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PBL UNIT #10. Curriculum Committee Meeting August 15, 2011. Welcome & Introductions. Common Core State Standards Updates. A fundamental redesign of schools , not curriculum Focus on teaching reading and math, not how to take reading and math tests Instructional Planning is critical
PBL UNIT #10 Curriculum Committee Meeting August 15, 2011
Common Core State Standards Updates A fundamental redesign of schools, not curriculum Focus on teaching reading and math, not how to take reading and math tests Instructional Planning is critical Critical thinking (high level learning) rather than simple compliance (low level learning) Students will not be asked to show what they know, rather what they can do with what they know Best professional development will be observing great teachers
PARCC Updates Drastically different test items K-2 tests will likely be optional for states On-line Students must have keyboarding, not just mouse skills to take the assessment by grade 3 Tech specs due to districts by end of summer PARCC/Smarter Balance Illinois is a governing board member (will pilot test questions as early as next year) http://parcconline.org/
PARCC Updates PARCC Goals: Create high-quality assessments Build a pathway to college and career readiness for all students Support educators in the classroom Develop 21st century, technology-based assessments Advance accountability at all levels
PARCC Updates PARCC will develop an assessment system comprised of four components. Each component will be computer-delivered and will leverage technology to incorporate innovations.
PARCC Updates Two summative assessment components designed to • Make “college and career readiness” and “on-track” determinations • Measure the full range of standards and full performance continuum • Provide data for accountability uses, including measures of growth Two interim assessment components designed to • Generate timely information for informing instruction, interventions, and professional development during the school year • In ELA/literacy, a third formative component will assess students’ speaking and listening skills
PARCC Updates Summative Assessment Components: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) administered as close to the end of the school year as possible. The ELA/literacy PBA will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. The mathematics PBA will focus on applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) administered after approx. 90% of the school year. The ELA/literacy EOY will focus on reading comprehension. The mathematics EOY will be comprised of innovative, machine-scorable items
PARCC Updates Interim Assessment Components: Early Assessment designed to be an indicator of student knowledge and skills so that instruction, supports and professional development can be tailored to meet student needs Mid-Year Assessment comprised of performance-based items and tasks, with an emphasis on hard-to-measure standards. After study, individual states may consider including as a summative component
Administrator/Teacher Evaluation Updates Based on 4 categories (unsatisfactory, needs improvement, satisfactory, excellent) Student growth must be a factor PEAC: advisory committee (steering) recommendations, model plan Admin evaluation: 2 components principal practice 70% student growth 30%. Practice 7 competencies, 30 indicators ISLLC & national board Student growth, change in performance over 2 points over time. Summative evaluation for administrators due march 1 Can adopt state model, can pick and choose from model, can create own if it meets PERA guidelines
Administrator/Teacher Evaluation Updates Teacher evaluation: professional practice 70% student growth 30%. Default will be 50% 50% Teacher evaluation plan will be bargained. After 180 days with no agreement, district compelled to use the state model. Modified Danielson framework, 2 bottom categories require sanctions. (Unsatisfactory & needs improvement) Remediation and improvement plans Ratings in summative evaluation only
Administrator/Teacher Evaluation Updates ISAT can not be a measure of student growth. MAP, DIBELS or local assessments. Reporting: results must be reported but individuals unidentifiable (how?) 32 hours of training for evaluators for both superintendents and principals. Communications committee to operate through the professional organizations Chance to provide feedback Possible town meetings
Administrator/Teacher Evaluation Updates Important Dates:Sept. 1, 2012: 4 rating categories for admin & teachers , PERA compliant admin evaluate system, all evaluators must complete training using new evaluation approach. New Teacher evaluation system implementation date Sept 1, 2016 Suggestions: Brush up on measurement of gain & how to establish and measure student growth goals.
Administrator/Teacher Evaluation Updates Resources: PERA (Performance Evaluation Reform Act) http://www.ottosenlaw.com/article.asp?a=516 Charlotte Danielson Evaluation Model (sample school) http://www.whitebear.k12.mn.us/teachereval.html
Tuesday ED Activities 8-30 Academic Vocabulary Grade level teams/departments will meet to discuss and finalize academic vocabulary lists. Grade levels/departments will have a chance to discuss the implementation of this universal intervention so we are implementing the program with consistency and integrity. Grade levels/departments will create a plan of which terms will be taught week-to-week. This list of terms to be taught will be given to the principal.
Tuesday ED Activities 9-6 Data Day Grade levels/departments will meet to discuss data (DIBELS/MAP/ISAT/PSAE) obtained for their class and grade level. Teachers will identify students who are scoring in the strategic and intensive levels, and reflect on interventions previously received by students and identify future intervention possibilities.
Tuesday ED Activities 9-13 SMART Goal Setting Grade levels will meet to review data (DIBELS/ISAT/MAP/PSAE) and to formulate goals for the school year based on trend data.
Tuesday ED Activities 9-20 MAP Data Review Grade levels will meet to discuss the reports timeline that has been disseminated. Teams should discuss the reports that need to be reviewed for each testing session. Close attention will be paid to the student goal setting report. This is a tool to help teachers when they meet with each student individually to discuss relative strengths & weakness, and to assist the students in RIT goal setting.
Tuesday ED Activities 9-27 Technology Grade levels/departments will meet to discuss the new technology they have been utilizing. This will give teams a chance to share new ideas and help trouble shoot problems that may be occurring. Grade levels/departments will be prepared to share a lesson or curricular ideas that they have created using the updated technology.
Data Analysis Teams High School Junior High Eastlawn Clara Peterson
Curriculum Mapper Survey Review of survey results
Curriculum Mapper Next Steps Moving forward with Curriculum Mapper/Instructional Planner 3 year plan
CCSS Web quest With your building level group (3-4 people) review some of the websites with CCSS information. Identify sites you see as a useful resource for this committee and report your findings to the group. See Curriculum website under CCSS resources
Future Meetings Establish future dates and times Thank You for your participation on this important committee!