manufacturing, electricalindustries, etc. Non-target business types agriculture, construction, food & beverage industries, etc. Household Agro-chemicals, paints, detergents, etc. Target for notification 【No. of notified business operatorsJapan:36,638】 Hyogo pref.:1,586 Notification is not applied to: Business operators with employees 20 or less Handling amount of chemicals is less than 1t Japan:174,000t(41%) Hyogo Pref.:8,416t (4.8%) 53,000t(12%) 87,000t(20%) 46,000t(11%) Mobilesvehicles, bicycles, special vehicles, vessels, trains, airplanes 69,000t(16%) Notification from business operators Estimation by central gov. 平成24年度公表データ ◇Release amount Total release amount429,000t(100%)  ◇Transfer amount Target for notification Japan:225,000t / Hyogo Pref.:15,044t(6.7%) 20

  22. Хвала на пажњи Thank you very much for your attention 21

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