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ASSESSMENT OF BIGEYE TUNA ( THUNNUS OBESUS ) IN THE EASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN. January 1975 – December 2005. Overview of assessment. Age-structured, statistical, catch-at-length model (A-SCALA). Quarterly time step from 1975 to the start of 2005.
Overview of assessment • Age-structured, statistical, catch-at-length model (A-SCALA). • Quarterly time step from 1975 to the start of 2005. • No net movement of fish between the eastern and western Pacific.
Major changes • No major model changes except new and updated catch, effort, and length-frequency data.
Sensitivity analyses • Spawner-recruitment relationship (steepness = 0.75) • Assumed value for the asymptotic length parameter of the Richards growth curve • Inclusion of the Chinese Taipei longline length-frequcy data • Relationship between recruitment an the el Nino index
8 5, 13 9 3, 11 4, 12 1, 6-7 2, 10 Bigeye fishery definitions Recent FLT (2-5) Discards (10-13) N Longline (8) S Longline (9) Early FLT (1) Early & Recent UNA (6, 7)
S LL N Offshore FLT Early UNA Recent UNA N LL Early FLT S Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT Coastal FLT Catch
Effort S LL Recent UNA N LL N Offshore FLT Early UNA Equatorial FLT Coastal FLT Early FLT S Offshore FLT
S LL N Offshore FLT Early UNA Recent UNA N LL Early FLT S Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT Coastal FLT CPUE
Recent UNA N LL S LL Coastal FLT N Offshore FLT Early UNA Early FLT S Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT Length frequency data
Discards Northern FLT Inshore FLT Southern FLT Equatorial FLT
Results • Fit to the length frequency • Growth • Fishing mortality • Selectivity • Recruitment • Biomass • Catchability
Recent UNA N LL S LL Coastal FLT N Offshore FLT Early UNA Early FLT S Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT Average fit to the length frequency data
Fishing mortality 1-4 5-8 13-16 9-12 21-24 17-20 29-32 25-28 37-40 33-36
Selectivity Recent UNA N LL Early UNA S LL Coastal FLT N Offshore FLT Early FLT S Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT
Catchability N Offshore FLT Equatorial FLT Coastal FLT Early FLT S Offshore FLT
S LL N LL Recent UNA Early UNA Catchability
Northern FLT Inshore FLT Equatorial FLT Southern FLT Catchability
Average weight Combined Surface Combined LL Early UNA Recent UNA N LL S LL Early FLT Coastal FLT N Offshore FLT Galapagos FLT S Offshore FLT
Comparisons to reference points • Spawning biomass depletion • Yield curve
Forward simulations • Spawning biomass depletion • Biomass • Surface fishery catch • Longline catch
Assumed value for the asymptotic length parameter of the Richards growth curve