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Project Proposals

Project Proposals. Production - Safety Study for “LuxoTherm” Hydrogen Reactor Storage - Concerted Safety Studies with StorHy Distribution - HyApproval Mobile Use - Improved Tunnel Safety for the Fuel of the Future

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Project Proposals

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  1. Project Proposals Production- Safety Study for “LuxoTherm” Hydrogen Reactor Storage-Concerted Safety Studies with StorHy Distribution- HyApproval Mobile Use - Improved Tunnel Safety for the Fuel of the Future Rules - Development of Safety Guidelines for all H2 related, EC funded projects / project proposals Education- HY-PROSTORE + Single partners application within the Marie Curie Program (Molkov)

  2. Project Proposal I Hydrogen Production Safety Study for “LuxoTherm” Hydrogen Reactor

  3. Project Proposal I “LuxoTherm” Hydrogen Reactor

  4. Project Proposal I - Motivation

  5. Project Proposal I - Summary • Hydrogen Production • Safety Study for “LuxoTherm” Hydrogen Reactor • Existing, well documented reactor prototype, simple processusing any organic, liquid waste to produce a H2 rich burning gasUS Patent 6,645,449 B2 Nov. 11,2003 • Strong interest of the operating company • EC known installation with good potential for commercialisation • Possible EC call: STREP in FP6-2004-Energy-3 (Dec. 8, 2004!) • ? Consortium / Proposal by Euroinnovation

  6. Project Proposal II Hydrogen Storage Pre-normative research for regulations and standards for hydrogen storage and delivery systems (Safety Studies Concerted with StorHy)

  7. Pre-normative research for regulations and standards for hydrogen storage for automotive application: “EIHP3???” Potential partners for “EIHP3???” • Pressure Storage Systems • Volvo (SE) • Raufoss (to be confirmed) (NO) • Air Liquide (FR) • DC (DE) • Dynetek (to be confirmed) (DE) • ?? • Cyrogenic Storage Systems • Magna Steyr (AU) • BMW (DE) • Volvo (SE) • Air Liquide (FR) • ?? • Needed: • Participation of test and certification organisations FZK, BAM, JRC etc. • Coordination by an institution • Contact: MAGNA STEYR Dr. Volker Strubel p: +49 761 7057 575 •    strubel@innfor.de

  8. Project Proposal II – Summary • Hydrogen Storage • Safety Studies Concerted with StorHy • Open questions especially for the cryogenic and the solid storages • Catalogue of necessary work prepared:a) in-situ test of filled cryo-storageb) basic safety analysis of metal hydride storage… • Especially for a) strong and urgent need from automotive industries (Magna Steyr, BMW) • Possible EC call: STREP in FP6-2004-Energy-3 (Dec. 8, 2004!)

  9. Project Proposal III See special HYAPPROVAL presentation + following slides

  10. As of today (in expression of interest) See logos (order and size of representation is random) Balanced in terms of Geographic distribution Competences Most are member of former CUTE / EIHP / ECTOS projects and current HYSAFE NoE Envisaged final consortium should include Representative of state regulation authorities and local authorities Notified bodies Fire departments City councils EU25 member states to initiate the H2 awareness in those countries Consortium

  11. Double entry leading organization By country, as we would like to have as many refuelling stations as countries. We will need to have per country the following partners : safety / approval / Car / infrastructure / fire brigade with a leader By work packages (ie field of activities) with leader recognized in their area all over the countries Description of Work packages : Refuelling station definition and requirements Handbook Infrastructure and deployment Safety International cluster activities Vehicle requirements Hardware is not a must, but results of preexisting projects (CUTE / EIHP / Hysafe) or current projects will be used Approach to reach the project goals Prexisiting projects Deliverables Hyapproval Support Support Demo projects Hysafe

  12. Division des Techniques AvancéesBP 15F-38360 SASSENAGE - FrancePhone : + 33 (0)4 76 43 64 94Fax : + 33 (0)4 76 43 60 95Contact : laurent.allidieres@airliquide.comVisit our website : www.dta.airliquide.com Contact and information

  13. Project Proposal IV Mobile Use Improved Tunnel Safety for H2 as the Fuel of the Future

  14. Project Proposal IV accidents in public and EC focus Heterogenous regulations Expensive, long term investments

  15. Project Proposal IV – Who and What • Bottom-up Approach • Contacting existing projects • Study on available data • Identification of gaps • Filling the gaps • Synthesis Consortium

  16. Project Proposal IV- Summary • Mobile Use • Improved Tunnel Safety for H2 as the Fuel of the Future • Strong influence on and of public acceptance and awareness • Inhomogeneous regulations within Europe • Possible collaboration with existing FP6 projects, e.g. FIT • Related to long term investments, interference with the interest of assurance companies (further potential private partners?) • Strong interest of automotive industry partners of HySafe (proposal by BMW, Volvo,…) • Possible EC call: STREP in FP6-2004-TREN-3 (Dec. 8, 2004!)

  17. Project Proposal V • Rules • Development of Safety Guidelines for all H2 related EC funded projects / project proposals • Objectives  • Provide a “Best Practice” Guidelines for Safety of all H2 related projects in FP6 (and FP7) • Allow safe investments especially in HyCOM type projects, where H2 comes close to the lay customer • Homogenise the rules for safety audits in the European frame • Possible basis the equivalent document of the DoE and the ATEX • Draft should be finalized early (within one year) • Consortium = HySafe Sub-Consortium (WP12+16) with EU coverage • STREP in FP6-2004-Energy-3, SUSTDEV-1.2.2 (Dec. 8, 2004!)

  18. Contact Dr. Atilla ERSOZSenior Researcher, Chem.Eng.  Atilla.Ersoz@posta.mam.gov.trTUBITAK Marmara Research CenterEnergy Systems & Environmental Research Institute (ESERI)P.K. 21, 41470 Gebze/Kocaeli  TURKiYETel     : +90 (262) 6412300 / 3917Faks  : +90 (262) 6423554http://www.mam.gov.tr/english/escae/index.html HY-PROSTORE Objectives ·        The short-term exchanges of researchers between the laboratories will be organized to supply the share of scientific information, experience and to grow new project ideas. ·        The graduate programs in cooperation with universities in Turkey will be carried out to increase the level of qualified scientists on the related hydrogen technology areas. ·        The technical meetings will be planned to determine the joint research topics and activities between the center and the organizations in Europe. ·        The participation in the organizations such as international conferences, workshops etc. is planned to get in touch with the researchers studying on hydrogen technologies. ·        The seminars will be prepared to bring together the relevant organizations and to establish a network on hydrogen technologies in Turkey. ·         The project will certainly bring the proposals on hydrogen technologies on different platforms, via national and international programs such as Prime Ministry State Planning Organization of Turkey (SPO), Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV), EU (FP6 / FP7) etc. ·        Courses will be organized on hydrogen fundamentalsto establish the hydrogen laboratory standards/regulations (ISO TC 197 Systems and Devices for the Production, Storage, Transport and Use of Hydrogen, ISO 18001 OHSAS) for the laboratories of the center. ·        The center will try to bring into force the national hydrogen safety regulations as a legal necessity in Turkey. WORK PACKAGES 1.      Poject management 2.      Renewal and upgrading of S&T Equipment 3.      Personnel Assignments 4.      Conferences 5.      Seminars 6.      Meetings 7.      Courses 8.      Technical visits 9.      Exchange of personnel

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