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Brands. Šariš O ne of the greatest beer brands in the Slovakia. Thanks to its unique quality it satisfies even the most challenging beer enthusiasts . . Velkopopovický Kozel
Brands Šariš Oneofthegreatestbeerbrands in the Slovakia. Thanks to itsuniquequalityitsatisfieseventhe most challengingbeerenthusiasts. VelkopopovickýKozel ThispopularCzechbeeroriginatesfromVelkéPopovicezirca 30 km farfromPrague. There are signsthatthisbeerexistedasearlyasthe 15th century, butthefirstbrew in thepresentbrewerywasnotmadetill 1874. RightnowKozel has thehighestsalesoutsidetheCzechrepublicamongalltheCzechbeers.
Gambrinus GambrinusisthefavouriteclassicCzechlagerbeerthatwasappreciatedeven by theemperor František Jozef I. himself and wasgiventheKaiserquell, Emperor’s sourcemark.After the formation of Czechoslovakia it was renamed as Gambrinus, after brabant’s duke, who was considered a patron of maltster (beer), who was the grandfather of Karol IV. Smädný Mních The name was given after the monks on Šariš castle, whobrewthebeer. Topvar It has beenonly 47 yearssinceTopvarbrandcame to be, butthanks to itsabovestandardqualitythebrand has earnedmanyawards and respectamongourcitizenry.
Redd’s Finally a brandforwomen! Created in 1996 in SouthAfrica, nevertheless, thebrand has alreadyconqueredfourcontinents, theRedd’scombinestheadvantagesof a beer and a nice taste ofgreenapples. Master RadegastBirell No alcoholsince 1991 PilsnerUrquell