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HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I LAB BSC 2085L. About Me. Elyse Steiner, MA biology, MS environmental Science Currently working on a PhD at FAU OFFICE & HOURS : Here – before class esteiner@broward.edu - Preferred O ffice number is 954-201-2284 Webpage – www.summer2013.weebly.com.
About Me Elyse Steiner, MA biology, MS environmental Science Currently working on a PhD at FAU OFFICE & HOURS: Here – before class esteiner@broward.edu- Preferred Office number is 954-201-2284 Webpage – www.summer2013.weebly.com
About this class • You are going to have to study a lot!! • Plan on spending many hours studying. • This class is about memorizing, memorizing and more memorizing!
Today • Syllabus • Safety • Anatomical Terminology • Microscope Next week is Quiz 1!!
TEXT: Customized edition of Anatomy and Physiology Volume 1 lab Manual by Eric Wise. Should say, “Special Edition For Broward College.”
ANATOMY LAB The Learning Resource Center on the first floor of the library (17/146) has several of the models from this lab available through the tutoring department. They also have microscopes and some of the slides. There are also tutors there to help you!
Grading 10 Quizzes- 10 points each = 100 points Practical exam = 100 points Participation points - = 50 points Total possible points = 250 points
Point Breakdown: 250- 224 A 223-199 B 198-174 C 173-149 D <149 F
PRACTICAL EXAM This exam test you on your ability to identify structures on slides, models and dissections. The practical exams are fill in the blank, timed exams. Each exam is worth 100 points. There are no make ups for practical exams.
LAB PERFORMANCE: The final 50 points of your grade is based on lab performance. You lose 5 points for the each of the following occurrences- being late for or absent from class; putting your microscope away incorrectly; wearing open toed shoes; not cleaning up your lab station; using cell phone in class etc. YOU MUST WEAR CLOSED TOED SHOES TO CLASS OR YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM – resulting in a “0” for any quizzes, exams, participation points for that day.
Student Responsibilities • Must wear closed toed shoes. • Please turn off cell phones. • Make sure to read the lab before class. • Bring scantrons for quizzes. • Lab coats and goggles are REQUIRED for this course.
Cheating Cheating or assisting another person in cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught, you will receive an F for the exam and a letter of the incident will be placed in your personal file at BCC.
Attendance Attendance is required for successful completion of this course. You may miss one lab without penalty (as long as there are no quizzes or exams on that day). You should save this one absence for an emergency. Anyone who misses more than 2 labs will not receive credit for the course.If you miss more than 2 you must withdraw or you will receive an “F”.
Withdrawal policy Last day to withdraw with “w” – last day to audit- July 24, 2013
Safety • Eye wash • Goggles • Aprons • Sharps container • Fire extinguisher • First aid kit • Etc.
Safety Equipment • Eyewash • Fire Extinguisher
Safety Equipment • First Aid Kit • Safety Shower
Safety Equipment • Fire Blanket • Valve Shut-Off
Safety Procedure • Used slides and broken glass should be disposed in the glass disposal box. • Syringes, and scalpel blades are disposed in the Sharps or Biohazard box
Dissected animal parts should be wrapped in paper towels and disposed of in the disposal bags provided.
Student prepared slides may be washed with soap and water, dried and returned to the slide box. • Plastic coverslips should be thrown away in the trash.
Please leave stations neat and with the material arranged as it was found.
Microscope Microscope Care – How to carry a microscope
Microscope Care • Always use lens cloth – not kleenex or paper towels • Always use a coverslip with temporary slides • Before putting the microscope in the storage cabinet, remove the slide from the stage, rotate the lowest-power objective lens into position, wrap the cord neatly around the base, and return to the cabinet
Magnification Scanning Low High
How to determine total magnification? Total Magnification = Ocular x objective lens Ocular = 10 x
Possible quiz question • What is the total magnification if you are using the low power lens?
Possible quiz question • What is the total magnification if you are using the low power lens? 10 x(low power) X 10 x (ocular) = 100x
Be able to define: • Condenser – a substage lens that concentrates the light on the specimen. • Iris diaphragm lever – Regulates the amount of light passing through the condenser. • Objective lens – Adjustable lens system that permits the use of a scanning, low-power, high-power or oil immersion lens. • Field – What you see when you look through the microscope.
Field What happens to the field when you increase magnification? It gets smaller
Lab • Make sure to complete Exercises 1 and 2.
Quiz 1 – Wednesday!! Make sure you have you lab coat, goggles and closed toed shoes for next week or you will not be allowed to attend class!