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Leveling Out the Lesson Objectives And Demonstration of Learning. Presenter:. Presenter:. Agenda. Welcome Core Beliefs Norms Learning Goals Lesson Objectives Demonstrations of Learning Questions & Wonderings. Core Beliefs. Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement.

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  1. Leveling Out the Lesson Objectives And Demonstration of Learning Presenter: Presenter:

  2. Agenda Welcome Core Beliefs Norms Learning Goals Lesson Objectives Demonstrations of Learning Questions & Wonderings

  3. Core Beliefs • Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement. • Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance. • There is no excuse for poor quality instruction. • With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students. • Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.

  4. Norms • Participate • Be respectful • Challenge your limits • Monitor technology • Make learning meaningful

  5. Learning Goals

  6. Lesson Objectives(LOs)

  7. Everything you do is built on knowing what you want to accomplish. -Jon Saphier and Robert Gower The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, 2008

  8. What are Lesson Objectives? • Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors. • An objective is a description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you consider them competent. • An objective describes an intended result of instruction, rather than the process of instruction itself.

  9. Writing Lesson Objectives:Effective Characteristics • What should the students be able to do? • What do I want students to know and be able to do when the lesson is over?

  10. Writing Lesson Objectives:Effective Characteristics • Objectives must be clear and attainable. • Focus on knowledge/skill (TEKS) acquisition or reinforcement. • Follows the mapped curriculum

  11. Writing Lesson Objectives:Effective Characteristics • Shared with students • Related to the activities students are engaged in and the outcomes teachers want them to achieve • Connected to a thinking skill that is modeled and taught

  12. An Effective Lesson Objective Is NOT- • An agenda or a schedule • A description of an activity or resource • The title of a book, film, story, etc. • A description of the vehicle or method used to teach the concept • Too broad or vague • Disguised as an objective, but really a description of what the teacher is going to teach instead of what the student is supposed to learn

  13. Examples of EffectiveLesson Objectives

  14. 4.3 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds and subtracts to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers and decimals. The student is expected to: (A) use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving whole numbers. S Possible Lesson Objectives • Students will use will use pictorial and numerical representations of addition to solve real-world problems involving whole numbers. • Students will use pictorial and numerical representations of subtraction to solve real-world problems involving whole numbers. • Students will use pictorial and numerical representations of addition and subtraction to solve real-world problems involving whole numbers.

  15. Writing Lesson Objectives:Written Curriculum (TEKS/SE) Geometry and Spatial Reasoning The student uses formal geometric vocabulary. 3003 Identify, classify and describe two- and three-dimensional geometric figures by their attributes. The student compares two-dimensional figures, three-dimensional figures, or both by their attributes using formal geometry vocabulary. SE3.8 – Readiness: Maintenance Geometry and Spatial Reasoning The student recognizes congruence and symmetry. 3010 Identify congruent two-dimensional figures. SE3.9A – Supporting: Introduction

  16. Writing Lesson Objectives:Sample 1 Student Expectation: Identify, classify and describe two- and three-dimensional geometric figures by their attributes. The student compares two-dimensional figures, three-dimensional figures, or both by their attributes using formal geometry vocabulary. Students will identify and describe three-dimensional figures according to their attributes and formulate a written explanation on which figure is the least and most expensive artifact.

  17. Writing Lesson Objectives:Sample 2 The student will be able to identify, classify, describe and compare three-dimensional figures by their attributes. Student Expectation: Identify, classify and describe two- and three-dimensional geometric figures by their attributes. The student compares two-dimensional figures, three-dimensional figures, or both by their attributes using formal geometry vocabulary.

  18. WritingLesson Objectives

  19. Unpacking the TEKS • Work with a partner to unpack one of the TEKS from your bag to create a Lesson Objective. • Think of many possible Lesson Objectives could be formulated from that TEKS. • Be prepared to share out to the whole group.

  20. Writing Lesson Objectives:Questions to Consider • Is there a clear objective that creates an image of specifically what students will know and be able to do? • Is the level of difficulty appropriately rigorous and challenging? • Where do the objectives come from (sources)? • Is the language of the objective a good fit for the content and “kid-friendly”?

  21. Demonstrations of Learning

  22. Demonstration of Learning A Demonstration of Learning is an activity, assessment, or product through which students demonstrate that they have learned the objective of the lesson.

  23. Characteristics of Effective Demonstrations of Learning • Tied directly to the lesson objective and the guaranteed curriculum • Can usually be accomplished in five to ten minutes • Requires students to demonstrate what they have learned over a last class period or two in a subject area

  24. Characteristics of Effective Demonstrations of Learning • Varies from day to day • Is understandable to students and parents • Designed before the lesson is conducted

  25. Examples of EffectiveDemonstrations of Learning

  26. 4.3 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds and subtracts to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers and decimals. The student is expected to: (A) use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving whole numbers. S Possible Lesson Objective Students will use pictorial and numerical representations of addition and subtraction to solve real-world problems involving whole numbers and explain their thinking verbally and in writing. Possible Demonstration of Learning Given a real-world problem involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers, students will use pictorial and numerical representations to solve the problem and explain in writing how they knew which operations to apply.

  27. Demonstration of Learning Lesson Objective: Sample 1 Students will identify and describe three-dimensional figures according to their attributes and formulate a written explanation on which figure is the least and most expensive artifact. Given 5 three-dimensional figures, students will identify and describe each three-dimensional figure according to its attributes for at least 3 out of the 5 figures.

  28. Demonstration of Learning Lesson Objective: Sample 3 The student will be able to identify, classify, describe and compare three-dimensional figures by their attributes. Given 9 different geometric scenarios, students will identify, classify, describe and compare three-dimensional figures by their attributes based on the given scenario.

  29. WritingDemonstrations of Learning

  30. Demonstration of Learning • Using the Lesson Objective that you created earlier, create a Demonstration of Learning that aligns with your Lesson Objective. • Be prepared to share and justify your Demonstration of Learning.

  31. Demonstration of LearningTemplate

  32. The Core Parameters What students have to know and be able to do How you know students have learned what you have asked them to know Using effective instructional strategies to teach the objectives

  33. Questions & Wonderings What burning questions or flaming wonderings do you have?

  34. References • Jon Saphier and Robert Gower The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, 2008 • Mike Miles, Presentations to DISD Principals, August & July 2012

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