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EGU 2014. Unit Theory’ ABSTRACT. Unit Theory . Y. Galant Towards to Creation Unit Theory Oil Generation. If the invisible energy this is DARK ENERGY UNIVERSE, THE OIL IS DARK ENERGY EARTH ! Y. Galant . abstract.
EGU 2014 Unit Theory’ ABSTRACT Unit Theory Y. Galant Towards to Creation Unit Theory Oil Generation
If the invisible energy this is DARK ENERGY UNIVERSE, THE OIL IS DARK ENERGY EARTH!Y. Galant
abstract • Creating a unified theory of the genesis of oil encompasses all aspects of oil’s life beginning from the formation the chemical elements. Globally, in the spatio-temporal aspect oil’s life covers a Cosmic (pre geological) stage and geologically stage of formation of the planet Earth. In conces of spatio-temporal aspect unified theory of oil formation is based on the sequence of occurrences of chemical elements from which to create the Planet Earth and its Granite and Basalt Domains. From this standpoint is an independent Oil Domain along with Granite and Basalt. Sequence analysis of the appearance of chemical elements (H, C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Fe, etc.) reveals the genesis of oil at a very early stage of the creation of Earth according appearance first of H and C. Next, according to the sequence of appearance (creation) of the elements are formed of Granite and Basalt Domain. The appearance of: (chemical element - serial number of) H 1, O 8 corresponds to the appearance of the aqueous layer. The appearance of Na 11, Al 13, Si 14 corresponds to the appearance of the Granite layer. The appearance of Ca 20, Fe 26 corresponds to the appearance of the Basalt layer. The process of formation of domains continues to today. Currently, Oil Domain encircles Globe on the south and north and manifests itself from micro quantities to gigantic clusters. In the formation of unit oil involves various methods involving initial elements C and H of various geneses. A unity of theory of oil generation in her polygenic !
The Earth contain about 4*1012 tons of oil. The answer to the question "where does such a huge oil ocean come from?" debate and discussion only led to paradoxical conclusion : . “Last gallon of oil will be exhausted from the Earth. but its origin is not known.” "and it is, despite the fact, that the oil is mainly composed of 2 elements : carbon and hydrogen
. • All world’s oil are different, but the common are chemical elements - hydrogen (H2) and carbon (C) Geochemical history of these elements begins with the so far as the Big Bang. • . • Consider the behavior of the elements (the birth and further development of chemical elements) since the Big Bang to the formation of the Earth • and their distribution after the formation of the Earth.
http://elementy/ru//trefil/84http://www.kp.ru/daily/26207/3093098/http://elementy/ru//trefil/84http://www.kp.ru/daily/26207/3093098/ • Today, we already have a fairly complete picture of the early chronological history of the Universe, starting with the unimaginably small fraction of a second sincethe Big Bang to explain the origin of chemical elements. • So since Big Bang10–43seconds
http://elementy/ru//trefil/84Pre oil • Time since Big Bang 10–43seconds....Atthis moment there was a unification of gravity with the other forces.. . • Oil not yet exist, this stage – “Pre oil”
Pre oil • Time since Big Bang 3 minutes • Pre oil.at this momentOil not yet exist, but the substance is prepared for the subsequent formation of elements of oil. • Also this the stage – “Pre oil”.At this stage of the "window" of primordial nucleosynthesis formed the nucleus only the lightest of the chemical elements.
http://sdnnet.ru/n/6176/substance is prepared chemical elementsHydrogen in the Cosmos • According to scientists, immediately after the Big Bang sufficient quantities of subatomic particles. Among them were the particles of the physical fields (photons, for example) and the particles of material which was constructed (electrons, neutrons, protons, and others). • However, what is the first element formed primarily after the explosion? . Is hydrogen.The first element immediately after the Big Bang was hydrogen. • At the dawn of the universe arose primarily hydrogenas an element and as a simple substance. It was formed as the simplest form of formalized chemical. • http://www.periodictable.ru/001H/H.html • Hydrogen is the most common substance in the Universe (at least according to some sources, the mass of hydrogen in the universe is about 76%).
http://www.webelements.narod.ru/elements/C.htmsubstance is prepared chemical elementsCarbon in the Cosmos • CARBON ., C chemical. element of group IV of the Periodic System, atomic number 6, atomic weight 12.011. • – Carbon , now it is believed, in the universe appeared long been. • Carbonis widely distributed in SPACE, in the SUNit takes 4th place after hydrogen (H), helium (He) and oxygen (O • However, after one billion years - a negligible number of the universe - in its composition has been Carbon • This fact established Japanese astronomers using telescope Subaru. • Now Kent Matsuoka and his colleagues from the Universities of Kyoto and Ehime studying radio galaxy TN J0924-2201, the most distant known for today, recorded spectral lines of carbon. Scientists believe that this discovery proves that the carbon in the universe appeared long been. As with other chemical elements, are much heavier than hydrogen and helium
. http://horoshienovosti.info/kislorod-i-uglerod-poyavilis-vo-vselennoy-po-vole-kvarka/substance is prepared chemical elementsHydrogen in the Cosmos, Carbon in the Cosmos • Carbonis formed in the process of helium burning inside the giant red stars( http://horoshienovosti.info/kislorod-i-uglerod-poyavilis-vo-vselennoy-po-vole-kvarka/)
STAGE 300 000 years Pre oil / oil • about 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe cooled enough for electrons to nuclei began to be held firmly and appeared stable atoms, which do not decay immediately after the collision with the following kernel. • Gradually forming atoms from the sea of free nuclei and electrons led to the formation of all varieties we see today in the universe of chemical elements. • That is, at this stage300 000 years SinceBig Banghydrogen and carbon has been formed! And here • begins300 000 years • the story of oil.
oil • 1 billion years • Formation of galaxies. ANDWe can observe the hydrocarbons (oil and gas, bituminous and other ) in the Universe.
Born oil • SOBorn oil 300 000 years since the Big Bang, the birth place of oil - the space of the Universe, sequence of appearance - the Big Bang - the Star – Oil !
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BB%D0%B8Carbon+Hydrogenon EarthSimultaneously with formation of the Earth is a redistribution of oil elements C and H. In the Earth's Crust at a depth up to 15 kilometers a total content by weight of hydrogen is only 1%. Carbon prevalence on the Earth takes the sixteenth place among all the elements and is approximately 0.027% of the mass of the crust.In MANTLE hydrogen and carbon only are 0, 3 percent along with other elements.. • Contents of the main elements in the Earth's mantle in weight percent Chemical composition of the Universe [5] H — 75 %He — 23 %O — 1 %C — 0,5 %
So, this is clearly seen in the periodic table the chemical elements of the Universe and the Earthhttps://www.google.co.il/search?q=earth+crust+facts&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=muIlU-ulNamQ0AXE2YCAAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1163&bih=594#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=cG_MwnJgWUCWjM%253A%3BvLDvvDftCYNsYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.windows2universe.org%252Fearth%252Fgeology%252Fimages%252Frock_elements_sm.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.windows2universe.org%252Fearth%252FWater%252Fco2_cycle.html%3B500%3B316
Spatio-temporal scenario of the formation of the first oil shows that the period of space from 3x10 5 to 10 × 10 9 time favorable for the existence of oil. Shards and dust out of which Earth formed probably contained a large amount of hydrocarbons, which formed the deposits of oil in the EARTH.http://www.kp.ru/daily/26207/3093098/
TableExpanding model oil genesis / Space spatial scenario the first oil geneses
COMMONCOMMON(Pre geological stage) - Outer space-time - sequence diagram of oil genesis + (Geological stage) - Outer space-time -sequence diagram of oil genesislooks as follows • COMMON : Universe-BB-Hydrogen-Stars-Carbon-OIL-Earth-Oil-Granit-Basalt - Oil . • COMMON: • Universe-BB-Hydrogen-Stars-Carbon-OIL-Earth-Oil-Granit-Basalt - Oil • least investigated • cosmos concept most studied: • organic concept, inorganic concept
Already on Earth we can seevariety of geological, physical and thermodynamic conditionsSedimentary Layer condition organic concept
Already on Earth we can seevariety of geological, physical and thermodynamic conditionsMagmatic Layer condition inorganic concept
Already on Earth we can seevariety of geological, physical and thermodynamic conditionsMagmatic Layer condition Oil/Gas Zones in Mantle50-250 km – so called Oil Zone of Kutcherov
Reasoningvarious conditions • The present distribution of oil and gas fields in the EARTHshows that they exist in different: temperatures, pressures, depths,ages,facies, formations, tectonic structures, geological history and tectonic development. It can be seen that the distribution of oil meets all facies of metamorphism . Creates the impression that there is oil everywhere-oil united! Creates the impression that the mere oil field contains elements / fraction / oil different genesis, consist of different: temperatures, pressures, depths,ages,facies, formations, tectonic structures, geological history and tectonic development and all facies of metamorphism . • { Such distribution of oil and gas fields in the wide specter of conditionsindicates the various processes of oil generation. ! }. • These processes are not separated in time and every time there is a set of processes of formation of oil. • { Such distribution of oil and gas fields in space and time is a reflection of the geochemical history of the elements C, H, in before the stage Earth and Earth's stage ! }. • Apparently, that for formation of oil are not as important physic - chemical conditions,as the presence the elements C, H. (Most importantly, that there were elements C, H ).
Reasoning global • Reviewing all the above we see that the oil is from 300000 years since Big Bang and to the current time, through oil planets and to the center of Earth! We'll see what these conditions where oil remains. Huge area of temperatures and pressures. • All the oil in the world are in a variety of geological, physical and thermodynamic conditions, but Uniform for all the of the world oil is H hydrogen and C carbon. • All the oil in of the World are the same and meanwhile there is no oil like another.
Reasoning 7 judgments • For a unified theory are important following conclusions = • Of all the studied have 7 judgments • 1 oil exists from 300,000 years to the present time • 2 oil elements H2 and C dominate the Cosmos than on Earth • 3 that is, the possibility of oil generation in the Space stage higher than Earth's stage. 4 today the Earth is mostly irreversibly oxidised. 5 in the Earth there is oil of micro manifestations and to huge resources • 6 hydrocarbon bearing and intensive degassing of hydrocarbon gas the first blocks of the Earth's formation - shields • 7 wide range of conditions from the cosmos and to center of Earth • that organic and inorganic concepts are only part of a unified theory, which has not yet been created and is created.
general pictureConclusion common • So, the report illustrates the general picture of the distribution of oil to the Earth stage. Is shown polygenic oil genesis corresponding to different facies of metamorphism. This distribution suggests that there is practically oil since the formation of the Earth. And the beginning of the formation of the Earth this is an important moment (cornerstone) in the redistribution of petroleum elements C and H. Furtherresearch should be directed at the study of conjunction geochemistry H and/with C, and starting from the formation of the Earth! Creationof a unified theory should be based on the sequence of appearance of the chemical elements. We hope that a unified theory of oil formation will be created before the last gallon of oil will be pumped from the Earth!