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Explore China's rich history in the 20th century, from early Chinese civilization to European conquests and the rise of modern powers in the East. Learn about key events such as the Opium Wars, Tai Ping Rebellion, European colonization, Sino-Japanese War, and more.
Geography • Fourth largest country and most populous. • World’s highest mountains border between India • Miles of seacoast; northern deserts; and thousand mile long rivers • Capital is Beijing
Language • Mandarin is the language spoken by 70% • Cantonese is the language in the U.S.! • Written forms are nearly identical • 40,000 characters in the Chinese language • 6,000-7,000 to read most books
Hong Kong • Hong Kong • A territory made a British Colony after the Opium Wars • Parts are on Islands and a Peninsula • Main city is called Hong Kong Island • Returned to China January 1st, 1997 • Has an international airport and
Taiwan • Country on an island off China’s coast • Called the Republic of China • 22 million people • Capital is Taipei • Subtropical weather with two seasons and LOTS of rain all year • Politically unsettled • Some want to be reunited with the PRC
Early Chinese History • More than 4,000 years old • Majority raised pigs, hunted, and made pottery • Three major kingdoms ruled from 2200-256 BC along the Yellow River • Before the 20th century, China was ruled by emperors • Isolated and self-contained-it feared outside influence as others were seen as inferior • Ruled by a prosperous Qing Dynasty in the 1800’s
Causes of Decline • Withstood European Colonization for a long time because it had a strong empire. • Military and political weakness and incompetence allowed Europe to enter China. • China had rapid population growth caused food shortages • New European ideas like communism and individualism weakened society • The Qing (Ching) dynasty fell by 1912
“Suppose there were people from another country who carried opium for sale to England and seduced your people into buying and smoking it; certainly your honorable ruler would deeply hate it and be bitterly aroused.” • Chinese Official
Opium War • Britain wanted more trade with China • Britain was buying more goods than selling in China. • To make more money, Britain sold Opium • Chinese government made it illegal
Opium War • After China blockaded the British port and destroyed an Opium factory, Britain crushed China’s resistance. • China: • Paid for the war • Lost Hong Kong • Gave 5 ports to Britain • All Europeans living in China not subject to Chinese laws • Beginning of direct Western influence
Tai Ping Rebellion:Civil War • Hong Xiuquan staged a rebellion to overthrow the Chinese government • Government wasn’t meeting the needs of the peasants • Captured city of Yongan: new dynasty of Kingdom of Great Peace • Reforms: • All peasants have land • Women as equals • Give up private possessions (land, food, clothing, money) • Chinese and European forces ended in 1864
First India then Asia (Africa is next!)European Colonization • France took over: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (all together called French Indochina) • Britain took over Burma to protect India from the French
Western Advance • North and Northeast • Russia took territories north of the Amur River in Siberia • Tibet • Struggle between G.B. and Russia allowed it to become independent • Spheres of Influence • Warlords in provinces negotiated directly with Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan • These countries gain LOTS of influence • Germany • Gained territories in the Shandong Peninsula after German missionaries were killed
Japanese influenceSino-Japanese War 1894-1895 • Began to modernize. Began to be more imperialistic. • Sino-Japanese War • Both Japan and China wanted trade monopolies with Korea but promised not to send troops into Korea • China sent in its army to help Korea in some internal political rebellions • Japan protested to the Chinese armies • Japan defeated China in 1894 • Outcomes • Drove Chinese out of Korea and destroyed the Chinese navy • Korea gained independence and Japan began to enter it. • Japan gained Taiwan • As China was unraveling, Russia and Japan now were major powers in the east
Open Door • The Chinese government became weaker as they wouldn’t adapt to modernity • U.S. and Britain feared that other nations would take over China if it collapsed • Open Door Policy • Secretary of State John Hay • All major countries have equal access to trade in China • Reduced the powers that each country had in its “sphere”
Boxer Rebellion 1898-1901 • Name of the members of a secret organization called the Society of Harmonious Fists • Practiced shadow boxing • Feared foreign influence and loss of Chinese traditions • Bands began to kill foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians, and businessmen • Killed the German envoy to Beijing • Allied Western army attacked and restored order • China forced to pay for damages
Russo-Japanese War1904-1905 • Russia and Japan fought over Manchuria • Russia refused to acknowledge Japan’s domination of Korea • Japan surprised attacked Russian ships off the coast of Manchuria • Japan drove Russian troops out of Korea and destroyed or captured most of Russia’s fleet • Teddy Roosevelt helped draft the treaty • Japan gained Manchuria
Korean Occupation • 1905 Korea became a Japanese protectorate • 1907 Korean King gave up power to Japan and the Korean Imperial Army disbanded • 1910 Japan annexed Korea • Shut down newspapers and took over schools • Korean language and history outlawed • Took land away and forbade Koreans in business.
Fall of the Qing • The government began to institute new reforms but the new upper classes wanted more reforms. • Couldn’t pass laws in the people’s assembly • The peasants needed more help • Sun Yat-sen • Revive China Society • Formed the Nationalist Party to give China democracy • Nationalism, Democracy, Liberty for people • Exiled but returned in 1911
Revolution of 1911 • Government collapsed in 1911 • Sun Yat-sen’s followers staged a rebellion (without a leader) • General Yuan Shigai • Former General for the Imperial dynasty • Served as president of the new Chinese republic • Allowed legislature election • Based on Western ideas of democracy but too few Chinese supported the revolution
Civil War • Yuan Shigai: • Ruled by terror and murder • Hated by democrats (liberals gave democracy) and conservatives (traditionalists) • Dissolved the parliament and Sun Yat-sen rebelled-he fled to Japan • After his death in 1916, China continued in civil war with military warlords gaining power in the provinces.
Chinese Culture • Already becoming modern prior to European imperialism • Trade in tea, oil, copper, salt, porcelain • Western influence • Increased technology • Gave new ideas • Forced China into global trade with an export market • Price paid • Local industry nearly destroyed
“What emotion, enthusiasm, clear-sightedness, and confidence it [Lenin’s ‘Thesis on the National and Colonial Questions’] instilled in me! I was overjoyed to tears. Though sitting alone in my room, I shouted aloud as if addressing large crowds, ‘ Dear martyrs, compatriots! This is what we need, this is the path to our liberation!’ ” • Ho Chi Minh The Path which Led me to Leninism
Influence of Marx • Russia’s revolution in 1917 showed the world that a revolutionary Marxist party could overturn the conservative powers • Lenin began to spread ideas to Asia to help push out western imperialism • Linked into the Chinese Nationalist Party • Ho Chi Minh: Communist in Vietnam