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Developing Curriculum. School Leader Learning Learning Series : Developing. Learning Objectives. Understand the essential components for developing curriculum at your school(s) Provide multiple resources and models to understand the “how” of developing curriculum
Developing Curriculum School Leader Learning Learning Series: Developing
LearningObjectives • Understand the essential components for developing curriculum at your school(s) • Provide multiple resources and models to understand the “how” of developing curriculum • Identify what teachers need to learn in regards to developing curriculum • Be prepared to lead teachers in developing curriculum
Explanation for Step-by-Step Guide We understand you have many competing priorities. We want you to have a robust guide that breaks the process of developing curriculum into 10 steps. This also gives you the opportunity to identify where you need to begin with leading your teacher teams. We also hope that you will make use of the Resources provided to you. We want this process to be as simple as possible, so we have already compiled the absolute best, research-based supporting resources for this process.
Step 1: Determine your guaranteed curriculum. Enduring Understanding: Learners often cannot reach mastery because curriculum is a mile wide and inch deep vs. an inch wide and mile deep. Guiding Question(s): • How many standards are covered in one unit of study in our current curriculum? • How many skills are covered in one unit of study in our curriculum?
Step 2: Determine priority standards to be taught for each grade level/content area. Enduring Understanding: Teachers should teach standards that have the most priority for student mastery based on LEAD. • Leverage: Will this standard provide assistance in multiple disciplines? • Endurance: Is this a foundational standard that will be built upon in future grades? • Accountability: If this course is tested, is this standard being prioritized by the state? • Data: Have students historically struggled with this standard? Guiding Question(s): • Is depth over a lesser number of key concepts and skills better than superficially covering everything in the textbook? • How accessible are copies of grade-level and content specific standards to your teacher teams? • Do we believe that deep learning of the priority standards can occur for all of the students we serve?
Step 3: : Identify and order the units of study, aligning your guaranteed curriculum that addresses the priority standards. Enduring Understanding: An effective deep dive into curriculum should develop teacher ownership and deeper understanding of the depth of knowledge required for skills mastery. Guiding Question(s): • Are the standards ordered in a way that will enhance student mastery of past, current and future skills? • Do our units of study selected contain the appropriately aligned priority standards? • Does each unit name define the overall purpose the unit seeks to achieve?
Step 4:Determine what supporting standards belong in each unit. Enduring Understanding: Every main character needs a supporting character. Guiding Question(s): • Have all learner needs been considered in determining the standards selected for each unit? • Where my supporting standards selected because they will help ensure that all students become proficient on my priority standards or because I needed to cover them somewhere?
Step 5: Determine the appropriate length of each unit of study. Enduring Understanding: Considering quantity is vital; just ensure it is followed by quality instruction. Guiding Question(s): • Have all learner needs been considered in determining the length of units? • Have I built in remediation and enrichment time within my pacing calendar?
Step 6:Identify the enduring understandings (EU’s) and essential questions (EQ’s) for the unit of study. Enduring Understanding: EQ’s and EU’s are the foundation of a rigorous, well-developed unit of study. Guiding Question(s): • What activities will teachers engage with to learn and apply knowledge of EU’s and EQ’s? • Why are EU’s and EQ’s the foundation of a unit of study?
Step 7:Determine how to integrate subject-specific areas and 21st Century skills. Enduring Understanding: Cross-curricular connections provide deeper understanding, application and spiraling of priority standards for students. Guiding Question(s): • Are content-specific teachers familiar with priority standards for Math and ELA? • Do we believe that the mathematical process standards are more important than the math content standards and how do we develop these? • Do all teachers have some understanding of how to develop literacy skills within the students they teach? • How does inclusion of 21st Century skills align with our district/building goals for learners?
Step 8:Determine the necessary academic vocabulary learners will engage with. Enduring Understanding: Student comprehension, analysis and application of key academic vocabulary is crucial to mastery of the unit’s enduring understandings. Guiding Question(s): • What are some ways you can encourage a culture of academic vocabulary within your school(s)? • Why are academic and assessment vocabulary both necessary for student success?
Step 9:Create Pre- and Post-Assessments for the unit. Enduring Understanding: Begin with the end in mind and create a road map for instruction based on data. Guiding Question(s): • What is the purpose of pre- and post- assessments? • How can Webb’s Depth of Knowledge help teachers create assessment items? • Are the assessments including appropriate vocabulary (assessment) so students are prepared when they see these types of command terms on standardized testing? • Do the assessments utilized in the unit of study help determine what level a student is in their learning of the priority standards? (Pre-foundational, foundational, proficient, or mastery)
Step 10: Introduce “must have” components for effective planning & delivery of daily instruction. Enduring Understanding: Daily lesson plans with rigorous texts, tasks and learning activities create deeper understanding of the priority standards being taught throughout the unit. Guiding Question(s): • What resources do teachers currently have available to them? • How do teachers currently select their texts and tasks that support their daily lesson plans? • Do the resources selected engage students with the proper depth required of them at the end of the unit and do they scaffold in a manner to move student learning forward?
REFLECTION: Provide specific feedback to teachers on their units and aligned daily lesson plans. Enduring Understanding: Giving time and space for teachers to reflect on specific feedback and their own process will pay dividends for student achievement. After teachers have implemented their first unit, they will need time to reflect on what worked and what needs worked. By doing this, you will trigger the following messages: • Growing teacher practice is important • Developing a culture of feedback (school-wide teacher-to-student, student-to-teacher, student-to-student and teacher-to-teacher) is essential for all students to achieve at high levels • Self-reflection is a valued and necessary priority
Leader Lesson: Remove Obstacles It is vital that you are the champion of your vision; constantly communicating and enacting it to reality. As you provide coaching and feedback to your teacher teams, take time to seek out their needs and strive to remove all obstacles that could interfere with meeting student needs. Reflection Questions • Do you need to make adjustments to the master schedule to ensure teacher teams can meet? • Does your daily schedule reflect developing curriculum and its application to student learning as a priority?
Feedback Is there a leadership topic you would like more development resources for that you do not see? Please submit your request to k12boost@gmail.com for a custom-designed learning seriesto meet your needs.
Additional School Leader Learning Topics Learning Series: Developing • Data Systems • Common Formative Assessments • Standards-based Report Cards • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) [*Formerly RTI] • Instructional Leadership Teams Learning Series: Coaching • Effective Planning & Preparation • Engagement • Differentiation • Small Group Instruction • Student Feedback • Use of Data • Behavior Management Strategies
References From Marshall Memo 481, A Weekly Round-up of Important Ideas and Research in K-12 Education, April 15, 2013, http://www.marshallmemo.com. Webb, Norman L. and others. “Web Alignment Tool” 24 July 2005. Wisconsin Center of Educational Research. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2 Feb. 2006. http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/WAT/index.aspx . Definition: Enduring Understandings. Retrieved from:http://www6.grafton.k12.wi.us/district/eclipse/essentialquestions/enduring.html McTighe, J. and Wiggins, G. (2013). Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Ainsworth, L. (2013). Priority Standards: The Power of Focus. Retrieved from http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/finding_common_ground/2015/02/priority_standards_the_power_of_focus.html Ocasio, T. (2013). School Leaders: Ensuring a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. Retrieved from http://www.marzanocenter.com/blog/article/school-leaders-ensuring-a-guaranteed-and-viable-curriculum-part-one/.
References, cont’d. 21stCentury Skills (2016, August 25). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from http://edglossary.org/21st-century-skills/. Growth Mindset (2013, August 29). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from http://edglossary.org/growth-mindset/. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House. Wilson, D. and Conyers, M. (2014, October 7). Metacognition: The Gift that Keeps Giving. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/metacognition-gift-that-keeps-giving-donna-wilson-marcus-conyers. Aungst, G. (2014, September 4). Using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge to Increase Rigor. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/webbs-depth-knowledge-increase-rigor-gerald-aungst. Online Learning (2016, May 23). Unpacking the Standards. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-DonedWW_A&list=PLr1AirSF0NseNCwCKibgd7iRENCc40UH-&index=2 TedxTalks, Phillips, K. (2016, June 16). Spiraling the Curriculum to Get Sticky Learning. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jLANkgniSM Capture Your Flag, Geller, A. (2014, September 5). How Self-Reflection Improves Teacher Effectiveness. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT2bEZhx8C8