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?Since we do not know what kind of information will be needed in the 21st century, it is senseless to teach it in advance. Instead we should be turning out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learnt.' John Holt, 1964.
1. Developing an enquiry-based curriculum David Leat, Research Centre for Learning and Teaching (CfLaT)
Newcastle University
3. Current curriculum The current curriculum is characterised by targets, tests and standards;
Despite some undoubted benefits there are many unfortunate consequences.
4. PACE: A longitudinal study of (200+) primary pupils through the early years of National Curriculum The children in the study were very aware of the importance of good marks and getting things right. Many of them avoided challenge and had a low tolerance of ambiguity.
They expressed a preference for easy tasks and had low persistence when they found things hard ..... they increasingly referred to their poor performance as a reflection of their innate ability.
5. PACE: A longitudinal study of primary pupils through the early years of National Curriculum In moving through primary school the pupils studied became increasingly instrumental and adept at playing a pupil role.
Unfortunately, it seems that the NC and its assessment structures may ... be undermining positive dispositions to learn. ... The research suggests that we should be particularly concerned about the attitudes and lifelong learning skills of pupils of both low and average ability.
6. Government response Excellence and Enjoyment;
Creativity Creative Partnerships;
Healthy Schools;
Personalised Learning;
Every Child Matters.
7. My personal view on planning a skills-based curriculum It should be built round enquiry, as enquiry makes sense of skills by providing a context and a framework;
It should make use of pupils knowledge and rich contexts such as P4C, growing, cooking and filming and have space for pondering.
Metacognition makes an excellent centre-piece as it encourages evaluation, self-correction and a place for others.
8. Enquiry Enquiry is a mode of learning that is stimulated by a desire to know, a felt need, a surprise it starts from what one already knows and may have an emotional component;
ability to engage in enquiry is enhanced by understanding the fundamental principles of a subject, and links between subject ideas
It can be preceded by a gestation period of mulling over, wondering, exploring
As a consequence it is also self correcting.
9. Metacognition Thinking about thinking Includes metacognitive knowledge:
Of oneself
Of the task
Of useful strategies
And metacognitive skills to regulate:
Disposition & orientation
Planning, monitoring and checking
10. When do you need it? Generally not for routine stuff getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast;
When you do complex, challenging, new or open-ended tasks;
But what is routine or challenging varies with time, context, person etc.
11. One outline of enquiry teaching
12. Good symbol of enquiry?
13. Views on P4C in Open Future C: Its very good, it lets your imagination go wild (smiling broadly) you know a spirograph well my mind is off like that. I am imaginative but this just takes me further, its like a big adventure.
M: Yes you cant go wrong, you can go down any road and it is OK.
G: My imagination is not good, so it helps me
A: Plus you can have your own opinion and it does not matter what other people think. We did a lesson when we could choose our own super power and nobody takes the mick (Do they do that?) Yeah sometimes they do.
H: You dont feel embarrassed or that anyone will laugh. People listen much better in Ask It.
14. We are going to exemplify nature of EB learning using this query We are going to exemplify nature of EB learning using this query
15. A simple enquiry model
This is another model of EBL not dissimilar to Davids cyclical in nature
Can we have strawberries? a need to know.
The essential elements are the opportunity to ask Qs, and explore these question using evidence and / or experience.
It is also critical that the pupils themselves use this process to construct understanding i.e to make sense,
And that they reflect on the learning to help to consolidate, evaluate and extend.This is another model of EBL not dissimilar to Davids cyclical in nature
Can we have strawberries? a need to know.
The essential elements are the opportunity to ask Qs, and explore these question using evidence and / or experience.
It is also critical that the pupils themselves use this process to construct understanding i.e to make sense,
And that they reflect on the learning to help to consolidate, evaluate and extend.
16. In 2s or 3s: use props and photos to ask as many questions as you canIn 2s or 3s: use props and photos to ask as many questions as you can
17. Comparing Transmission and Enquiry Modes of Learning Two modes of learning perhaps described as extremes.
How does this relate to what you have just discussed?Two modes of learning perhaps described as extremes.
How does this relate to what you have just discussed?
18. What is said? An important feature of enquiry based learning is a shift in classroom discourse; changing patterns, purpose and outcomes.
Last week we really got deep talking about our brothers and sisters. Joe told the class about his brother we realise how much we love our brothers and sisters.An important feature of enquiry based learning is a shift in classroom discourse; changing patterns, purpose and outcomes.
Last week we really got deep talking about our brothers and sisters. Joe told the class about his brother we realise how much we love our brothers and sisters.
19. What is said? Quotes above from Davids P4C interviews with pupils.
Discuss: what are the outcomes of this type of classroom talk?Quotes above from Davids P4C interviews with pupils.
Discuss: what are the outcomes of this type of classroom talk?
20. Armathwaite: A first school in Cumbria Divides time between teacher directed and pupil directed;
The teachers (subject specialists) teach their subjects;
Pupils do class and individual projects and review on Friday;
Community officer develops local contexts for pupil enquiries;
Assessing using NC thinking skills.
21. Why is enquiry important?
Helps students understand that knowledge is not out there but is constructed. This is an important basis for future learning and exploratory activity
Students develop skills and strategies to make sense of new information and experiences for themselves
In addition to increasing their knowledge and understanding, students at encouraged to be critical and questioning
So enquiry has the potential to give students more control over their learning
22. Some assessment thoughts Peer & self assessment should dominate and be mainly self referencing - ipsative;
There should be room for surprises Id never realised that before as all learning cannot be pre-specified;
Part of developing competence should be related to using enquiry tools - such as concept maps, 5Ws, 6 Thinking Hats, mind movies, interviewing, filming etc.