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NBTN Members’ Conference Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Business Efficiency 25 th September 2009, Altitude, Millbank Tower, London. The Fat Lady ain’t singing yet…. … Clarity, Confidence and Creativity in Communicating the Workplace Travel Challenge Lucy Shea NBTN Members’ Conference
NBTN Members’ Conference Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Business Efficiency 25th September 2009, Altitude, Millbank Tower, London
The Fat Lady ain’t singing yet… …Clarity, Confidence and Creativity in Communicating the Workplace Travel Challenge Lucy Shea NBTN Members’ Conference 25th September 2009
Make clear direct requests
Audience rules Raise the status of climate change mitigation behaviors
For more information Lucy@futerra.co.uk www.futerra.co.uk
Workplace travel planning: how far have we come and where to now?NBTN members meeting 25 September 2009 Stephen Joseph, Executive Director, Campaign for Better Transport
Travel planning Developed in a few areas in the early 1990s Boots in Nottingham had a travel plan in 1995 as a condition of planning permission “Changing Journeys to Work” first national guide to travel plans published by Transport 2000 (as it was then) in 1997 with support from Ashden Trust and London First Ground Floor Partners set up by t2000 at the launch of this guide Association of Commuter Transport set up in 1997 DfT sets up National Business Travel Network in February 2007 to support private sector employers
Incentives for workplace travel plans • Taxation: incentives for greener transport, plus other changes (company car taxation) • Planning: requirements for transport assessments for new developments, maximum parking standards • Many local authorities provide advice and support to local businesses
And there are wider pressures • Climate change: pressure for businesses to cut carbon emissions • Recession: cost cutting and making better use of space • HR and ICT: more flexible working demanded and possible
NBTN achievements • Getting around 250 members and strategic partners, exceeding initial targets Publishing guides, case studies and advisory notes on travel planning • Researching the business case for travel plans • Getting clarity on the taxation of travel plan benefits • Networking those working on travel plans including through members’ meetings and regional events • Playing a key role in “Act on CO2”, the Government climate change campaign • Engaging officials and Ministers and persuading them of the strategic value of the Network in helping meeting Government objectives such as engaging with businesses and reducing CO2 emissions.
Challenges • Making tackling commuting and business travel a mainstream part of business and Government carbon reduction strategies • Getting CEO buy-in and widespread acceptance of the business case for travel plans • Getting a consistent and joined up Government approach to business and commuter travel across the range of different business and environment initiatives • Getting SMEs to adopt travel plans!
Hopes for NBTN • BITC reaches out to FTSE 350 and gets serious CEO buy-in to tackling commuting and business travel • Travel plans become mainstream part of CSR strategies • Sectoral targeting (tailored business cases, networks etc for travel planning in different business sectors, in partnership with relevant trade associations) • Local/regional travel plan networks to bring in SMEs • NBTN gets strong and consistent support from within DfT/Government
Hopes for travel planning • Supportive policies including • Tax benefits for greener commuting, telepresence etc • Grants and funding for businesses and those assisting them • Supportive Government transport policies that give weight to greener commuting and greener working • Bringing workplace travel plans to the same level as school travel plans
Support for school travel plans • Grants for every school that completes a travel plan • DfT bursaries pay for school travel advisers in every local authority • Safe routes to school funding • Target that all schools should have a travel plan by 2010
If we’re serious about cutting carbon from transport, we have to address business and commuter travel Mainly single car drivers
And on a personal note • Working with and developing NBTN has been a great experience: • Best of luck to Heather and BITC!
Mobilising business for good It’s never been more important Jim Haywood – Environment Director BITC www.bitc.org.uk
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