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1. Valeri KRIVTSOV Institute for System Analysis Russian Academy of Sciences. Geometry e-Learning System. ICME-10, July 2004. 2. TT2K’s General Functionality. The prototype e-learning system is called TT2K.
1 Valeri KRIVTSOV Institute for System Analysis Russian Academy of Sciences Geometry e-Learning System ICME-10, July 2004
2 TT2K’s General Functionality The prototype e-learning system is called TT2K. The TT2K is a distributed NG e-learning system supplied with advanced functionality reachable on the Internet. • The TT2K is capable of: • treating any SCORM-compliant learning course • forming an individual route through the course • creating mini-courses on user demand • storing and retrieving individual results of learning • supporting other learning functions. ICME-10, July 2004
3 Learning Geometry with TT2K The TT2K prototype is adjusted to teach school geometry. It handles an electronic version of the “Geometry 7” – the school manual by Igor Sharygin. In order to teach geometry the TT2K is supplied with advanced functionality: • providing live geometrical sketches support • supporting real-time collaborations between student and teacher on the Internet • supporting remote collaborative solving of geometrical problems on the Internet. ICME-10, July 2004
4 Exclusive TT2K’s Functionality The TT2K possesses one exclusive feature: it supports real-time student-teacher complicated collaboration on the Internet. Both “real-time” and “collaboration” are important here: • most of students cannot concentrate their attention if response time exceeds a certain value • valuable learning is impossible without collaboration, because computer can assist a teacher but cannot replace him completely. To our best knowledge there are few systems that support the both functions, and no one system supports these two functions and any complicated e-learning feature simultaneously. ICME-10, July 2004
5 How To Compare e-Learning Systems? The TT2K is only a one of many e-learning systems. What for is it? Is it better then others? And how can we compare different e-Learning Systems? The answers to the above questions are of great importance for the entire e-learning community. Here are some thoughts on possible classification. Let us consider three classification criteria: • the response time of the Internet networking • intensity of cooperation • complexity of e-learning core functionality. ICME-10, July 2004
6 Response Time Classification Criterion The response time is an extremely important parameter of all e-learning systems. The “response time” classification criterion r depends on the mode of work on the Internet. We assume that it may take four integer values: 0,1,2,3. r=0 : r=1 : r=2 : r=3 : {no Internet (simple PC, local network)} {off-line Internet (e-mail, FTP, …)} {on-line Internet (WWW, …)} {real-time Internet (GRIDs, CORBA, …)}. Example. In the case of solving construction problems with the TT2K, r=3. ICME-10, July 2004
7 Collaboration Intensity Classification Criterion The “collaboration intensity” c is the next criterion. It may take four integer values either: 0,1,2,3. c=0 : c=1 : c=2 : c=3 : {one user (no collaboration)} {many parallel (independent) users} { static “one-to-one” or “one-to-many” collaborations} { dynamic “many-to-many” collaborations} Example. In the case of solving construction problems with the TT2K on the Internet, c=2. ICME-10, July 2004
8 Core Functions Classification Criterion We have not considered yet the e-learning functions themselves. The criterion f of “core functions” reflects approximately the level of complexity of the e-learning functions. It also takes four integer levels: 0,1,2,3. f=0 : f=1 : f=2 : f=3 : {texts, drawings, sound, video, animation} {interactivity, Q & T, guided navigation, …} {adaptability, virtual laboratories,…} {intellectuality, proof checking, …} Example. In the case of solving problems with the TT2K on the Internet, f=2. ICME-10, July 2004
9 Applying rcf Model: Examples Every e-learning function can be represented by a fixed value tuple rcf consisting of the above three criteria. Example 1. For live geometry sketchpad, rcf = (0,0,2). Example 2. For typical SCORM systems, rcf = (2,1,1). Example 3. For hypertext e-manuals, rcf = (2,1,0). Example 4. For video conferences, rcf = (3,2,0). Example 5. For the first generation distance e-learning systems, rcf = (1,2,0). Example 6. For instant messaging systems, rcf = (3,2,0). ICME-10, July 2004
Live geometry sketchpads f Typical SCORM systems Hypertext e-manuals Video conferences First generation DLSs Instant messaging systems r c 10 Applying rcf Model: Example Rendering Let us render all possible values of tuples to a 3-dimentional integer cube. Since every e-learning function has an unique rcf, all such functions may be mapped in this cube. ICME-10, July 2004
11 Applying rcf Model: SOA Analysis (1/2) • Results of applying the rcf model to the state-of-the-art analysis of the e-learning domain: • 1. Few existing systems support functions satisfying the conditions • r = 3, c = 2. • 2. The TT2K is the single e-learning system satisfying the conditions • r = 3, c = 2, f >= 1. • 3. None of the existing systems supports any e-learning function satisfying the conditions • c = 3 or f = 3. ICME-10, July 2004
12 Applying rcf Model: SOA Analysis (2/2) • 4 (main SOA hypothesis). The entire set of e-learning functions provided by existing e-learning systems satisfies the condition • r + c + f <= 6. Summary. All of the existing e-learning system functionalities are located within the region defined by the conditions r + c + f <= 6, c <= 2, f <= 2. ICME-10, July 2004
The resulting region looks as follows: 13 Applying rcf Model: SOA Result Rendering • The above listed conditions cut the classification cube in a special manner. f c r ICME-10, July 2004
14 Applying rcf Model:NG System Definition Every system that supports e-learning functions with r + c + f >= 7 or c=3 or f = 3, may be called NG e-learning system. ICME-10, July 2004
15 Applying rcf Model:TT2K is NG Solving geometrical problems with the TT2K on the Internet possesses rcf = (3,2,2). So the TT2K is really an NG e-Learning System. ICME-10, July 2004
16 TT2K Demonstration scenarios The main presentation concerns the next two TT2K’s functions (scenarios). Scenario 1. Learning school geometry for the 7th form, rcf = (2,1,2). The learning course is made on the basis of the “Geometry 7-9” school manual by Igor Sharygin. Scenario 2. Collaborative solving of geometrical construction problems on the Internet, rcf = (3,2,2). ICME-10, July 2004
17 Scenario 1: Prerequisites 31 урок, связаны отношениями предшествования Примеры Пререквизиты урока 5: второй и четвертый Пререквизиты урока 2: первый Пререквизиты урока 4: третий Пререквизит урока 3: первый ICME-10, July 2004
18 Scenario 1: Prerequisite Rendering Скриншот со стрелками ICME-10, July 2004
19 Scenario 1: Mini-Course Скриншот ICME-10, July 2004