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  1. EASTER Ola Koguc

  2. POLISH EASTER • EasterisalsocalledPascha, itisthe most importantreligiousfeastinthe Christian liturgicalyear. Itcelebratestheresurrection of Jesus, whichChristiansbelieveoccurred on the third dayafter his crucifixionsome time inthe period AD 27 to 33. Many non-religiousculturalelementshavebecome part of theholiday, and thoseaspectsareoftencelebrated by many Christians and non-Christiansalike. • EasterisbetweenlateMarch and lateAprileachyear, followingthecycle of themoon. • The celebration of Easter is preceded by Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday. Palm branches and twigs are indispensable accessories of the events of this day. They commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Holy Thursday, GoodFriday, and Holy Saturdayarealsoimporatntdays of adoration for Christians. On GoodFridaypeoplevisit Jesus’ tombswhereas on Holy Saturdaythey go to churchwithsmallbaskets to be sprinkledwithholywater by a priest. Thefoodtheybringintheirbasketsare: cakes, eggs, a horseradish, sausages, ham, salt, pepper, and tiny sugar lambs. Eggssymbolisenewlife. The consecration of horseradish refers to the bitterness of the passion of Jesus which, on the day of resurrection, changed into joy and sweetness. The custom of coloring eggs for Easter is still observed.

  3. POLISH EASTER • On Sunday morning, beautifully laid table is covered with colored eggs, cold meats, sausages, ham, yeast cakes, pound cakes, poppy-seed cakes, and in the middle of it all, a lambmade of sugar, commemorating the resurrected Christ.Sharing a boiled egg with one’s relatives is a national tradition. A piece of egg with salt and pepper, consecrated by priest, is an inseparable accessory in the good wishes we extend to each other at Easter. Cakes are very important ingredients of Easter breakfasttoo. Thereare gigantic cakes called ‘baby” as well as “mazurki” whicharetypicalcakes for Easter. • On Easter Monday there is a very ancient Easter tradition called “Smigus-Dyngus” – a custom of pouring water on one another.


  5. EASTER BASKET • Eggs • ”Baba”- Eastercake • Bread • Lamb • Sausages • Salt and pepper • Horseradish • Ham

  6. EASTER FOOD • Baba • ”Żurek”, thewhiteborsh • White sausage • ”Mazurek” • Pate

  7. POLISH PROVERBS ABOUT EASTER • Dry Lent means a goodyear. • Whoentertainsday and night, will be hungry on EasterSunday . • GoodFriday - itis a good time to sow .

  8. EASTER SONGS • Eastereggs, Yellow and blue, Eastereggs, For me and you. Eastereggs, Candy sweet, Eastereggs, Aregood to eat. Eastereggs, Pretty and funny, but... where, oh whereistheEasterBunny?

  9. EASTER SONGS • The Easter Bunny's feet Go hop, hop, hop, While his big pink ears Go flop, flop, flop. He is rushing on his way To bring our eggs on Easter Day, With a hop, flop, hop, flop, hop.


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