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Pacific MANA M onitoring A lliance for N CD A ction Briefing and Consultation March 2014. Dr Ilisapeci Kubuabola-Samisoni r. Non Communicable Disease Monitoring – what is it? . ‘The collection, management and analysis of country data on the four main NCDs.
Pacific MANAMonitoring Alliance for NCD ActionBriefing and ConsultationMarch 2014 Dr IlisapeciKubuabola-Samisonir
Non Communicable Disease Monitoring – what is it? ‘The collection, management and analysis of country data on the four main NCDs. The translation of findings into information to inform action and policy.
Pacific MANA Pacific Health Ministers have called for “aregional and national NCD accountability mechanism to monitor, review and propose remedial action to ensure progress towards the NCD goals and targets.” Pacific MANA is the proposed ‘umbrella’ under which PICTS and partners will form a sustainable, collaborative Pacific NCD monitoring platform. Pacific MANA is an alliance of existing partners, NOT a new organisation. The aim is to coordinate and strengthen country capacity, regional expertise and resources, and innovation and accountability to improve NCD monitoring for action.
Pacific MANA Goals by 2025 • All Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) will have quality, integrated monitoring mechanisms for their nationally prioritised indicators and targets for the prevention and control of NCDs. • A strong regional coordinated network of expertise and data systems will operate to support capacity building and knowledge exchange to monitor NCD action. • A regional platform will stimulate action and innovation for reducing NCDs in the Pacific, and mutual accountability for progress towards NCD reduction targets. 1 2 3
Pacific MANA Strategic Objectives In-country support (goal 1) Strengthening and extending, coordinating and synchronising on-going initiatives. Regional public goods (goal 1 & 2) Boost current levels of available expertise (people & systems). Innovation and accountability platform (goal 3) Share technical resources and stimulate innovation in NCD monitoring and the translation of knowledge into action. Build a strengthened, aligned, mutual accountability framework as a basis for tracking progress and adjusting actions/strategies to remain focused on reducing NCD prevalence.
Alliance Member Roles & Responsibilities For PICTS Provide local political leadership. Mobilise resources for NCD monitoring and coordination (e.g. with Health Information Systems). Commit to an agreed innovation and accountability framework. For Partners Strengthen support for NCD monitoring. Provide regional strategic leadership. Host and coordinate regional public goods. Contribute to innovation and accountability systems.
MANA Operation Governance The steering role: Ministers / Secretaries of Health? ‘Light touch’ governance/management (e.g. the Pacific Public Health Systems Network, PPHSN, model). Coordination A secretariat body to coordinate strategic objectives/governance processes. Hosting options include: • Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) similar to PPHSN model • SPC/WHO • Pacific Research Center for the Prevention of Obesity and NCDs (C-POND) at Fiji National University (with the view to establishing a WHO Collaborating Center). • PICT on a rotational basis Funding 2015-2020 will be fully costed for proposal. Funding will be sought - multi-lateral and bilateral donors and international agencies. Pacific MANA will be designed to be as self-sustainable as possible in the long term.
Briefing and Consultation Documents Your feedback is crucial! There is an accompanying Consultation Document containing more information. The evolving proposal will be discussed at the Pacific Secretaries Meeting in Nadi in April 2014 and, potentially, at the Ministers of Health meeting mid year. Please send feedback to Dr Hilary Tolley (hc.tolley@auckland.ac.nz) by 24 March 2014