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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103. Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641. The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is:
First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103 Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641 The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is: to grow in faith, to spread God’s love, to share god’s gifts, together, through service and worship.
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger A Message from Pastor Marie… “Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the end of the earth! Let the sea roar and all that fills it the coastlands and their inhabitants.” –Isaiah 42:10 As I write this, inhabitants of Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana are preparing for Hurricane Isaac to arrive. The news reports that Louisiana in particular is far more prepared than they were for Katrina. Those who have lived through hurricanes and who aid in disaster recovery have learned a great deal in the past decade, and the things they have learned changed the way they are preparing today. New things abound at First English as well. On September 9th, we will be having our first Baptismal Festival. Weather permitting we hope to baptize several people in the garden maintained by Bob and Nancy Rich. A first for our congregation. I am officially signed up to substitute teach in the Teays-Valley schools. I look forward to getting to know the students better in this way. It will be a new way for your pastor to Ashville youth. We have a new evangelism committee: Mona Lee Trego, Shirley Norris, Sheryl & David Cleaver, Mike Raver, and Tom Ramsay, together with the women of the Esther Circle, are busy planning a Nativity Walk as part of the Ashville Church Tour on December 1st. Choir is meeting Wednesday at 6:30 to discuss who might direct our choir this year and options for providing special music in the meantime. A new year of confirmation begins Sunday, October 7th, from 6-7:30 at St. John Lutheran Church in Lithopolis. Confirmation will meet on the first Sunday of every month at the same time through April. On September 2nd we will begin learning a new liturgical setting from the blue hymnal, With One Voice. We will use this setting until the season of Advent begins in December. We have new members on the Worship & Music committee: Patti Danison and Karyn Brown. Ernie Reeb is assembling a technology team so that we can begin using our new screen to enhance our worship on a regular basis. Mike Kent has stepped down from leading Worship & Music and directing the choir so that he and Jana can prepare for their NEW adventure: boarding the Lady J in the spring of 2014 as both their boat and their HOME. Imagine all the new experiences that lie ahead for these beloved members of First English. Thank you, Mike, for your strong leadership in the past. You can read about Mike & Jana’s plans on the blog: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/ladyjjourney Our Adult Sunday School which meets at 9 a.m. has just begun a new bible study: Digital Disciple (by Adam Thomas). Through this study we will be considering how to be use technology to faithfully reach out to others and the issues of both connection and isolation that come with the way technology permeates our culture today. On Sunday, September 30th, we will be having a potluck after worship with donations going to support World Hunger. At our last-Sunday food gatherings, we are also having “Food for Thought,” an informal time when council can share its plans with the congregation and solicit your input. Sometimes, in the face of many new things, anxiety increases. Let me assure you that despite all these new things, many former things remain. We have returned to using the Revised Common Lectionary during Sunday worship; it enables us to use the many resources available to enhance our worship and allows Pastor Marie to remain in step with colleagues in sermon preparation. We will continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. We will continue to worship using Now The Feast and Celebration from Marty Haugen on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Even as we sing to the Lord a new song, the old, old story is told. This is the day that the Lord has made. It will include former things and new things. Therefore, in all things, let us rejoice and be glad in it! ---Pastor Marie Page 1
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger Sept. 1 Kaylnne Williams Sept. 2 Merinda Blanton Sept. 3 Thomas Bausum Sept. 7 Paula Ramsay Sept. 14 Dalton Blanton Sept. 19 Lucile Norris Raven Blanton Sept. 28 Tony Reed • The ongoing healing of: • Jane Wilson • Dixie Cummins • Bill Danison • Jim Kent (Mike’s brother) • Bill Repp(nephew of Bobbie Green) • Madeline Richardson • Jennifer Patton (Patti’s Niece) • Pastor Dave Shugert • Bridget Moloney • Thomas Keenan • Paul Myers • Bill Repp • Pastor Gerhard Kraus, Trinity L.C. Circleville Sept. 10 Laura Cochran Sept. 21 Rebecca DeVors Sept. 22 Jerry Trego Sept. 24 Phyllis Bisker Sept. 28 Matthew Cherry • Gretchen Featheringham • Julie Ramin • Thomas Smith (The Wilson’s Grandson) Serving in the U.S. Marine Corp • Comfort to The family and friends of Pastor Paul Fransen during their mourning • Mission Partner Living Waters Lutheran • Church, Cherokee, NC • Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and the work of the ELCA • Bishop Cal Holloway, his staff and the ministry of our Southern Ohio Synod • The poor and needy within our community and in the world • All our brothers and sisters throughout the world suffering through War and Natural Disasters • Those serving in the military and their families. Sept. 18 Niels & Carole Johnsen Sept. 26 Ernie & Linda Reeb Sept. 26 Jeff & Beth Allen Page 2
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger A Message about Worship… Sept. 2nd Ernie Reeb Sept. 9th Ken Harness Sept. 16thNielsJohnsen Sept. 23rd Tom & Nancy Bausum Sept. 30th Mike Raver Reader: Pam Johnsen Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 Psalm 15 James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 September 9th Reader: Linda Reeb 15th Sunday After Pentecost Isaiah 35:4-7a Psalm 146 James 2:1-10 (11-13) 14-17 Mark 7:24-37 September 16th Reader: Tom Ramsay Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116: 1-9 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 September 23rd Reader: Robyn Helsel Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37 September 30th Reader: Mike Kent Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 19:7-14 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50 Acolyte Schedule: Please see Merinda & Sydneyto find out when you are servingas an Acolyte in September. Thank you for volunteering to serve as a worship assistant. If you are unable to serve on your assigned date please get a replacement if possible. September Communion Set up Linda Reeb Sept. 2nd Tom & Nancy Bausum Sept. ;9th Sept. 16th Sept. 23rd Jeff & Beth Allen Sept. 30th September Page 3
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… Finance Committee… From Linda Cummins, Food Pantry Director July Totals Regular Offerings $6637.00 Designated Funds (see below) $ 253.13 Total Income $6890.13 Designated Funds for July Building Fund $202.00 T-Shirt Money $ 10.00 Sunday School Mission $ 34.00 Interest $ 7.13 Total $ 253.13 Total Expenditures/Transfers $8,977.68 Current Assets (checking/savings) AAL Money Market $28,326.98 Building Fund $ 1,169.42 Education Fund $ 4,432.10 General Fund $14,277.81 Memorial Account $ 6,559.51 Peters Grant $17,942.63 Savings Bank CD $24,223.24 TOTAL $106,931.69 The food pantry is in need of most of the items distributed every month. The items most needed are: Spaghetti sauce Peanut butter Canned Meats Pasta Boxed or Canned Potatoes The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pot-Luck September 30th Following worship there will be a Pot Luckand an informational time when council willshare its plans with the congregation and solicityour input. Donations will go to World Hunger. Sunday School Mission Offering for September Good Samaritan Fund Not able to make it to church? Still want to enjoy the service? Sunday morning church services are now available on CD. If you missed a particular Sunday and want to hear the service please contact either Ernie Reeb or Pastor Marie Duquette for a copy. Page 4
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… Lydia Circle Lydia Circle begins hosting its autumn bible study onTuesday, September 18th at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Mona Lee Trego. All women are welcome. Pastor Marie will lead us in this study from the WELCAmagazine, Gathered. Gatherings Session 1: Our Present, Christ’s Presence Theme verse: “For where two or three are gathered In my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20) The Yo-Yo’s would like to everyonewho paid for an add in the upcomingFELC cook book. Remember the cookbooks will be out in time for you to purchase as Christmas gifts. Keep them on your list. Esther Circle Next meeting is September 20th at 6:00 p.m. at PBJCatering, 7 Long Street, Ashville. Jocebed(Yo-keh-bed) Circle Next meeting – September 9th after worship A Message from the Youth…. Upcoming Events October Confirmation Cluster Begins for Sam & Dalton Youth outing to Kings Island January Youth Quake & Zone A BIG THANK YOU! To all the members of FirstEnglish that contributed to the Youth’s Yard sale in August.They were able to raise $700.00. Page 5 Page 5
First English Lutheran Church September 2012 The Messenger Message from Council… FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH CONGREGATION COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, July 10, 2012 The regular meeting of the FELCCC was called to order by President Tom Ramsay. Present were Beth Allen, Sheryl Cleaver, Linda Cummins, Tom Ramsay, Ernie Reeb, Pastor Marie Duquette and Pastor Jeff Wick. Not present were Raven Blanton and Cindy Reed. Pastor Marie led prayer. Secretary’s Report - There was not a quorum for the June 19 meeting, so there were no minutes. Treasurer’s Report – Linda made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Beth seconded; motion carried. Pastor’s Report – Pastor Marie provided a written summary of highlights of her first year at FELC which is attached as part of the minutes. This summary was used by Pastor Jeff Wick and the Council for discussion of Pastor Marie’s performance review. Due to the limited meeting time left, the normal committee reports were held for the next meeting. Old Business A new laptop computer has been donated for use with the AV equipment in the sanctuary. The Anniversary Committee provided a summary of their activities. All council members expressed their appreciation to the Anniversary Committee for all the work they did on the 125th Anniversary activities. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, at 7 p.m. in the Social Room at the church. Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Linda seconded. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sheryl Cleaver Page 6