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Spring 2012 Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Training Materials. Grades 6 and 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake FCAT Reading and Mathematics Retakes. Glossary of Terms. PearsonAccess – www.pearsonaccess.com/fl
Spring 2012Computer-Based Testing (CBT)Training Materials Grades 6 and 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake FCAT Reading and Mathematics Retakes
Glossary of Terms PearsonAccess– www.pearsonaccess.com/fl • A website used for almost all test preparation (e.g., PreID), setup, administration, and reporting tasks. • Correct test administration must be selected each time you log in. • Requires a username and password. • Links to support materials: www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS • PearsonAccess will timeout after 14 minutes of inactivity.
Glossary of Terms PearsonAccess Training Center • Accessed from the Training Center tab on PearsonAccess Home page. • Provides an opportunity to • Practice PearsonAccess tasks • Manage the Infrastructure Trial in preparation for testing • Requires a username and password.
PearsonAccess: School User Accounts • School user accounts are required to access the Pearson site for FCAT / FCAT 2.0 / EOC testing. • School Administrator (principal): can view score reports when test results are posted. • CBT Coordinator (school assessment coordinator): can complete all activities related to the setup and administration of computer-based testing. • CBT Test Administrator (test administrator): can only view students testing and can resume tests for students if they exit the test.
PearsonAccess: School User Accounts • School user accounts are necessary to complete the CBT test activities. • Create or reset your password for each Pearson site (operational and training center). • Create school user accounts for test administrators in Pearson site (operational). • Two different school user accounts may be set up: • Individual accounts for each test administrator • Test administrator will set up unique password. • Generic accounts linked to the school assessment coordinator • The password will be the same for all test administrators. • These accounts can be randomly assigned. • Test administrators may monitor and resume students with a school user account. • Note: Test administrators that resume students must have an additional person in the room to monitor students.
Glossary of Terms Proctor Caching • Proctor Caching is a process of loading or “caching” test content locally on a computer at the school level. • Does not require a separate caching server and can run on any workstation on the network that meets minimum requirements. • Proctor Caching software is provided by Pearson. • Reduces test delays due to network congestion. • Provides students with a more seamless testing experience. • Requiredfor all FCAT/FCAT 2.0/EOC computer-based testing in Florida.
Glossary of Terms Note: This is the URL used for testing this Spring; it is different from the URL used for the Infrastructure Trial. TestNav 6.9 (TestNav) • Platform for Florida’s high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. • Software application installed either on a file server or on each computer that will be used for testing.
Glossary of Terms TestHear • Platform used to deliver accommodated forms (e.g., large print, zoom, color contrast, screen reader, assistive devices) for Florida’s high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. • Software application installed on each computer that will be used to test students who require computer-based accommodations. • TestHear will operate on Windows PC workstations and on Macintosh workstations that have Mac OS 10.5 or later installed and are running Windows (e.g., via Boot Camp). • TestHear will not work on Mac OS X 10.4 or on Macs that cannot also run Windows.
Glossary of Terms ePAT • Electronic Practice Assessment Tool • Provides students an opportunity to practice using the computer-based platform prior to testing. • Available for download at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs. • Download ePAT launcher separately from test content. • Accommodated ePATs are also available. Launcher is bundled with the practice test content for accommodated forms. • Scripts and instructions for downloading ePATs are under the Resources tab.
CBT Readiness Activities Complete Certification Tool online Install TestNav and TestHear Run System Check Conduct Infrastructure Trial
Certification Tool • Computer-Based Assessment Certification Tool window is February 28 – March 9, 2012. • A Weekly Briefing will be posted soon to provide detailed information. • The Computer-Based Assessments Certification Tool must be completed and submitted as directed by the FDOE. • Schools are responsible for providing information about the number and types of computers to be used for computer-based testing and the number of students to be tested on each day of the administration window. • Schools must also respond to questions about whether readiness activities have been completed.
Infrastructure Trial • A District-wide infrastructure trial will be conducted on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. • An Infrastructure Trial is an opportunity for districts and schools to prepare for the operational computer-based test administrations by simulating test-day network utilization, determining any school or district issues, and confirming that all workstations that will be used for testing can run the appropriate software. • Create the same testing environment (e.g., testing rooms, number of computers, appropriate switches and hubs, power supplies) that will be used for testing. • Manage the test sessions in the PearsonAccess Training Center and will use the tools (e.g., TestNav System Check) to determine network user capacity and bandwidth requirements. • The Trial should take approximately thirty minutes for users to log in, supply random answers, and submit the test.
Computer-Based TestSchedule * Each FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake session may last no longer than half the length of a typical school day. ** The FCAT Reading Retake is offered in paper-based and computer-based formats; selected schools will administer on the computer. *** Grade 6 FCAT 2.0 Reading tests may begin on Day 2 of the testing window, April 17.
CBT Daily AdministrationSchedule FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake • Schools administering the CBT FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake may schedule sessions during the entire Retake window (April 9 – April 20). • Any paper-based accommodations must be administered on Days 1-5 of the testing window, April 9 – 13, 2012. • The two FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake sessions may each last no longer than half the length of a typical school day and are to be administered over two days.
CBT Daily AdministrationSchedule FCAT Mathematics Retake • CBT sessions may be scheduled during the entire Retake window (April 9 – April 20). • Any paper-based accommodations must be administered must be administered on Days 1-5 of the testing window, April 9 – 13, 2012. • Students may have up to the length of a typical school day to complete the test but must complete the test in one day.
CBT Daily AdministrationSchedule FCAT SSS Reading Retake • The FCAT Reading Retake is offered in paper-based and computer-based formats; selected schools will administer the test on the computer. • Computer-based testing (CBT) sessions may be scheduled during the entire two-week testing window, April 9 – 20, 2012. • FCAT Reading Retake paper-based test must be administered on Days 1 – 5 of the testing window, April 9 – 13, 2012. • Students may have up to the length of a typical school day to complete the test but must complete the test in one day.
CBT Daily AdministrationSchedule Grade 6 FCAT 2.0 Reading • Grade 6 FCAT 2.0 Reading is a computer-based test and will be administered in two 70-minute sessions over two days. • The FCAT 2.0 testing window is April 16 – 27. Schools may begin scheduling Grade 6 FCAT 2.0 Reading sessions on Day 2 and may schedule sessions each day for the remainder of the testing window, if needed. • Paper-based tests (accommodations only) should be administered on Day 2 and Day 3 of the testing window, with make-up testing administered through Day 10, as needed.
CBT Daily AdministrationSchedule Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading • Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading is a computer-based test and will be administered in two 70-minute sessions over two days. • The FCAT 2.0 testing window is April 16 – 27. Districts may begin scheduling Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading CBT sessions on Day 1 and may schedule sessions each day through Day 10, if needed. • Paper-based tests (accommodations only) should be administered on Day 1 and Day 2 of the testing window, with make-up testing administered through Day 5 (April 13), as needed.
What’s New for Spring 2012 SEAL CODES • Students participating in Grade 6 or 10 Reading or FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake using TestNav must enter a seal code to open Session 2 on Day 2 of testing. • Students are not able to return to Session 1 once they have logged in to Session 2. Students will log in using the same Student Authorization Tickets for both test sessions. • TestHear accommodated forms do not require a seal code to begin testing on Day 2.
What’s New for Spring 2012 TestHear Platform • Accommodated computer-based test forms are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their individual educational plans (IEPs) or Section 504 plans: • Large print • Color contrast • Zoom • Screen reader • Assistive devices • Students are required to practice using the ePat specified form or combination of forms.
What’s New for Spring 2012 PAPER-BASED MATERIALS • Regular print and Braille test materials are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. • Reading Passage Booklets for computer-based Reading tests are available for eligible students with this accommodation indicated in an IEP or Section 504 plan. • Although Reading Passage Booklets are included in the category of paper-based accommodations, eligible students who require them will test on the computer. • Note: Large print is not available on paper for CBT assessments; instead students are expected to use the accommodated form via TestHear.
Students to be Tested Grades 6 and 10 Reading • In general, all students currently enrolled in grades 6 and 10 will take the FCAT 2.0 Reading test.
Students to be Tested Grades 10–Adult (AD) Students • FCAT SSS Reading Retake: Students who entered Grade 9 prior to Fall 2009 and have not yet passed the Reading portion of the Grade 10 FCAT participate in the FCAT SSS Reading Retake. • FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake: Students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2009 and did not pass the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading participate in the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake. • FCAT Mathematics Retake: Students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2009 or earlier and have not yet passed the Mathematics portion of the Grade 10 FCAT participate in the FCAT SSS Mathematics Retake. • Note: Students enrolled in Grade 10 participate in FCAT/FCAT 2.0 regardless of any ACT or SAT concordant scores on file.
Students to be Tested • English Language Learners (ELLs) • Students With Disabilities
Students to be Tested • Special Program Students • Home Education (13-9998) • McKay (13-3518) • FTC Scholarship (97-9999) • Florida Virtual Academy (50-7079) • Florida Virtual Full-Time Middle School (71-0300) • Florida Virtual Full-Time High School (71-0400) • Miami-Dade Online Academy (13-7001) • Hospital/Homebound Program (13-9732) Note:All special program students who are eligible for the computer-based testing will be set up in PearsonAccess by District staff.
Administration Accommodations Appendix A of the Spring 2012 CBT Manual contains detailed information regarding administration accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners. All personnel involved in administering tests to students with allowable accommodations must familiarize themselves with the information in Appendix A.
TestHear: Assigning Accommodated Test Forms Assigning an Accommodated Form Click “Specify” or “Override” on the Session Details screen to assign a specific form.
Materials Needed for Testing Computer-Based Test Administration Manual • You will need the Spring 2012 Computer-Based Test Administration Manual to read the test administration scripts to students. • When testing students who are allowed certain accommodations, you may need to modify the scripts. It is especially important that you review the scripts BEFORE testing begins to determine the necessary modifications. Do not interpret this as permission to paraphrase test items. • Scripts and instructions for administration of accommodated computer-based test forms (large print, color contrast, zoom, screen reader, assistive devices) are provided in Appendix A.
Materials Needed for Testing Computer-Based Test Administration Manual • Appendix D on page 311 is the CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide. • This guide lists possible error messages students may encounter, explanations for each message, and possible solutions. • This guide is a helpful resource for test administrators during testing. 29
Materials Needed for Testing Student Authorization Tickets • The School Assessment Coordinator sections of the manual provide instructions for scheduling students into testsessions and printing Student Authorization Tickets. • For each test session, each student needs a Login ID and a test code (password), which are printed on the Student Authorization Tickets. • Students will need a pen or pencil during testing to sign their tickets. • Students taking the FCAT 2.0 Reading tests will log in using the same Student Authorization Tickets for both sessions.
Materials Needed for Testing Student Authorization Tickets (cont.) • Student Authorization Tickets must be handled in a secure manner and returned to the school assessment coordinator immediately after each day of testing is completed. • The test administrator will give each student a ticket only AFTER all students have entered the testing room, as instructed in the script, and all tickets must be collected BEFORE students leave the testing room.
Materials Needed for Testing Student Authorization Tickets (cont.)
Materials Needed for Testing Session Roster • A Session Roster is a list of all students scheduled in a test session that displays important information including: • Test Administration • Session Name • Test to be Administered • Test Code (password) • Student Name • Florida ID • Student Date of Birth • Class information • Login ID • Blank space to record attendance information and accommodations used. • The Session Roster may be used to record required administration information.
Materials Needed for Testing Session Roster (cont.) • Session Rosters must be handled in a secure manner and returned to the school assessment coordinator immediately after each test session is completed. • The School Assessment Coordinator sections of the Spring 2012 CBT Manual provide instructions for creating and printing Session Rosters.
Materials Needed for Testing Session Roster (cont.)
Materials Needed for Testing Test Group Code • A test group code is a unique four-digit number used to identify a group of students testing together. • Each group of tested students, initial and make-up, in a testing room should receive a unique test group code. • School assessment coordinators create a unique four-digit code for each test session including make-up test sessions and distribute test group codes to test administrators. • Students will enter the test group code before beginning the test, as indicated in the scripts.
Materials Needed for Testing Seal Code • A seal code is a unique four-digit number used to allow students to access Session 2 of the computer-based FCAT 2.0 Reading tests (FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake and Grades 6 and 10 Reading tests given on TestNav) after they have completed Session 1. • Seal codes will be provided in PearsonAccess, and all students in a test session will use the same seal code. • Seal codes should not be given to students until directed to do so on Day 2 when Session 2 is administered. • TestHear accommodated tests do not require a seal code to proceed to Session 2 on Day 2.
Materials Needed for Testing Seal Code (cont.)
Materials Needed for Testing Students enter the seal code here Seal Code (cont.)
Materials Needed for Testing Mathematics Reference Sheet • Paper copies of the FCAT Mathematics Retake Reference Sheet are provided for ALL students taking the FCAT Mathematics Retake. • The computer-based test has a pop-up window that includes the FCAT Mathematics Retake Reference Sheet. • Reference sheets for computer-based tests will be included in test administration manual shipments. • The reference sheet is also available at www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS and as a perforated sheet in Appendix E of the manual and may be photocopied if necessary.
Materials Needed for Testing Mathematics Reference Sheet (cont.) • Once students complete the test, the test administrator must collect all reference sheets. • The school assessment coordinator must package the used and unused reference sheets in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box. • Used reference sheets are secure materials.
Materials Needed for Testing Approved Four-function Calculators • The computer-based FCAT Mathematics Retake has a built-in, four-function calculator. • Once a student has participated in a practice test, he or she may request to use an approved hand-held four-function calculator provided by the district. (No other calculators may be used.) • Students with visual impairments may use the approved large key/large display calculators or approved talking calculators supplied by the FDOE.
Materials Needed for Testing Computer-Based Test Work Folders • The Florida Computer-Based Testing Work Folder is a blank piece of yellow 11x17 paper folded in half. Work folders arrived in your shipment of test administration manuals. • For the Mathematics test session, students are provided with work folders to work the problems. One work folder should be sufficient for each student; however, students may request additional folders. • Work folders are to be distributed to students at the beginning of each Mathematics test session. • School assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students have enough desk space to use their folders.
Materials Needed for Testing Computer-Based Test Work Folders (cont.) • Once students complete the Mathematics test, the test administrator must collect all work folders. • The school assessment coordinator must package the used and unused folders in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box. • Used work folders are secure materials.
Materials Needed for Testing Reading Passage Booklets • Reading Passage Booklets will be provided for eligible students taking computer-based Reading tests who have this accommodation identified in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. • Districts were required to specify the number of each type of Reading Passage Booklet needed for students during the PreID window. • The booklets contain reading passages but do not contain test items. Students will respond to test items on the computer. • The passages for Session 2 should be clipped or secured for Day 1 and removed for Day 2.
Materials Needed for Testing Reading Passage Booklets • The school assessment coordinator must specify in PearsonAccess the correct form for each student in a TestNav Grade 6 or Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test session who will use a Reading Passage Booklet. Instructions for assigning the correct form are provided on page 119 of the Spring 2012 CBT Manual. • On the day of testing, school assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students with this accommodation receive the correct booklet for the assessment they are taking. • Reading Passage Booklets are secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. Please see the Spring 2012 RMS Manual for passage booklet return instructions.
Materials Needed for Testing A Security Log must be maintained for each testing room. Anyone who enters a room for the purpose of monitoring a test MUST sign the log for that testing room. Security Log
Materials Needed for Testing Seating Chart • An accurate seating chart must be maintained for each testing room for each test session. Seating charts must capture the following information: • the room name/number • student names and their location in the room during testing • date • session starting time • test administrator name • names of proctors (if applicable) • test group code • All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction the students are facing. • If students move around or change seating during a test session, a new seating chart must be created.
Materials Needed for Testing Additional items: • Pens and/or pencils • Clock or watch • Signs • Do Not Disturb Sign • Electronic Devices Sign • Session Signs (FCAT 2.0 Reading Tests)