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Dealing with "supply chains": The case study: Supply chains for the construction of recycled asphalt pavement for roads and streets in Iasi County of Romania. Radu Andrei Gheorghe Lucaci Alina - Mihaela Nicuță Mihaela Condurat. The object of the case study. One building product:
Dealing with "supply chains":The case study: Supply chains for the construction of recycled asphalt pavement for roads and streets in Iasi County of Romania Radu Andrei Gheorghe Lucaci Alina - Mihaela Nicuță Mihaela Condurat
The object of the case study One building product: New asphalt pavement obtained by two alternative recycling technologies applied on existing deteriorated pavements for roads and streets
The scope of the case study Asphalt Plant
The raw materials used Supplier • Bitumen binder • Lime or limestone filer • Crushed aggregate of various sizes • Various adhesives or modifiers • Electrical energy • The recycled materials are the asphalt mixes resulted from the milling of the surface layer (wearing course, binder course) • Rompetrol Vega Ploiești • Carpatcement Sa Bicaz • CarpatAgregate Sa • IterchimicaSrl Roma – Italy • E.ON Moldova
The manufacture location Asphalt plants are located in the county of Iasi
The environmental, social and economic impacts of the product • The environmental impacts of transportation are likely to be minimal, since the large part of transports will happen within county of Iasi. • However, the specific distance traffic road transport might play a larger role, thus increasing the GHG emissions. • In order to assess the impact of these products has been taken into consideration the whole processing chain from cradle (resource extraction) to fabrication and layering the mix on the road site or on the street.
The supply chain of recycled asphalt pavement Crushed aggregates Bitumen binder Asphalt plant Waste asphalt Milling the surface layers Placing and compacting the processed asphalt materials Processing asphalt materials Lime or limestone filer Adhesives or modifiers
Case study – objectives • The objective of this case study was to compare two technologies alternative from the CO2e emissions point of view. • The study has been conducted by using the TRL asPECT software on a road sector of one kilometer length, in both perspectives of “cradle to site” and “cradle to grave”. • Alternative 1: Complete new pavement – traditional road • Alternative 2: Recycled pavement – the existing pavement layer are replaced with recycled asphalt pavement
Case study – perspective “Cradle to site” Alternative 1/ Complete new pavement The environmental impact assessment expressed in kg of CO2e per tone of asphalt mix
Case study – perspective “ Cradle to site” Alternative 2 / Recycled pavement Rehabilitation of an existing road, having the same pavement structure as that of the alternative one, but where all the existing asphalt layers: BA 16, BAD 25 & AB 2 are realized with plant recycled mix.
Case study – perspective “Cradle to site” Final comparative results
Case study – perspective “Cradle to grave” Alternative 1/ Complete new pavement The environmental impact assessment expressed in kg of CO2e per tone of asphalt mix
Case study – perspective “Cradle to grave” Alternative 2 / Recycled pavement
Case study – perspective “Cradle to grave” Final comparative results
Case study – comparative analysis Life Cycle Stage Summary of the environmental impact assessment expressed in kg CO2e/t for the investigated pavements emissions alternatives
Case study - conclusions: • Analysis was conducted from both the ”cradle to site” and ”cradle to grave” perspectives on one kilometer pavement length • Very positive social and economic impacts • Leads to significant reduction (up to 50%) of CO2e emissions • In case of using cold or warm recycled mixes, the expected quantities of CO2e will be less.
The degree of development of the supply chain and the availability, within the region, of manufacturers and distributors • The supply chain provides an example of good practice for the performance sustainability of existing roads. • There are several companies which deals specifically with pavement recycling in the county of Iasi, namely SC VIAROM SA society. • There are several manufacturers and distributors of materials for recycled pavements, such as the asphalt plant, located in the county of Iasi and the filer and aggregates factories from the county of Neamt.
Supply chain monitoring, tracing and performance • The supply chain is monitored by the recycling companies for roads, by the Regional Road Department of Iasi and by the City Hall of county Iasi for streets. • The supply chain is successfully because the close cooperation between road and street administration, industry and research. Also, the demand pressure from road users who are expecting to use better roads is an important factor.
Barriers to be overcome and feasible solutions for further development of the supply chain • The competition with larger businesses producing technologies, which are already developed and accepted on the market, and a limited knowledge of the new products among the stakeholders, could represent significant obstacles for both companies. • For the further development of the supply chain of recycled pavements it is envisaged the extension of this chain for covering the entire network.
Lessons from this case study This case demonstrates how close cooperation between roads, industry and research centres can develop performant streets and road pavements by using sustainable technologies (recycled materials instead of existing and energy intensive technologies). It also demonstrates the actual potential for regional development.
References • Centre For Research On Modern Materials Technologies And Transportation Infrastructures «DimitrieAtanasiu», 2005, lang=ro, available at http://www.ce.tuiasi.ro/~ccgfimit/, accessed at 20.05.2014 • STRABAG: European – based technology group for construction services, 2014, lang=eng, available at • http://www.strabag.com , accessed at 20.05.2014 • SC VIACOM S.A IASI, 2014, lang=ro, available at http://www.viarom.ro, accessed at 20.05.2014 • ROMPETROL VEGA PLOIESTI, 2014, lang= ro, available at http://www.rompetrol.com/ro/rompetrol-vega, accessed at 20.05.2014 • CARPACEMENT HOLDING SA BICAZ, Heidelberg Cement, 2014, lang=ro, available at http://www.heidelbergcement.ro/carpatcement-holding.html, accessed at 20.05.2014 • CARPAT AGREGATE SA, Heidelberg Cement, 2014, lang=ro, available at http://www.heidelbergcement.ro/carpat-agregate.html, accessed 20.05.2014 • ITERCHIMICA SRL ROMA ITALY, 2014, lang=eng, available at http://www.iterchimica.it, accessed at 20.05.2014 • E.ON. MOLDOVA, 2014, lang=ro, available at http://www.eon-energie.ro/ro/, accessed at 20.05.2014 • Romania peharta, Hartajudetului Iasi, 2014, lang=ro, available at www.pe-harta.ro/iasi, accessed at 21.05.2014 • Transport Research Laboratory, Asphalt Pavement Embodied Carbon Tool, 2014, lang=eng, available at http://www.trl.co.uk, accessed at 22.05.2014 • Cordell B., Wayman M., 2009, AsPECT calculator user guide – beta release Part of the Asphalt Pavement Embodied Carbon Tool (asPECT)