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2016- 17 School Budget Development

2016- 17 School Budget Development. Budget Services & Financial Planning Division March 2016. Introduction Budget Planning & Development Budget Guidelines Norm Day Settle-Up Shared Cost Centers Pilot Schools Staffing and Resources Report School Site Budget Approval

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2016- 17 School Budget Development

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  1. 2016- 17 School Budget Development Budget Services & Financial Planning Division March 2016

  2. Introduction Budget Planning & Development Budget Guidelines Norm Day Settle-Up Shared Cost Centers Pilot Schools Staffing and Resources Report School Site Budget Approval Information and Resources agenda

  3. Introduction This training will provide information pertaining to Budget Development for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.

  4. What’s New • Reimbursements for certificated long-term leaves will be adjusted to exclude the 10 days allocated for norm generated register-carrying teachers • Positions funded as Dual/Foreign Language/Bilingual (Program 11119) are part of allocated positions based on District Approved Staffing Ratios. • Program 13027 will be charged for any negative carryover balances in accounts with full carryover, with the exception of programs 10397, 10400, and 10405. These three programs will carryover in their entirety in their respective program – See complete list of program codes on page 2 of Carryover Policies for School Account Balances as of June 30, 2017, MEM-2464.12

  5. What’s New • The duplicated percentage for the Student Equity-Based Index will be based on a three-year rolling average (FY2014-FY2016) consistent with the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) • Schools will have flexibility in the resources allocated in Program 10400. Program 10400 will be available through Schools Front End (SFE). • Resources previously allocated in Program 10434 will now be allocated in Program 10400 • Schools are required to submit Itinerant Letters directly to the department providing support services.

  6. What’s New • Library Aide positions • Schools will no longer have an option to fund two different position control numbers for the same incumbent • Schools funding a 3 hr Library Aide position are responsible to cover all related salary and fringe benefit cost including PERS

  7. Budget Planning & Development

  8. Budget Planning & Development

  9. Budget Planning & Development School Budgeting - Calendar January March June July Budget Planning Development Assessing & Forecasting Management (Current Year)

  10. Budget Planning & Development Budget Development Timeline • February • E-Cast Enrollment Projections • Meet with school site stakeholders • Estimated Rate Sheets, General Fund School Program Manual, and other Budget Development resources posted on SFS website http://sfs.lausd.net • March General Fund School program allocations are based on E-Cast projections and Board Approved Staffing Ratios (Allocations are adjusted with Norm Day Actual enrollment) • Allocation Letters will be emailed on March 14th • Schools Front End opens March 14th • Implement prioritized needs in Schools Front End • Budget Development appointments start

  11. Budget Planning & Development Budget Development Timeline • April • Budget Development appointments continue • Budget Development ends and Schools Front End closes for 2016-2017 Planning on April 14th.

  12. Budget Planning & Development Allocations • During Budget Development you will receive two major unrestricted funding sources: • Program 13027-General Fund School Program • Program 10183-Targeted Student Population • Schools allocation notifications are delivered via email

  13. Budget Planning & Development Allocation Letters 1 2 ABC EL SAMPLE 123401 ABC EL 2017 • School Allocation Notifications will be generated through Business Tools for Schools (BTS). • School principals will receive e-mail notifications from the system with two attachments. Notification of Budget AllocationSchool Resource Allocation 13

  14. Budget Planning & Development Accelerating Academic Literacy (AAL) -Program 11448 • No allocations will be done during Budget Development • Schools may request an auxiliary allocation using the AAL Resource Allocation Request form • Schools must submit the funding request to Dharma Hernandez, Division of Instruction, by April 22, 2016. Please see MEM-6487.0 Placement Guidelines Language Arts Tier 2 and Tier 3 Intervention Programs in Grades 6 and 9 – Currently being updated

  15. Budget Guidelines

  16. Budget Guidelines General Fund School Program • The District will allocate positions with incumbents at the employee’s actual group and level • During Budget Development, schools must not modify a position’s group/level for the purpose of capturing salary savings or swap employees • Schools are encouraged to consider all of their available resources, including categorical funds, as they build their budgets • IMA, General Supplies, and Teacher Activity Differentials are allocated at a per student rate depending on grade level (See the General Fund School Program Manual for the various rates) • The Principal will have final decision-making authority for Program 13027, subject to the approval of the Local District Superintendent or designee • Principals are expected to engage their school community in the budget-building process

  17. Budget Guidelines Carryover • Programs 13027, 10400, and 10405 balances will carryover (subject to change): • Positive or negative ending program balance will carryover in its entirety • Other Programs: • Program 10183 will not carryover

  18. Budget Guidelines • Flexibility • If schools implement flexibility to close positions, these positions cannot be repurchasedfrom Categorical Programs and Targeted Student Population programs • Any flexibility exercised over positions will only be valid for that fiscal year • The flexibility of resources is subject to State and Federal laws, court orders, consent decrees, Personnel Commission Rules, collective bargaining agreements, and Human Resources Division Rules & Policies • Not budgeting at actual salary levels may result in overdrafts to your school’s budget. • Schools are responsible for any additional assignment costs related to positions that are purchased above the District’s staffing levels. For teachers, this includes the 10 substitute days, any differentials, and salary pay scale increases. • Vacant positions above core must be budgeted at the District average cost.

  19. Budget Guidelines • Schools have flexibility over these resources: • Assistant Principals • Office Technician positions above the legal requirement • Building and Grounds Workers • School Facilities Attendants • Registration Advisor Time • Teacher Activity Differential • Classified Substitute Time • Temporary Personnel Account • Instructional Materials • General Supplies • Note: Employees should be assigned work based on their respective classifications. See the Personnel Commission website for classified job descriptions.

  20. Budget Guidelines • Certificated Employee Guidelines • Register-Carrying Teachers • If the District’s financial condition is such that Article XVIII – Class Size cannot be met, the class sizes should not exceed 2016-2017 class size maximums approved by the Board of Education - (See the School Fiscal Services website sfs.lausd.net for the 2016-2017 Teacher Staffing Ratios.) • Assistant Principal, Secondary Counseling (AP SCS) • In an effort to maintain continuity in school leadership teams, schools that currently have an Alternate Staffing Pattern (ASP) request in place may submit an ASP request for approval for FY2016-17 • Nurses, Counselors, and Psychologists • Once the District’s minimum requirements are budgeted in program 13027, categorical supplemental resources may be used to purchase additional time

  21. Budget Guidelines • Certificated Employee Guidelines • Day-to-Day and Long-Term Substitutes • Ten days of day-to-day substitute time per norm generated register carrying teacher should be budgeted (See the General Fund School Program Manual) • Register-carrying teachers that are budgeted through Specially Funded Programs, 10183, 13724, 14310, 12159, 11141, and 11104 will be allocated 6 substitute days after norm day in program code 13027 • The cost of long-term substitutes for teachers on approved, paid leaves will be covered by the District • The cost of long-term substitutes for vacant positions or for teachers on unpaid leaves is covered by the position. • Library Media Teacher (Teacher, Librarian) • Senior High schools will receive resources for Librarians in Program 13027, including differential and 10 sub days for 1 FTE

  22. Budget Guidelines • Classified Employee Guidelines • Clerical Requirement for Modified Consent Decree (MCD) • Elementary school requirement = 0.5 FTE if enrollment is less than 300 • 1.0 FTE if enrollment is 301 or more • Middle school requirement = 0.5 FTE if enrollment is less than 700 • 1.0 FTE is enrollment is 701 or more • High school requirement = 0.5 FTE if enrollment is less than 700 • 1.0 FTE if enrollment is 701 or more • Plant Managers, Assistant Plant Managers, Building and Grounds Workers, School Facilities Attendants (SFA), and Pool Custodians • All positions are budgeted at “A” basis, except SFAs, which are budgeted at “C” basis. • Any changes to the above-referenced positions must have prior approval from Maintenance and Operations

  23. Budget Guidelines Classified Employee Guidelines • Financial Managers and School Administrative Assistants • Schools may not purchase another classification in place of these positions unless Personnel Commission issues approval prior to the closure of these positions Other Guidelines • Degree Differentials Certificated & Differentials/Longevity Classified • Budgeting is required per collective bargaining agreements • Teacher Activity Differentials • If purchasing, the differential amount is subject to collective bargaining agreements for the rate of pay • Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC & Sr. JROTC Instructors) • For schools that choose to open a JROTC class, the District will fund for .5 FTE of each teaching position • The school must use Program 13027 funds to purchase the other .5 FTE of the positions • The program requires that 2 positions must be established at “B” basis

  24. Budget Guidelines • Other Guidelines • Instructional Materials Account (IMA) • If your school has a Local School Leadership Council, the council’s approval is required to transfer funds out of the original allocation of IMA (Commitment Item 430010) • General Supplies • Budget at the discretion of your school’s needs. • National Board Certified (NBC) Teachers • Schools with NBC teachers are not responsible for budgeting the NBC differential. • Interscholastic Athletic Program • Secondary schools participating in the Interscholastic Athletic Program will receive their allocation in Program 13027 • Advances in Salary Table Pay Scale • Calculated after Human Resources and Personnel Commission have processed changes in staff due to Norm Day • If the net cost of positions is projected to increase, funds will be provided.

  25. Budget Guidelines Targeted Student Population Program 10183 • Positions, services, and programs funded with Program 10183 must support the needs of the students that generated these resources: • Low Income • English Learners • Foster Youth • Positions budgeted in the Targeted Student Program should be budgeted at their actual costs • For register carrying-teachers, four days of substitute time must be budgeted in the program. • If schools close positions that are allocated to them in Program 13027, these positions cannot be re-purchased from the Targeted Student Program. • Core services must be budgeted in the General Fund School Program before purchasing additional resources in the Targeted Student Program.

  26. Norm day settle-Up

  27. Norm Day Settle-Up Vetting Norm Enrollment • Budget Services will review, analyze, and make adjustments to reconcile enrollment and attendance data up to the last capture date to resolve the following issues: • Student no shows • Excessive student absences • Duplicate students within a school or between schools • Students without an academic schedule • Elementary section assignments as Special Day Program (SDP) versus General Education • Secondary attendance category as Special Day Program (SDP) versus General Education • Age-eligible students who are enrolled in a grade level than pre-kindergarten (e.g., Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten)

  28. Norm Day Settle-Up Norm Day Adjustments • School’s projected expenditures will be updated to reflect staffing ratios and resources under Norm Day enrollment counts • If applicable, Budget Services will open positions and allocate additional resources • For schools that are losing resources, Budget Services will close positions and reduce resources • Resources for Nurses, Psychologists, and Library Media Teachers will not be adjusted at Norm Day • All schools are expected to be no more than one norm teaching position over their norm allocation on the Friday preceding Norm Day. • All schools must be on norm by the scheduled norm day. Excess teachers will be promptly reassigned.

  29. Staffing and Resources Report

  30. Staffing and Resources Report 2017 5

  31. Staffing and Resources Report 2016 2016

  32. Staffing and Resources Report 5 4 Version BPx=Budget Development (Legal mandate plus additional resources) See General Fund School Program Manual. FN0=Budget Development CM0=Current Modified Budget • Enter BPx • Enter2017 for current fiscal year. • Enter your 7 digit cost center. • Select “Display in Form” • Then click “Execute” 1 2 2 3 2017 3

  33. Staffing and Resources Report Note: If the “Output Device” is blank type “LPDF” When this window pops up, Click on “Print preview” 33

  34. School Budget Signature form

  35. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP) 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 10/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017 07/01/2016 06/30/2017

  36. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP) 2016-2017 Budget Development

  37. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP)

  38. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP) Step 1 – Click Reports Step 2 – Click Signature Form 2016 2016 1 2

  39. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP) Step 3 - Enter Version – FN0 Fiscal Year – 2017 Fund Center – 1XXXX01 LAUSD Program – 1XXXX 7XXXX 3 FN0 2017 1XXXX01 10183 Step 4 – Select WIP Version 4

  40. Print School Budget Signature Form (WIP) 5 Enter Output Device – “LPDF” 6

  41. Information & Resources

  42. Information & Resources School Fiscal Services http://sfs.lausd.net Budgeting for Student Achievement http://achieve.lausd.net/page/431 Electronic School Enrollment Forecast Process http://www.laschools.org/new-site/my-school/ecast/ Personnel Commission http://achieve.lausd.net/page/2135 LAUSD's Budget Realities http://achieve.lausd.net/page/431

  43. Thank you for your time • Local District Northeast - Fiscal Services: Fiscal Specialists – Aurora Phillips (818) 252-5471 JoAnn Jackson (818) 252-5478 Jose Perida (818) 252-5477 Pedro Subuyuj (818) 252-5473 Susan Kabiling (818) 252-5472

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