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Lectio continua della Parola di Dio

Lectio continua della Parola di Dio. Preghiera prima di iniziare la lettura: VIENI SANTO SPIRITO: ILLUMINA LA MIA MENTE, INFIAMMA IL MIO CUORE, RAFFORZA LA MIA VOLONTÀ. Gloria al Padre…. www.fratellidigesu.it. Preghiera al termine della lettura:

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Lectio continua della Parola di Dio

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  1. Lectio continua della Parola di Dio

  2. Preghiera prima di iniziare la lettura: VIENI SANTO SPIRITO: ILLUMINA LA MIA MENTE, INFIAMMA IL MIO CUORE, RAFFORZA LA MIA VOLONTÀ. • Gloria al Padre… www.fratellidigesu.it

  3. Preghiera al termine della lettura: TI RINGRAZIO SIGNORE DEL DONO DELLA TUA PAROLA: CONCEDIMI DI CAMMINARE SECONDO I TUOI INSEGNAMENTI. • Gloria al Padre… www.fratellidigesu.it

  4. Lettura di tutti i Libri della Bibbia in un anno esclusi i Salmi perché recitati durante l’Ufficio delle Ore • I Quattro Vangeli si leggono tre volte in un anno www.fratellidigesu.it

  5. Gennaio Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Gen 1-2 Mt 1 16 Gen 38-40 Mt 16 2 Gen 3-5 Mt 2 17 Gen 41 Mt 17 3 Gen 6-8 Mt 3 18 Gen 42-43 Mt 18 4 Gen 9-11 Mt 4 19 Gen 44-45 Mt 19 5 Gen 12-14 Mt 5 20 Gen 46-48 Mt 20 6 Gen 15-17 Mt 6 21 Gen 49-50 Mt 21 7 Gen 18-19 Mt 7 22 Es 1-3 Mt 22 8 Gen 20-22 Mt 8 23 Es 4-6 Mt 23 9 Gen 23-24 Mt 9 24 Es 7-8 Mt 24 10 Gen 25-26 Mt 10 25 Es 9-10 Mt 25 11 Gen 27-28 Mt 11 26 Es 11-12 Mt 26 12 Gen 29-30 Mt 12 27 Es 13-15 Mt 27 13 Gen 31-32 Mt 13 28 Es 16-18 Mt 28 14 Gen 33-35 Mt 14 29 Es 19-21 Mc 1 15 Gen 36-37 Mt 15 30 Es 22-24 Mc 2 31 Es 25-26 Mc 3 www.fratellidigesu.it

  6. Febbraio Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Es 27-28 Mc 4 16 Lev 22-23 Lc 3 2 Es 29-30 Mc 5 17 Lev 24-25 Lc 4 3 Es 31-33 Mc 6 18 Lev 26-27 Lc 5 4 Es 34-36 Mc 7 19 Num 1-2 Lc 6 5 Es 37-38 Mc 8 20 Num 3-4 Lc 7 6 Es 39-40 Mc 9 21 Num 5-6 Lc 8 7 Lev 1-3 Mc 10 22 Num 7 Lc 9 8 Lev 4-6 Mc 11 23 Num 8-10 Lc 10 9 Lev 7-8 Mc 12 24 Num 11-13 Lc 11 10 Lev 10-12 Mc 13 25 Num 14-15 Lc 12 11 Lev 13 Mc 14 26 Num 16-17 Lc 13 12 Lev 14 Mc 15 27 Num 18-20 Lc 14 13 Lev 15-17 Mc 16 28 Num 21-22 Lc 15 14 Lev 18-19 Lc 1 29 Num 23-25 Lc 16 15 Lev 20-21 Lc 2 www.fratellidigesu.it

  7. Marzo Grn Mattino SeraGrnMattino Sera 1 Num 26-27 Lc 17 16 Deut 28 Gv 8 2 Num 28-29 Lc 18 17 Deut 29-30 Gv 9 3 Num 30-31 Lc 19 18 Deut 31-32 Gv 10 4 Num 32-33 Lc 20 19 Deut 33-34 Gv 11 5 Num 34-36 Lc 21 20 Gs 1-3 Gv 12 6 Deut 1-2 Lc 2221 Gs 4-6 Gv 13 7 Deut 3-4 Lc 23 22 Gs 7-8 Gv 14 8 Deut 5-7 Lc 24 23 Gs 9-10 Gv 15 9 Deut 8-10 Gv 124 Gs 11-13 Gv 16 10 Deut 11-13 Gv 2 25 Gs 14-15 Gv 17 11 Deut 14-16 Gv 3 26 Gs 16-18 Gv 18 12 Deut 17-19 Gv 4 27 Gs 19-20 Gv 19 13 Deut 20-22 Gv 5 28 Gs 21-22 Gv 20 14 Deut 23-25 Gv 6 29 Gs 23-24 Gv 21 15 Deut 26-27 Gv 7 30 Gdc 1-2 At 1 31 Gdc 3-5 At 2 www.fratellidigesu.it

  8. Aprile Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Gdc 6-7 At 3 16 1Sam 19-21 At 18 2 Gdc 8-9 At 417 1Sam 22-24 At 19 3 Gdc 10-11 At 518 1Sam 25-26 At 20 4 Gdc 12-14 At 619 1Sam 27-29 At 21 5 Gdc 15-17 At 720 1Sam 30-31 At 22 6 Gdc 18-19 At 821 2Sam 1-3 At 23 7 Gdc 20-21 At 922 2Sam 4-6 At 24 8 Rut 1-4 At 1023 2Sam 7-9 At 25 9 1Sam 1-3 At 1124 2Sam 10-12 At 26 10 1Sam 4-6 At 1225 2Sam 13-14 At 27 11 1Sam 7-9 At 1326 2Sam 15-16 At 28 12 1Sam 10-12 At 14 27 2Sam 17-18 Rom 1-4 13 1Sam 13-14 At 15 28 2Sam 19-20 Rom 5-8 14 1Sam 15-16 At 16 29 2Sam 21-22 Rom 9-11 15 1Sam 17-18 At 17 30 2Sam 23-24 Rom 12-14 www.fratellidigesu.it

  9. Maggio Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 1Re 1-2 Rom 15-16 16 2Re 15-17 Mt 15 2 1Re 3-5 Mt 1 17 2Re 18-19 Mt 16 3 1Re 6-7 Mt 2 18 2Re 20-22 Mt 17 4 1Re 8-9 Mt 3 19 2Re 23-25 Mt 18 5 1Re 10-11 Mt 4 20 1Cro 1-2 Mt 19 6 1Re 12-13 Mt 5 21 1Cro 3-5 Mt 20 7 1Re 14-15 Mt 6 22 1Cro 6-7 Mt 21 8 1Re 16-18 Mt 7 23 1Cro 8-10 Mt 22 9 1Re 19-20 Mt 8 24 1Cro 11-13 Mt 23 10 1Re 21-22 Mt 9 25 1Cro 14-16 Mt 24 11 2Re 1-3 Mt 10 26 1Cro 17-19 Mt 25 12 2Re 4-5 Mt 11 27 1Cro 20-22 Mt 26 13 2Re 6-8 Mt 12 28 1Cro 23-25 Mt 27 14 2Re 9-11 Mt 13 29 1Cro 26-27 Mt 28 15 2Re 12-14 Mt 14 30 1Cro 28-29 Mc 1 31 2Cro 1-3 Mc 2 www.fratellidigesu.it

  10. Giugno Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 2Cro 4-6 Mc 3 16 Neemia 1-3 Lc 2 2 2Cro 7-9 Mc 4 17 Neemia 4-6 Lc 3 3 2Cro 10-12 Mc 5 18 Neemia 7-8 Lc 4 4 2Cro 13-16 Mc 6 19 Neemia 9-11 Lc 5 5 2Cro 17-19 Mc 7 20 Neemia 12-13 Lc 6 6 2Cro 20-22 Mc 8 21 Tobia 1-3 Lc 7 7 2Cro 23-25 Mc 9 22 Tobia 4-6 Lc 8 8 2Cro 26-28 Mc 10 23 Tobia 7-10 Lc 9 9 2Cro 29-31 Mc 11 24 Tobia 11-14 Lc 10 10 2Cro 32-33 Mc 12 25 Gdt 1-3 Lc 11 11 2Cro 34-36 Mc 13 26 Gdt 4-6 Lc 12 12 Esdra 1-2 Mc 14 27 Gdt 7-9 Lc 13 13 Esdra 3-5 Mc 15 28 Gdt 10-12 Lc 14 14 Esdra 6-8 Mc 16 29 Gdt 13-14Lc 15 15 Esdra 9-10 Lc 1 30 Gdt 15-16 Lc 16 www.fratellidigesu.it

  11. Luglio GrnMattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Ester 1 Lc. 17 16 2Mac 5-6 Gv 8 2 Ester 2-3 Lc 18 17 2Mac 7-9 Gv 9 3 Ester 4 Lc 19 18 2Mac 10-12 Gv 10 4 Ester 5-6 Lc 20 19 2Mac 13-15 Gv 11 5 Ester 7-8 Lc 21 20 Gb 1-3 Gv 12 6 Ester 9-10 Lc 22 21 Gb 4-6 Gv 13 7 1Mac 1-3 Lc 23 22 Gb 7-9 Gv 14 8 1Mac 4-5 Lc 24 23 Gb 10-12 Gv 15 9 1Mac 6-8 Gv 1 24 Gb 13-15 Gv 16 10 1Mac 9-10 Gv 2 25 Gb 16-18 Gv 17 11 1Mac 11-12 Gv 3 26 Gb 19-20 Gv 18 12 1Mac 13-14 Gv 4 27 Gb 21-22 Gv 19 13 1Mac 15-16 Gv 5 28 Gb 23-25 Gv 20 14 2Mac 1-2 Gv 6 29 Gb 26-28 Gv 21 15 2Mac 3-4 Gv 7 30 Gb 29-30 1Cor 1-4 31 Gb 31-32 1Cor 5-6 www.fratellidigesu.it

  12. Agosto Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Gb 33-34 1Cor 7-8 16 Pro 23-24 Ef 3-4 2 Gb 35-37 1Cor 9-10 17 Pro 25-27 Ef 5-6 3 Gb 38-39 1Cor 11-12 18 Pro 28-29 Fil 1-2 4 Gb 40-42 1Cor 13-14 19 Pro 30-31 Fil 3-4 5 Pro 1-2 1Cor 15-16 20 Qo 1-3 Col 1-2 6 Pro 3-4 2Cor 1-2 21 Qo 4-6 Col 3-4 7 Pro 5-6 2Cor 3-4 22 Qo 7-9 1Tes 1-2 8 Pro 7-9 2Cor 5-6 23 Qo 10-12 1Tes 3-5 9 Pro 9-10 2Cor 7-8 24 Cant 1-3 2Tes 1-3 10 Pro 11-12 2Cor 9-10 25 Cant 4-5 1Tm 1-2 11 Pro 13-14 2Cor 11-13 26 Cant 6-8 1Tm 3-4 12 Pro 15-16 Gal 1-2 27 Sap 1-3 1Tm 5-6 13 Pro 17-18 Gal 3-4 28 Sap 4-5 2Tm 1-2 14 Pro 19-20 Gal 5-6 29 Sap 6-7 2Tm 3-4 15 Pro 21-22 Ef 1-2 30 Sap 8-10 Tito 1-3 31 Sap 11-12 Filemone 1 www.fratellidigesu.it

  13. Settembre Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Sap 13-15 Mt 1 16 Sir 39-41 Mt 16 2 Sap 16-19 Mt 2 17 Sir 42-43 Mt 17 3 Sir 1-3 Mt 3 18 Sir 44-46 Mt 18 4 Sir 4-6 Mt 4 19 Sir 47-49 Mt 19 5 Sir 7-9 Mt 5 20 Sir 50-51 Mt 20 6 Sir 10-12 Mt 6 21 Is 1-3 Mt 21 7 Sir 13-15 Mt 7 22 Is 4-6 Mt 22 8 Sir 16-18 Mt 8 23 Is 7-9 Mt 23 9 Sir 19-21 Mt 9 24 Is 10-12 Mt 24 10 Sir 22-23 Mt 10 25 Is 13-15 Mt 25 11 Sir 24-26 Mt 11 26 Is 16-18 Mt 26 12 Sir 27-29 Mt 12 27 Is 19-21 Mt 27 13 Sir 30-32 Mt 13 28 Is 22-23 Mt 28 14 Sir 33-35 Mt 14 29 Is 24-26 Mc 1 15 Sir 36-38 Mt15 30 Is 27-28 Mc 2 www.fratellidigesu.it

  14. Ottobre GrnMattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Is 29-30 Mc 3 16 Ger 1-2 Lc 2 2 Is 31-33 Mc 4 17 Ger 3-4 Lc 3 3 Is 34-36 Mc 5 18 Ger 5-6 Lc 4 4 Is 37-38 Mc 6 19 Ger 7-8 Lc 5 5 Is 39-40 Mc 7 20 Ger 9-10 Lc 6 6 Is 41-42 Mc 8 21 Ger 11-13 Lc 7 7 Is 43-44 Mc 9 22 Ger 14-16 Lc 8 8 Is 45-47 Mc 10 23 Ger 17-19 Lc 9 9 Is 48-49 Mc 11 24 Ger 20-22 Lc 10 10 Is 50-52 Mc 12 25 Ger 23-34 Lc 11 11 Is 53-55 Mc 13 26 Ger 25-26 Lc 12 12 Is 56-58 Mc 14 27 Ger 27-28 Lc 13 13 Is 59-61 Mc 15 28 Ger 29-30 Lc 14 14 Is 62-64 Mc 16 29 Ger 31-32 Lc 15 15 Is 65-66 Lc 1 30 Ger 33-35 Lc 16 31 Ger 36-37 Lc 17 www.fratellidigesu.it

  15. Novembre Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Ger 38-39 Lc 18 16 Ez 13-15 Gv 9 2 Ger 40-42 Lc 19 17 Ez 16 Gv 10 3 Ger 43-45 Lc 20 18 Ez 17-19 Gv 11 4 Ger 46-48 Lc 21 19 Ez 20-21 Gv 12 5 Ger 49-50 Lc 22 20 Ez 22-23 Gv 13 6 Ger 51-52 Lc 23 21 Ez 24-26 Gv 14 7 Lam 1-2 Lc 24 22 Ez 27-28 Gv 15 8 Lam 3-5 Gv 1 23 Ez 29-31 Gv 16 9 Bar 1-2 Gv 2 24 Ez 32-33 Gv 17 10 Bar 3-4 Gv 3 25 Ez 34-35 Gv 18 11 Bar 5-6 Gv 4 26 Ez 36-37 Gv 19 12 Ez 1-3 Gv 5 27 Ez 38-39 Gv 20 13 Ez 4-6 Gv 6 28 Ez 40 Gv 21 14 Ez 7-9 Gv 7 29 Ez 41-42 Eb 1-2 15 Ez 10-12 Gv 8 30 Ez 43-44 Eb 3-4 www.fratellidigesu.it

  16. Dicembre Grn Mattino Sera Grn Mattino Sera 1 Ez 45-46 Eb 5-6 16 Amos 7-9 Giuda 1 2 Ez 47-48 Eb 7-8 17 Abdia 1 Ap 1 3 Dan 1-2 Eb 9-10 18 Giona 1-4 Ap 2 4 Dan 3-4 Eb 11 19 Michea 1-3 Ap 3 5 Dan 5-6 Eb 12 20 Michea 4-5 Ap 4 6 Dan 7-8 Eb 13 21 Michea 6-7 Ap 5 7 Dan 9-10 Gc 1-2 22 Naum 1-3 Ap 6 8 Dan 11-12 Gc 3-5 23 Abacuc 1-3 Ap 7 9 Dan 13-14 1Pt 1-2 24 Sofonia 1-3 Ap 8 10 Osea 1-5 1Pt 3-5 25 Aggeo 1-2 Ap 9-10 11 Osea 6-10 2Pt 1-3 26 Zac 1-3 Ap 11-12 12 Osea 11-14 1Gv 1-2 27 Zac 4-6 Ap 13-14 13 Gioele 1-4 1Gv 3-5 28 Zac 7-9 Ap 15-16 14 Amos 1-3 2Gv 29 Zac 10-12 Ap 17-18 15 Amos 4-6 3Gv 30 Zac 13-14 Ap 19-20 31 Malachia 1-3 Ap 21-22 www.fratellidigesu.it

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