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Welcome to Huntington Elementary School! This presentation provides important information for parents and students about the school, including bus transportation, breakfast options, and dismissal procedures.
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ElementarySchools Huntington Elementary Towslee Elementary on Rt. 303 Kidder Elementary on Grafton Hickory Ridge across from the Movies Crestview Elementary on W. 130th Memorial Elementary across from Mapleside Applewood Elementary on Applewood
Middle Schools • Edwards Middle School on Rt. 42 • Willetts Middle School on Hadcock Rd. • Visintainer Middle School on Rt. 42 Brunswick High School on Route 303 behind the Rec Center
Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Robinson Mrs. Musil Mrs. O’Deens
Miss Alex Anderson Reading Intervention
Beginning of the School Day • The School day begins at 9:15 AM • Children can enter the building at 9:00 AM. Children will stay on their bus until the front door is open at 9:00 am. • If you drive your child to school, enter from Applewood Dr., turn right & drive around to the back of the building, then up to the north side of the building. Please wait for directions from the staff members on duty outside before you allow your child to leave your car. Please do not drop your child off before 9:00. There is no supervision provided by the school until the doors open at 9:00 am. • Exit via Berkshire Drive • If your child arrives late, please walk your child to the office to check in with Mrs. Beavers.
Breakfast • Breakfast items are available for children to purchase. • Children buying breakfast will be escorted from the bus to the cafeteria at 8:50 to buy & eat breakfast. • Children must know their student ID number in order to purchase from the cafeteria. • You can check your child’s purchases by logging into your School Bucks account.
End of the School Day School ends at 3:30 PM. • The first few weeks of school the students will be escorted to their buses by their bus buddies. • For the rest of the year I will escort my class to the buses at 3:25 – before the rest of the students are dismissed. • 3:30 dismissal of bus riders in the front of the building. - Car riders will be dismissed at the north side of the building. If you are picking up your child, enter through Applewood, turn right & loop around to the back of the building, then around to the north side. Wait in your car & the car riders will be dismissed after the buses leave. Please do not park your car in the car rider pick up line. If you need to come into the building, please park your car in the parking lot.
Change of Transportation • If your child is a bus rider, he/she will be sent home on that same bus every day. Children are not allowed to take other buses home with friends or to be dropped off at another location • If you will be picking your child up from school instead of using bus transportation, the office needs a note dated & signed by a legal guardian authorizing this change. In case of an emergency, please call the office to arrange transportation changes. • We want all of our students to arrive home safe & sound every day from school.
To Help With Transportation Keep the Green Apple on Your Child’s Book Bag Child’s Name Way Home Kindergarteners will be assigned a 5th grade “bus buddy” for the first few weeks of school. This will be a student that rides the same bus and will be responsible for walking the buddy to the bus at the end of the day. The 5th graders will come down to the kindergarten classrooms at the end of the day to pair up the bus buddies.
Say Good Bye • At the bus stop • At the front door of the school • Start a routine the first day • If your child will be riding the bus, start out on the bus. • Upset – might be contagious
Attendance Line • Call the attendance line at 273-8105. • Follow the directions on the pre-recorded message. • You must call everyday your child is to be absent. Please do not email the teacher or office regarding an absence – we sometimes don’t check our emails until the end of the day! • Students who show signs of illness should remain at home. • Students becoming ill at school will first be evaluated by our school nurse and then parents will be called if necessary.
If your child should become seriously ill or have an accident at school, a parent will be called. Kindergarteners will have accidents at school. It’s a good idea to keep a change of clothing in your child’s book bag. The office has a variety of pants & socks available. Just wash & return them.
Dress Code • Shirts: Students are not permitted to wear Halter Tops, Tank Tops, Tube Tops and any other shirt leaving midriff exposed. All shirts must have sleeves. Shirts cannot expose undergarments. . Pants: Students are not permitted to have ripped, torn, shredded and/or damaged pants. Students are not permitted to wear pajama bottoms, running tights, or pants that expose undergarments. Yoga pants, leggings, jeggingsare permitted as long as top (shirt or sweater) is mid-thigh in length. • Dresses/Skirts/Shorts: Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be knee length. Tights may only be worn under dresses, skirts or shorts that are knee length. • Shoes: Standard footwear must be worn. Flip flops are not permitted. Tennis shoes must be worn on gym days and are the best footwear for the playground. • Hats: Students are not permitted to wear any form of hat, bandana, or head wrap covering all of their hair. All hats must remain in lockers. • Hair: Students are not permitted to have unnatural hair color.
Releasing Sick Children • Please designate an emergency contact person.Make sure our records are updated to custodial parent & whether we may release a child to either parent. Place of employment & an emergency phone number needs to be kept current. • If your child is being picked up • or is going home any other way • than usual, a note MUST be sent • to school and given to the teacher. • This way we aren’t left wondering • what to do.
Code of Conduct • Come Prepared to Learn • Respect Yourself & Others • Respect Other People’s Property • Be Courteous, Cooperative & Self Disciplined.
Conduct & School Pride • We encourage a positive attitude & good behavior. • We emphasize correction rather • than punishment. • A Citizen of the Month Award is given to students who display good citizenship, honesty and hard work.
Kindergarten does have homework. • Math, reading & writing homework will be assigned. • Homework is meant as practice and review of the skills we learned during the day. • Your child should print his/her name at the top of the homework paper. This is writing practice. • Homework should be returned by the end of the week. • Please read with your child on a daily basis. I will read at least one story to the students each day. We talk about the characters, make predictions about what will happen, review the beginning, middle & end – these are all comprehension strategies.
Emergency Closings • Radio stations will announce school closings due to weather.WTAM 1100 AM WGAR 1220 AM WGAR 99.5 FM TV Channels Channel 3 Channel 5 Channel 8 Brunswick Cable TV Channel 22 AlertNow BOE will call your home
Running Late? • If your child is late for any reason, please walk your child into the office and get a tardy slip from Mrs. Beavers or Mrs. Wallace. We do attendance first thing in the morning & if your child is not in the classroom he/she will be marked absent & our attendance line will start calling your home.
Visitors at School • By Ohio Law, each person must, upon entering the school, report to the school office before visiting a classroom. • A sign-in sheet is available at the counter in the office with visitor/volunteer pins to wear. • All parents are asked to cooperate with this request to help us guarantee student safety. • We do not allow drop-in visitors. If you would like to visit the classroom, please make prior arrangements with the teacher.
Collection of Money Money being sent to school for field trips & class fees should be enclosed in an envelope with your child’s name, amount, purpose & teacher’s name written on the outside. Please send in the exact amount since we normally do not carry a supply of change in the classroom. School fees for kindergarten are $26.70. Checks can be made out to: Brunswick Board of Education. Field Trips will be extra. Notes will be sent home explaining details and special times. Lunch is $2.75. Breakfast is $1.50. Milk is $.50.
Lunch Your child can pack a lunch or purchase a lunch at school for $2.75. Until later in the school year, I am asking that lunch money be put in an envelope with your child’s name marked clearly & LUNCH MONEY written on the front. This will help reduce conflicts until the children learn to be responsible for their money and become accustomed to our class and lunch routines. MySchoolBucks is our school lunch payment system where money can be deposited into your child’s account at any time. Your child will scan or punch in his/her 6 digit ID number when purchasing food items & you will be able to track their purchases on line. You have the option of sending cash/check to school with your child to be deposited into his/her account, or you can deposit money on line for a small fee. Please see our home page for further details about this program.
Lunch11:15-11:45 Choices include: Main Entrée which changes daily Or Salad Or Pizza Or Peanut Butter & Jelly (1%) Chocolate or (2%) white milk is included with the lunch but can be bought by packers for 50 cents Students may also purchase ice cream or fruit snacks. They usually cost between 25¢ - 50¢
Breakfastis available Children can purchase aGrab & Go breakfast in the morning to take back to the classroom and eat. Cost is $1.50.If your child is eligible for free or reduced lunches than breakfast is available to them as well.
Class Books: Your child willbring home a class book to share with you. Please take the time to look & read the pages with your child. Help your child to remember to bring it back to school the next day so another child can take it home to share.
Supplies • Students will keep pencils, erasers & crayons • in their personal supply boxes. • Glue, scissors, markers & clipboard will be used • as needed. • Consumable supplies usually need to be replenished each quarter. • I will sometimes require additional supplies during • the school year.
Do Not Bring Toys To School • There are special days when your child will be able to bring a stuffed animal or special toy to school. You will be notified of these special days. Toys brought to school tend to get lost or damaged.
Birthdays • On your child’s birthday, you may send in a treat for the class. The treat must be store bought & pre-packaged to comply with health regulations. • Please remember to send in napkins, plates or cups to go with your treat. • Summer birthdays will be celebrated as ½ birthdays in January or February.
Daily Snacks We will have snack time each day when the students return from specials. For the rest of the month of August, please send a snack with your child. Beginning with September, please send in a 20 count healthy pre packaged snack to share with the class at the beginning of each month. I will store these & pass one snack out to everyone each day. The students will all have the same snack & I will be able to have it ready when they return from specials.
Daily Schedule 9:00-9:15 Students Arrive, hang up book bags, turn in agenda, homework & notes, use the bathroom, find seat, get supply box, talk to friends, begin seat work 9:15-9:25 Attendance, Morning Announcements, Seat Work 9:25–10:00 Morning Meeting & Calendar 10:00-10:45 Math 10:45-11:15 Science/Social Studies 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:25 OG Phonics 12:25-12:55 Recess 12:55-2:05 Language Arts 2:05–2:45 Specials 2:45–3:25 Snack, RWR, prepare to go home
Label Items • Put your child’s name on folders, boots, sweatshirts, coats, any item that comes to school. This cuts down on the detective work of figuring out what belongs to who. • There is a school Lost & Found in the hallway.
Huntington PTO Parents, Teachers & Administrators work together to enhance & maintain the school’s high quality of education. The PTO provides an important link between school & home. The PTO share their talents by providing volunteers & supporting school programs. The PTO also selects & conducts school fundraisers to provide money for a number of purchases to enhance our school and classrooms. Be involved as your time allows. Please consider supporting the Huntington’s PTO by becoming a member for a small fee and participating in their events & activities as you can.
PTO Activities • School Programs • Volunteers • Fundraisers/Triathlon • Bingo Family Night • Save Campbell Soup Labels • Box Tops & Recycle Ink Cartridges • Book Fairs – October & April