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2014-2016 Mission Grants. Mercy Meals $20,000. Faith Lutheran of Sioux City operates the program that provides mercy meals to hungry starving children throughout the world. These meals can mean the difference between life and death for a starving child
Mercy Meals$20,000 • Faith Lutheran of Sioux City operates the program that provides mercy meals to hungry starving children throughout the world. • These meals can mean the difference between life and death for a starving child • A nutritious balanced meal that is delivered consistently over time can provide the carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals children need to thrive.
Recipients of the meal packets are orphanages, refugee camps, feeding centers disaster relief centers and local food pantries. • Funds will be used to purchase raw material and supplies used to package fortified rice/soy meals for hungry starving children who will also hear the Gospel.
MISSION CENTRAL 2 Missionaries $10,000 • Funding for 2 missionaries (as determined by Mission Central) who are the newest and most needy as they are entering into the international mission field. • Missionaries have to raise 100% of their own support in order to do as God commands and go into ALL the world to share the Gospel
Mercy work – mainland China$10,000 • Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation will supervise funds received to help with school building projects, water wells, latrines, health clinics, village doctor training HIV/AIDS awareness and micro-credit projects • This project will help our missionaries in China to share the Christian message of salvation which is spreading like wildfire. • New churches and new Christians are added to God’s kingdom at a rapid pace.
Capacity Building – Lutheran Church of the Philippines - $10,000 • Assist LCMS missionaries in their goal to start 100 new churches in an area of the world heavily populated by Muslims. • Grant to be facilitated though Mission Central and given to the Lutheran Church of the Philippines.
“God Speaks in our Language!”Lutheran Heritage Foundation$3,500 • Translating and publishing Lutheran books such as Luther’s Small Catechism, The Book of Concord and A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories into the languages of the world. • Books available to churches, pastors and missionaries in Iowa West and around the world printed in their native language.
115,000 Iowa residents are of foreign birth – Iowa’s immigrant population increased by more that 25%. • International students continue to flock to Iowa’s colleges and universities • The gift of a book in their own language is priceless for many immigrants, most own no other books.
South African Seminary Student$5,000 • St Philip Lutheran Mission Society formed in 2013 by Ft Wayne seminarians who traveled to S. Africa and saw firsthand the wonderful work that this seminary in Pretoria, S. Africa is doing to spread the Gospel. • Students come from all over the continent of Africa – providing an international impact
Funding will provide seminary training for one student for one year. • Due to a lack of funding, Lutheran Theological Seminary-Tshwane was unable to receive a number of Liberian students for spring 2013 classes.
Phil’s Friends$12,000 • Phil’s Friends reaches out to cancer patients through prayer and delivering care packages that are age and gender specific. • About 3,400 people are diagnosed with cancer each day in the U.S
Cancer patients often experience support needs with no place to turn and are in need of the comfort, peace and joy that can only come from the knowledge of our Savior. • Witness opportunities by trained personnel who are prepared to share His Word with patients, families and friends affected by cancer through care package delivery
Iowa District West Seminary Student$25,000 • Financial aid for seminary students and is an ongoing mission of the LCMS • Students will be educated to serve our Lord in His field. • These funds are an encouragement to those entering into church work as pastors
MOST MINISTRIES Eyeglass & Evangelism ministry$5,000 • Provides assistance to LCMS missionaries and Lutheran national church bodies in ministering to people by fulfilling physical needs, sharing the Gospel and providing an opportunity for people to engage with the local church. • MOST serves over 8,500 people each year through eyeglass clinics. Nine to thirteen teams are sent each year and serve about 850 people each
Eyeglass and Evangelism mission teams helpful in the mission field by the LCMS missionary – opens doors in neighborhoods that are served. All projects and mission teams are at the invitation and request of ministry partners in the foreign fields. Financial aid will be used to help fund mission trips in the next biennium.
Camp Okoboji – Ginny DeWall Dining Hall - $20,000 • Support of air conditioning and four season renovation project of dining hall • “Serving Christ in Outdoor Ministry” is the mission of Camp Okoboji and will be celebrating their 75th anniversary in 2015. • Camp facilities are used by people from Iowa and throughout the U.S. seeking refreshment, enjoyment, education and most of all spiritual growth as the Holy Spirit works faith in both young and old
Deaconess training/Sewing CenterTanzania - $5,000 • Funding to provide a place to provide the Gospel message, shelter and life skills to young women • The young women will obtain sewing skills and not forced into the human trafficking that is so prevalent, immanent starvation, AIDS or unexpected pregnancies
Results within one year of training are: 1. Her own pocket money 2. Food costs for one following year new student 3. Able to buy one sewing machine to take back home with her 4. Able to buy raw materials for her new work project at home.
Deaf Ministry of Iowa West -$7,000 • Pat Monroe, member of IDW Deaf Ministry team since 2003 serves deaf in locations in Council Bluffs, Manning, Ankeny, Fort Dodge, Ames, Des Moines and Sioux City • Serves deaf children and their families that attend the Iowa School for the Deaf and live throughout Iowa and Nebraska
Gospel shared to deaf in their first language of sign language 95% of deaf or hard of hearing do not have a relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Full support and subsidy from IDW will be discontinued on 1/31/15 and rely on direct support
Library for the Blind Lutheran Braille Workers$5,000 • Merger of Lutheran Braille Workers and Lutheran Blind Mission have created the largest Christian lending library in the world. • Material provided in Braille, large print and audio – for many this is their only connection with God
Library relocated to Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Jacksonville, FL This library provides everything free of charge, through the mail, right to their doorstep. Light of the Gospel will shine into their dark world and brings the hope of salvation found only in the promises of Jesus. Grant will provide funds for rent and utility expenses.
IA Great Lakes Lutheran School – Spencer $25,000 • Lutheran curriculum and computer/technology needs for the benefit of IGLLS students and as a mission outreach for future IGLLS students • Assistance will allow the school to remain competitive with public and other parochial school systems & provide intentional outreach mission of the school
School’s budget is comprised of less than 50% of budget that is covered by tuition. Students will be taught in the Word of our Lord and to ensure the Lutheran faith in integrated into every aspect of the students daily curriculum in grade Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Our Savior, Sheldon$15,000 • Provide sustained outreach and Gospel proclamation to the unchurched. • Pastor would be able to dedicate full time to the mission and ministry of the church and still support his family & able to fund outreach projects
Congregation has shown steady growth and continues to work on immediate goal of growing in membership toward the milestone of the congregation becoming able to financially self-sustain its mission and ministry No longer receiving financial support from IDW but needs continue to fund outreach projects and help maintain a full time pastor.
Marriage & Family Ministry Resource Center – Fort Dodge$25,000 • Staff and volunteers to work with married couples, single mothers and young people to develop healthy relationships and nurture faith development • A ministry that is needed that will touch many lives.
Orphan Grain Train$20,000 • Provide funding for shipping cost of containers of supplies used by missionaries all over the world. • Clothing and life essentials shipped to some of the poorest of the poor people of the world • Christ’s name shared with the recipients as the missionaries carry out the mercy work of our Lord