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Summary of Calorimeter PFA Status

Summary of Calorimeter PFA Status. Steve Magill Argonne National Laboratory. Motivation for Particle-Flow Jet Reconstruction Calorimeter Optimization for Particle-Flow Particle-Flow Algorithms Summary. Victoria LCWS 2004. Motivation for Particle-Flow Reconstruction.

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Summary of Calorimeter PFA Status

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  1. Summary of Calorimeter PFA Status Steve Magill Argonne National Laboratory Motivation for Particle-Flow Jet Reconstruction Calorimeter Optimization for Particle-Flow Particle-Flow Algorithms Summary Victoria LCWS 2004

  2. Motivation for Particle-Flow Reconstruction Jets are important (necessary!) for precision measurements at the LC • Can explore EWSB thru the interactions : e+e- -> WW and e+e- -> ZZ • -> Requires Z,W ID • -> Can’t use (traditional) constrained fits W,Z Physics Requirement : separately id W, Z using dijet mass in hadronic decay mode (~70% BR)-> higher statistics physics analyses Detector Goal : measure jets with energy resolution -> /E ~ 30%/E 75%/M 30%/M

  3. A Particle-Flow Jet Detector • Jets : • charged pions, photons, KL0/n -> >95% of jet energy • other hadrons/leptons/neutrinos -> few % • Detector A – sensitive only to charged pions (+ other charged particles) • = Tracker • Detector B – sensitive only to photons • = ECAL-> try to force hadron showers into the HCAL • (longitudinal segmentation), fine granularity for separation of showers • Detector C – sensitive only to neutral hadrons • = HCAL-> longitudinal segmentation and fine granularity for separation of charged/neutral hadron showers

  4. Traditional Standards Hermeticity Uniformity Compensation Single Particle E measurement Outside “thin” magnet (~1 T) P-Flow Modification Hermeticity Optimize ECAL/HCAL separately Longitudinal Segmentation Particle shower reconstruction Inside “thick” coil (~4 T) Optimized for best single particle E resolution Optimized for best particle shower separation/reconstruction Particle-Flow Implications for Calorimetry 3-D shower reconstruction in ECAL/HCAL requires high degree of longitudinal segmentation and transverse granularity

  5. Common Particle-Flow Misconceptions • “Particle-flow algorithms can’t work for jets since particles overlap.” • -> almost always the result of 2-D thinking. Lots of calorimeter people are used to summing energy in towers (E-Flow) rather than reconstructing individual particle showers in 3-D (P-Flow). The starting point of a hadron shower in depth is very important to use in P-Flow. • 2) “Because of backgrounds (QCD), a jet resolution of 30%/E is physically unobtainable.” • -> comes from people used to hadron colliders where underlying event and FS gluon radiation dominates the jet energy resolution – clearly not the case at e+e- colliders. (see results)

  6. Results of Hadronization + Jet Algorithm Effects  Single Jet ep e+e-ttbar  e+e-ttbar  e+e-W+W- • Form of resolution fit : • /E ~ a/E  b/E • a ~ 0.1b For E > ~40 GeV, physics limits < P-Flow goal /E = 30%/E

  7. ECAL Requirements for Particle-Flow • Need a dense calorimeter with optimal separation between the starting depth of EM and Hadronic showers. If X0/I is small, then the longitudinal separation between starting points of EM and Hadronic showers is large • For electromagnetic showers in a dense calorimeter, the transverse • size is small • -> small rM (Moliere radius) • -> If the transverse segmentation is of size rM, get optimal transverse separation of electromagnetic clusters. • Some examples : • Material Z A X0/I • Fe 26 56 0.0133 • Cu 29 64 0.0106 • W 74 1840.0019 • Pb 82 2070.0029 • U 92 2380.0016

  8. ECAL Detector Designs CALICE Si/W, 5 mm -> 1 cm transverse size of cell U Oregon, SLAC

  9. Optimizing the HCAL for Particle-Flow • To optimize the HCAL for P-Flow requires : • full containment of hadronic showers. • good precision on energy measurement. • highly segmented in transverse and longitudinal directions in • order to separate in 3-D close-by clusters in jets. • Requires integrated approach which includes other detector sub-components in the design phase and incorporating P-Flow algorithm. • Assume a tracking system optimized for, e.g., di-lepton • measurements. • Assume an ECAL optimized for photon reconstruction. • Vary HCAL parameters, e.g., absorber material, thickness, • size of readout cells in both transverse and longitudinal • directions, to determine optimal performance in a P-Flow • Algorithm.

  10. Analog or Digital Hadron Calorimeter Readout? • Performance is function of energy and cell size • – as E  and cell size remains fixed, the density of tracks  • -> >1 crossing per cell • -> Cell size must be small • P-Flow : requires high transverse and longitudinal granularity • -> Cell size must be small • Digital calorimetry seems well suited • for P-Flow jet measurements

  11. Analog vs. Digital HCAL Linearity Response • Showers in a sampling calorimeters are characterized by their spatial development in terms of “track length” : • Track Length (T) = sum of tracks of all charged particles in a shower – Analog sampling calorimeters sum energy, Digital sampling calorimeters sum hits • T  E (particle energy) – what about spread in energy?

  12. Analog vs Digital Energy Resolution • GEANT 4 Simulation of SD Detector (5 GeV +) • -> sum of ECAL and HCAL analog signals - Analog • -> number of hits with 10 MeV threshold in HCAL - Digital Analog Digital Landau Tails + path length Gaussian /mean ~22% /mean ~19% E (GeV) Number of Hits

  13. SD Detector – a Particle-flow Detector for the LC • Tracking : • Multi-layer Si Vertex Detector • ~1 cm -> ~7 cm radius, 5 layers • Si-Strip Tracker • ~20 cm -> ~1.25 m radius, 5 layers • ECAL : • 30 layers, ~1.25 m -> ~1.40 m radius • W(0.25 cm)/Si(0.04 cm) • ~20 X0, 0.8 I • ~5 mm X 5 mm cells • HCAL : • 34 layers, ~1.45 m -> ~2.50 m radius • SS(2.0 cm)/Scin(1.0 cm) • ~40 X0, 4 I • ~1 cm X 1 cm cells • Solenoid Coil : • 5 Tesla, ~2.50 m -> ~3.30 m radius • Muon (Tail Catcher) : • ~3.40 m -> ~5.45 m

  14. Charged Particle Contribution at Z

  15. Particle-Flow Algorithm Approaches • Calorimeter Cluster-based Algorithms • -> start with calorimeter cell clustering ~ particle showers • Cluster ID by Neural Net • Many variables used to determine particle origin of cluster including tracking input • Weighted Calorimeter Clusters • Density or energy weights used to link calorimeter cells • Tracks matched to clusters – use track p • Sub-cluster ID • Separately cluster EM, mip, and hadronic parts of a particle shower • “perfect” compensation • “pixel” calorimeter • No tracking needed! • Track Extrapolation/Shower Association Algorithms • No calorimeter clustering needed – cell-by-cell association to extrapolated track with various algorithms • Leftover cells are photons (ECAL), neutral hadrons

  16. Track Extrapolation Particle-flow Algorithm ANL, SLAC 1st step - Track extrapolation thru Cal – substitute for Cal cells (mip + ECAL shower tube + HCAL tube; reconstruct linked mip segments + iterated in E/p hits in tubes) - analog or digital techniques in HCAL – Cal granularity/segmentation optimized for separation of charged/neutral clusters 2nd step - Photon finder - use analytic long./trans. energy profiles, ECAL shower max, etc. 3rd step - Jet Algorithm - tracks + photons + remaining Cal cells in jet cones defined by charged track jets (neutral hadron contribution) - Cal clustering not needed -> Digital HCAL?

  17. Shower reconstruction by track extrapolation ECAL HCAL • Mip reconstruction : • Extrapolate track through CAL layer-by-layer • Search for “Interaction Layer” • -> Clean region for photons (ECAL) • Shower reconstruction : • Define tubes for shower in ECAL, HCAL after IL • Optimize, iterating tubes in E,HCAL separately (E/p test) IL track shower

  18. CAL Interaction Layer G4v6.1 Single 5 GeV + All charged particles from e+e-  Z at 91 GeV

  19. Track-first P-flow Algorithm Results G4v6.1 • Average cone size as determined by the number of iterations : • ECAL – 0.12 rad • HCAL – 0.22 rad Start with green distribution -> end with yellow Lots of max iterations . . .

  20. Track Extrapolation/Shower Link Algorithm • 1. Pick up all seed cells close to extrapolated track • - Can tune for optimal seed cell definition • - For cone size < 0.1 (~6o), get 85% of energy • 2. Add cells in a cone around each seed cell • through n layers • 3. Linked seed cells in subsequent cones form • the reconstructed shower • 4. Discard all cells linked to the track Of course, neutrals are Non-Linked Cells

  21. Single 10 GeV Pion – event display comparison Blue – density = 1 Red – density = 2,3 Green – density > 3 Energy weight Density weight

  22. Track Substitution, Neutral Sum Results G4v6.1 • Jet cones – 0.5 • Neutral contribution to E sum ~3.7 GeV (most) • -> Goal is ~3 GeV (all) Includes mips + cell energies in conical tubes Further tuning of E/p parameter is still needed

  23. Total Energy Sum – Tracks + Photons + Neutrals G4v6.1 • 2 Gaussian fit : • mean = 83 GeV  = 7.8 GeV Poor hadron shower reconstruction with tubes – more sophisticated approach mean = 87 GeV • = 4.7 GeV Good hadron shower reconstruction

  24. Summary • Several complementary approaches to PFA development are proceeding worldwide. • -> ready for integration of realistic tracking detectors/pattern recognition algorithms. • -> opportunities for innovative ideas in calorimeter design and utilization. • From simulation studies, it appears that a Digital Hadron calorimeter is a particularly good choice for this component in a PFA approach : • -> good energy resolution and linearity. • -> small cell size optimized for shower reconstruction. • PFA algorithm development progressing towards goal of obtaining jet energy resolution of ~30%/E : • -> possible to obtain neutral contribution of ~3-4 GeV to Z mass in SD Detector. • -> proceed with better hadron shower reconstruction. • -> add photon finder, neutral cluster finder? • -> add real track reconstruction including forward tracking. • -> optimize detector using full PFA (SD -> LD, TESLA?). • -> understand relationship jet  BnRmaplq in PFA approach (B-field, Cal radius, Cal cell area, Cal longitudinal segmentation).

  25. CDF E-Flow ZEUS Jet E correction

  26. Optimization of Calorimeter Resolution • Hermeticity • Beampipe-to-beampipe coverage at colliders • Longitudinal segmentation • EMCAL/HCAL • Sandwich cals • Compensation • Hardware – precise absorber/detector thickness ratio • Software – finer segmentation – software separation of photon/hadron measurements • Energy-, Particle-flow approach

  27. Motivation for Track-First P-Flow Charged particles ~ 62% of jet energy -> Tracker /pT ~ 5 X 10-5 pT ~190 MeV to 100 GeV jet energy resolution Photons ~ 25% of jet energy -> ECAL /E ~ 15-20%/E ~900 MeV to energy resolution Neutral Hadrons ~ 13% of jet energy -> HCAL resolution not critical ~3 GeV to energy resolution • Also, since ECAL is dense, hadrons are optimally separated from photons (starting point of shower longitudinally) • -> 75% of hadrons shower after photon shower-max in ECAL

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