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Senior Project Proposals. CS/IS Faculty. Scratch to Greenfoot converter ( N orman). Scratch and Greenfoot are both environments to teach programming, and offer 2D “canvas” and Sprites/Actors that can be programmed. Scratch: graphical programming. Scratch to Greenfoot converter (2).
Senior Project Proposals CS/IS Faculty
Scratch to Greenfoot converter (Norman) • Scratch and Greenfoot are both environments to teach programming, and offer 2D “canvas” and Sprites/Actors that can be programmed. • Scratch: graphical programming
Scratch to Greenfoot converter (2) • Greenfoot: Java
Scratch to Greenfoot (3) • Scratch has nice concurrency: multiple loops can run simultaneously and update the sprites • Greenfoot, in Java, does not have concurrency. • Project: • see if we can find a way to recreate Scratch’s concurrency in Greenfoot. • complete the API I’ve created to implement Scratch API in Greenfoot.
Classview Android App (Norman) • I need an app that can show the names of the people in my classes (~150 new FIT students each semester). • Phase 1: allow me to pull names/faces from moodle onto a diagram of SB372/SB382. • Phase 2: do facial recognition using the device’s camera and put names/faces in correct places • Phase 3: allow me to point at different places in the room and see close-up view of names/faces of people in that area.
Transfer body motion from Xbox Kinect to Alice models (Norman) • Alice: 3D programmable environment, with “people” with joints that can be programmed. • Xbox Kinect (with Processing or Greenfoot or Scratch) can recognize a skeleton for a person, and identify the joints. • Can we interface the two, so we can more easily program Alice characters to walk, run, hop, dance, do a cartwheel, etc.
The Pragmatic Web: Projects focussed on the Humanity of Information Delivery Keith Vander Linden, Calvin College The goal of this work is to build dynamic websites that tailor information to each particular user. Paris, C., Colineau, N., Lampert, A. & VanderLinden, K., "Discourse Planning for Information Composition and Delivery: A Reusable Platform" , Natural Language Engineering, 16(1), January, 2010. Colineau, N., Paris, C., & VanderLinden, K., “Expressing Conditions in Tailored Brochures for Public Administration”, in Proceedings of DocEng’11, Sept. 19–22, 2011, Mountain View, CA, USA. See video recording at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq8HAEUmtiQ. Colineau, N., Paris, C., & VanderLinden, K., “From Generic to Tailored Documents in Public Administration”, Information Polity, 17(2), 2012. Colineau, N., Paris, C., & VanderLinden, K., “ Automatically Producing Tailored Web Materials for Public Administration ”, submitted to New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.
1. GP-GPU Computing (Adams) • This year, John Kloosterman assembled ‘turkle.cs.calvin.edu’, a workstation containing: • Two Nvidia 480s (480 cores each), AND • One Radeon 7970 (2048 cores)
1. GP-GPU Computing (Ct’d) • This project is to: • Continue work on Prof. Becky Haney’s ‘Societies’ simulation, doing what is necessary to parallelize that simulation on a GPU system • Write a graphics-intensive program that uses OpenCLto show off the cards’ capabilities • Demonstrate that these program also runs on the ulab machines
2. Virtual Reality (Adams) • The Jedi Trainer and Protein Viewer are programs that run on the department’s VR system
2. Virtual Reality (Ct’d) • This senior project is to continue extending the VR system, by: • Developing two or more original VR applications (for either one or two people), OR • Figuring out how to animate a protein folding in VR (probably using the supercomputer), OR • …
3. Supercomputing • Dahl.calvin.edu is Calvin’s supercomputer • This project is to write an original application that uses Dahl to solve an interdisciplinary problem • Science or Humanities • The student will need to take CS 374 next fall…
4. Schedule Permutate (Adams) • SlatePermutate eases student scheduling • Calvin needs a system to help department chairs create the annual course schedule • Centralized system for all departments, deans • Browser front-end • Course, days, time, room, instructor • Constraints vs. Suggestions • CS 212, Math 156, Engr 220 must not conflict • CS 112 and CS 212 may conflict