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Why is teaching CSR in schools & universities necessary?. Because: Corporate Social Responsibility helps to define and identify many companies today.
Why is teaching CSR in schools & universities necessary? Because: Corporate Social Responsibility helps to define and identify many companies today. In the world of Subprime, the Euro dilemma and the financial crisis, public mistrust of corporations is strong and prevailing. CSR is an important tool in mending bridges and doing good. There are many jobs in CSR and this is usually the most humane part of the business!
Moral Dilemmas or Business as Usual? • There has been a lot of news lately about a particular fast-food company. It is known for consistently paying the lowest wages in the industry, buying the lowest-quality ingredients, managing the dirtiest premises and harassing people who campaign against it. But at this moment, you are very angry and the fast-food outlet is right in front of you. Will you eat there? • Your unemployed friend is very happy because she has been offered a sales opportunity on commission – selling exclusive branded products, e.g. handbags. You suspect the merchandise to be counterfeit. Will you buy one? What will you advise her? What if you suspect the items may have been ‘stolen goods’? • A local politician supports the building of a casino in your hometown. It will attract high-end tourists and stimulate the local economy. Will you vote for or against it in a referendum?
Stages of Moral Development Moral awareness • Perceptions • Sensitivity Deliberation • Analysis • Resolution Moral action • readiness to act? Moral conduct • Is this a responsible, sustainable reaction/action?
The ‚Corporate‘ in Corporate Social Responsibility Just over 300 corporations control 25% of all the productive assets on earth. Futurists, Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker argue that as cross-border trade increases, national frontiers become increasingly unimportant and global business begins to take over from government. Goodbye United Nations, Hello United Corporations
Just how big is big • Nearly as many people work for General Motors as live in Wales. • Fewer than 400 billionaires control as much capital as half the global population. • Bill Gates alone is worth more than 135 countries. • If we compare the biggest companies‘ annual turnover with national GDP, Philip Morris makes more money than New Zealand, Ford makes more than Thailand, and Exxon Mobil as much as South Africa and Nigeria put together“
The Implications of Size Social Development Distribution Employment Corporate Culture Politics Corporate Values Education Law
Philanthropy/Charity • There are more than 67,000 philanthropic foundations in the world with access to billions of dollars. Why aren‘t more of the world‘s problems solved or alleviated? How are these foundations run and what are their principles, costs or interests?
CSR: Getting started • A company vision/mission/statement/code of conduct/credo • Structure/Responsibilities/Resources • Leadership, especially support from the top • Written Standards • Training & Communication • Due Care • Detection/Monitoring/Auditing • Enforcement and Discipline
CSR: Getting InvolvedIssues covered by CSR (Howard and Willmott, 2001) • Environmental • Fair trade • OrganicProduce • Not tested on animals • Community involvement • Cause-relatedmarketing • Charitable-giving • Religiousfoundation • Support forsocialcause • Concernfor human rights • Philanthropichistory • Cooperativeprinciples • Support foreducation • Participates in localbusiness initiatives • Supports national business initiatives • Commitmenttoreporting • Employeeschemes • Refusaltotrade in certainmarkets
More CSR Issues/Projects • Carbon Offsetting (Environmental CSR) • Micro-Credit/Financing (Support Local Business/Co-operative Principles) • Volunteerism (Community Involvement/Employee Schemes) • Art Patronage/Sports sponsorship • Social Entrepreneurship
CSR- An industry with a Future? • MNCs and SMEs, often form an alliance • HR/Marketing/R&D, increasingly specialised CSR departments • CSR Business Professionals – administrators, consultants, market surveyors, motivation speakers, lawyers, fund-raisers, activists, art curators, sports consultants, media experts (journalists, bloggists, website owners), volunteers (traditional, skilled-based, full-time?), scientists, environmentalists • Philanthropic foundations • Advocacy groups • NGOs • International org: the UN, ILO, OECD, the EU • Governments: national, state, local • Academia: researchers, editors, teachers, lecturers • CSR has spawned Social Entrepreneurs or social innovators
Whatistheroleofthe Individual in Corporate SocialResponsibility? • Knowyourrightsas an employee – educateyourself on lawsandregulations • Useyour power as a consumer/customer • Join an advocacy group • Investresponsibly • Volunteeractively • Donategenerously • Live consciously and conscientiously • Report abuse, malpractices, law-breaking • Influenceyourcommunity • Beawareofyourresponsibilitiesandobligationsas a manager/boss/neighbour/parent/citizen/friend • Usesocialmediatocollect, analyse, evaluateand pass on information • Develop a personal codeofconduct
Whatistheroleofschools in CSR programming? • As a beneficiaryof CSR programmes, e.g. internships, Girls‘ Day (Germany). • As a benefactor – shareresourceswithstakeholders→create School SocialResponsibility, e.g. communityinvolvement • Nurturethe individual sense ofresponsibilityas a futureemployee, employer, parent, citizen, consumer, neighbour.
Take Note: Corporations are actually made up of Individuals and People within Corporations have moral responsibilities (Milton Friedmann) Individuals within corporations can be very decent Corporations get away with abuses if individuals don‘t care. „We don‘t connect as individuals what we constitute to the production process.“ Michael Moore. „Will people actually do anything?“ Individuals have tools at their disposal: Legislation, Litigation, Boycotts, Education