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The experiences and best practices of the LEADER programme and the activities of the National Network in Italy. Budapest 12 th December 2012 Massimo Di Rienzo ( m_dirienzo@hotmail.com ) Raffaella Di Napoli ( dinapoli@inea.it ) Laura Guidarelli ( guidarelli@inea.it )
The experiences and best practices of the LEADER programme and the activities of the National Network in Italy Budapest 12th December 2012 Massimo Di Rienzo (m_dirienzo@hotmail.com) Raffaella Di Napoli (dinapoli@inea.it) Laura Guidarelli (guidarelli@inea.it) Stefano Tomassini (tomassini@inea.it) Riccardo Passero (r.passero@mpaaf.gov.it)
Leader + (2000-2006) n. GAL 132 Risorse: 473,8 meuro Leader I (1989-1993) n. GAL 29 Risorse: 100,3 meuro Leader II (1994-1999) n. GAL 203 Risorse: 471,4 meuro Asse IV (2007-2013) n. GAL 192 Risorse: 1.372 meuro
The results of Leader in Italy • Generally, the Leader Programme in Italy besides improving the financial management of the projects (in different phases of the programming period, the LAGs have spent all the resources allocated), has contributed to - Improving the governance programmes al local level, favoring a major transparency and communication, the widespread distribution of the information, the participation of all the levels, including the citizens, to the elaboration and implementation of the policies, the responsibility, a major effectiveness of the investments and a major coherence between the development policies; • Strengthen the capacities of projecting, investigating and interpreting the local phenomena, facilitating the initiation of real bottom-up processes and the sharing of strategies with the local policy makers and, generally, with all the actors from the territory; • Diversification of the interests on the territory and of the beneficiaries regarding the “new” issues, previously less appreciated and spread (e.g. chain projects for products and intersectoral chains, interventions in favors of the rural tourism, of the new forms of energy and of the social agriculture); • Diversification and coordination of the instruments and of the sources for financing the development strategies (the LAGs have tried to reach a major coordination and complementarity with other intervention instruments from the regional, national and community’s policies, even of sectoral type); • Strengthen the communication capacity of the rural territories.
The Leader in Italy has allowed the achievement of important results, which consist in; a progressive distribution of the Leader method in all the Italian rural areas (in the current programming phase 2007-2013, it involves about 87% of the Italian territory with more than 30% of the Italian population); the realization from 1990 to 2006 of development actions in the rural territories for a global amount of 1.045 millions of euro; the programming, for the period 2007-13, of investments for the realization of local development strategies of 1.346 millions of euro, managed by 190 Local Action Groups.
Risorse finanziarie pubbliche PSL 2007-2013 (meuro) Dotazione REGIONI N GAL Media GAL complessiva Abruzzo 5 39,916 7,983 Basilicata 8 31,108 3,889 Calabria 14 64,139 4,581 Campania 13 85,515 6,578 Emilia Romagna 5 46,797 9,359 Friuli V.G. 5 16,106 3,221 Lazio 8 46,727 5,841 Liguria 7 27,192 3,021 Lombardia 16 65,066 4,067 Marche 6 23,071 3,845 Molise 3 10,166 3,389 P.A. Bolzano 4 15,633 3,908 P.A. Trento 1 17,143 17,143 Piemonte 13 47,817 3,678 Puglia 25 294,827 11,793 Sardegna 13 164,112 12,624 Sicilia 17 118,249 6,956 Toscana 7 41,401 5,914 Umbria 5 20,810 4,162 Valle d' Aosta 3 7,622 2,541 Veneto 14 100,828 7,202 Totale complessivo 192 1.284,242 6,620 Quota pubblica (UE+nazionale)
Fincial Table (FEASR+national resources) Regioni / 410 Quota Media Asse 4 421 431 Totale PSR n. GAL Province Asse 4 risorse 411 412 413 Abruzzo 19,194 383,889 5,0% 6 3,2 15,0% 20,0% 40,0% 5,0% 20,0% Basilicata 6,0% 4,9 38,885 648,087 8 15,0% 7,5% 52,5% 5,0% 20,0% Bolzano 15,634 312,670 5,0% 4 3,9 0,0% 17,7% 67,6% 1,9% 12,8% Calabria 6,0% 4,6 65,044 1.084,071 14 15,4% 3,1% 6,1% 7,7% 12,4% Campania 94,117 1.882,346 5,0% 12 7,8 15,4% 21,4% 40,2% 7,6% 15,4% Emilia R. 5,1% 9,5 47,727 934,661 5 17,4% 10,0% 49,5% 8,1% 15,0% Friuli V.G. 16,069 247,211 6,5% 5 3,2 11,0% 18,0% 42,0% 5,0% 24,0% Lazio 6,0% 4,9 39,325 655,418 8 24,0% 8,0% 48,0% 5,0% 15,0% Liguria 54,383 276,562 19,7% 9 6,0 26,0% 20,5% 35,9% 14,5% 3,1% Lombardia 4,0% 3,6 35,995 899,757 10 27,8% 9,9% 36,8% 5,6% 20,0% Marche 27,589 459,818 6,0% 6 4,6 0,0% 0,0% 71,8% 8,2% 19,9% Molise 5,0% 3,2 9,744 194,977 3 0,0% 25,7% 47,4% 12,3% 14,6% Piemonte 58,409 896,591 6,5% 12 4,9 16,5% 5,5% 55,0% 3,0% 20,0% Puglia 18,8% 11,2 279,000 1.480,569 25 0,0% 0,0% 76,3% 4,3% 19,4% Sardegna 169,926 1.252,841 13,6% 15 11,3 0,0% 0,0% 85,3% 2,9% 11,8% Sicilia 6,0% 7,4 126,382 2.106,312 17 0,0% 0,0% 73,1% 15,0% 11,9% Toscana 83,911 839,114 10,0% 7 12,0 6,0% 0,0% 75,9% 9,1% 9,0% Trento 6,7% 17,1 17,143 256,153 1 35,8% 0,0% 52,5% 3,3% 8,3% Umbria 38,003 760,068 5,0% 5 7,6 0,0% 0,0% 70,0% 10,0% 20,0% Valle d'Aosta 7,5% 2,2 8,875 118,684 4 0,0% 0,0% 77,2% 10,2% 12,6% Veneto 100,614 914,675 11,0% 14 7,2 8,1% 8,1% 64,9% 8,9% 9,9% ITALIA 1.345,969 16.604,474 8,1% 190 7,1 7,9% 5,3% 62,5% 7,1% 14,7%
Risorse assegnate all’Asse IV per Regione (rimodulati 2009) Fonte: Elaborazione INEA su dati PSR 2007-2013
Spazi per l’esercizio dell’autonomia decisionale(2/3) Cambia il ruolo della strategia di sviluppo locale Le strategie di Sviluppo Locale diventano una modalità alternativa di gestione della politica “ordinaria”? La capacità di apportarevaloreaggiunto è direttamenteproporzionale al grado di autonomiadecisionale e funzionaleconferito ai GAL Solo 413 411 - 413 412 - 413 411 – 412 -413 La possibilità di finanziare progetti sperimentali o innovativi dipende molto dalla misura in cui i PSR si sono avvalsi della possibilità del regolamento del Consiglio per finanziare progetti al di fuori del menu standard di misure da assi 1 - 3 (articolo 64). LINEE GUIDA CE “Guide for the application of the leader axis (revised version presented on 08.03.2011)”
AF 2 1,5 1 0,5 Q 0 1 -2 -1,5 -1 - 0,5 0,5 1,5 2 AD - 0,5 -1 -1,5 -2 C D N Z G S L B O T R F P H U M V I E A Diversità di espressione di Leader Matrice di “Leaderabilità”: l’attitudine del quadro regolativo di integrare i principi di Leader nel PSR è analizzata su due dimensioni: Centri di competenza tecnica (gestionale - amministrativa) Approccio Leader a - Autonomia decisionale b - Autonomia funzionale DOSSIER TF LEADER La valutazione dell’approccio Leader nei programmi di sviluppo rurale 2007-2013: un contributo metodologico Centri di competenza tecnica (informazione e animazione) Centri di competenza tecnica (strategica - tematica)
Spazio offerto ai Gal per esercitare la propria autonomia decisionale La definizione dei territori è vincolata dall’AdG? Sono posti vincoli alla costituzione ed alla forma del partenariato? Le misure attivabili nell’ambito dell’Asse 4 consentono ai GAL di elaborare Piani caratterizzati da innovatività ed originalità? Le modalità di attuazione dell’Asse 4 consentono ai Gal di selezionare in piena autonomia proposte progettuali coerenti con i rispettivi PAL? Ai Gal è assicurato un adeguato sostegno per le attività di animazione? Compiti e funzioni attribuiti ai Gal Il quadro di regole è definito con chiarezza in tempi adeguati? In che misura i Gal intervengono in fase di controllo delle domande di aiuto? … e in fase di controllo delle domande di pagamento? In che misura i Gal intervengono nelle attività di monitoraggio? Ai Gal è assicurato un adeguato sostegno per le spese di funzionamento?
formazione sulla nuova programmazione (seminari, focus, gruppi di discussione) • Strumenti di autovalutazione per i GAL (metodologie e indicatori di facile uso costruiti da gruppi misti con noi, valutatori, rappresentanti GAL e regioni). Valutano il valore aggiunto di Leader: • - Metodo Leader (bottom up; partnership; innovazione; ecc.), cioè l’azione svolta dal GAL e il suo ruolo a livello territoriale; • - contributo di Leader al conseguimento degli obiettivi degli altri Assi (cioè i progetti) • Ogni specificità ha un set di indicatori (tipo leadarability) • Per ogni specificità si stanno elaborando casi studio per favorire il trasferimento di BP • Perché: a. aiutare i GAL a concludere bene questa fase di programmazione e migliorare il tiro per la futura programmazione • prosegue il lavoro già avviato con i valutatori, 7 dicembre incontro valutatori 1° settimana di marzo winter scholl “valutare le specificità di Leader • 3) Migliorare la capacità di comunicazione dei GAL e la trasparenza di Leader (prosegue summer school) a gennaio sistema avanzato geogal • 4) Approfondimenti sui temi “nuovi” della prossima programmazione “inclusione sociale vs innovazione sociale” settembre worskhop
"Network" – a definition facilitate the combination and mitigate tensions between organizational and professional “creativity” (Butera) no point is privileged over another(Serres) Promote mutual understanding, sharing, participation, cooperation, experimentation. Create a community. A network is formed for a given instant by a plurality of points (nodes) connected together by a plurality of tracks (Serres)
SECONDARY NETWORK Regional RDP Manager –referentidellemisuredei PSR (MeasureThematic ) experts RDP evaluators Technical Assistance Stakeholders INSTITUTIONAL NETWORK Italian Ministry of Agriculture (Mipaaf) UE – DG AGRI 21 MA RDP 7 PA 8 LEADER evaluators SECONDARY NETWORK Stakeholders, other Ministries, etc. • NETWORK GROUP • social groups connecteddirectly or indirectly, • With some common links: • status shared by group; • group functions similar or shared; • geographical or cultural connections. Leader Network : the composition PRIMARY NETWORK Contact Point Other National NRN actors LEADER NETWORK SECONDARY NETWORK LAGs, rural areas representatives SECONDARY NETWORK European LAGs PRIMARY NETWORK 21 AXIS IV RDP Regional Managers 7 Paying Agencies 11 LAGs Regional Associations 7 LEADER evaluators INFORMAL NETWORK Thematic Groups, LAGs; Rural Development expets; Others. 192 LAGs
The Italian «Leader» Network - Features Communication is a central function in the activities of the Leader Network and a key element of its mission. The function of TF Leader is to provide communication, resources and promotion of identity to all Leader actors
Italian Leader Network - Structural evolution … It is a plurality of subjects, carriers of different needs. Many of these needs can be solved using and combining skills and experience already held within the Network. The mission of the Leader Network is to encourage and to support a process of learning "among equals“. A process based on flows relations, resulting from the sharing of experiences and the socialization of knowledge and perceptions, oriented to the identification, from time to time, of the best practices to solve the problems.
Segretariato tecnico Italian «Leader» Network – ourOrganization • Scientific Committee • defines the annual program; • identifies the networking methods; • propose new thematic groups. • Thematic working groups • (long term or short term as needed) • they deal with thematic analysis; • Participation to the definition of program activities and the preparation of "products" (on-line thematic area in the portal, meetings / seminars, case studies, white papers, training courses; etc. ) • Technical Secretariat • facilitates the flow of communication between the participants to the LEADER network, calls meetings, collect the reports on the progress of activities, etc.; • Dealing with organizational aspects, creates tools and products basics, supports thematic groups; databases, organizing seminars and meetings, management of on-line sections in the website. TF Rete Leader Comitato = 2 Seniors 4 Technical support Scientifico Full time staff (12 man-month) + = 13 Regional Antennas 2 Seniors 3 Technical support
The ItalianLeader Network – our Tools Coordination meetings, working groups, open space, social networks to allow the comparison and mutual understanding Training, conferences, seminars, workshops, study visits to facilitate the sharing of practices, knowledge and exchange of experiences Information services (portal, newsletters, databases, archives and documentation) and proper Consulting (technical, legal and administrative branches) to provide for services Research and surveys, focus groups to offer the opportunity to explore new ideas and solutions, and detect the needs National Study visits for good practices exchange Coordination Meetings, Focus, Thematic Experts «AL» : the Monthly Report Data base on LEADER actions and practices Leader Workshops Common National System of Monitoring VIDEO interviews with experts Juridical On Line support for LAGS Social network on-line Geo-referenced info-system of calls; LAGs Thematic Dossiers WEB Portal The Good Practices «AWARD» E.S.E.M.P.I. VIDEO Documentaries on good practices
NETWORK LEADER: the TOOLS The Tools put in place by the Animation unit of a Network. It is important that they are not just "innovative“…. but they need to have the ability to promote a practical and effective participation of all stakeholders Always evaluate the context and resources available Taking into account the following characteristics: - actors(mode of action, knowledge); - structure (characteristics of the network); - interactions (operation and processes); - How the Regions have set Leader (axis IV)
AF 2 1,5 1 0,5 Q 0 1 -2 -1,5 -1 - 0,5 0,5 1,5 2 AD - 0,5 -1 -1,5 -2 C D N Z G S L B O T R F P H U M V I E A How the Regions have set Leader (axis IV) Centri di competenza tecnica (gestionale - amministrativa) Approccio Leader Centri di competenza tecnica (informazione e animazione) Centri di competenza tecnica (strategica - tematica)
Rete Leader some DATA … • n. 19 Report AL • n. 4 Reports on progress • n. 8 methodological documents • n. 77 events organized by the Italian Rural Network + n. 45 meetings held with LAGs and Regions • n. 22 participation in events organized by "others“ • n. 5 Working Groups - 1. procedures Leader 2. monitoring 3. evaluation 4.Leader transparency 5. Leader after 2013 • Comprehensive database of LAG areas leader, PSL, Financial Plans Axis IV • 1400 calls LAG archived and georeferenced • WEBSITE Leader - access 12,157 (2009 = 906, 2010 = 2865, 2011 = 5430, 2012 = 2975) • . The "number" indicators say little about the good networking processes To "give an account" of thesystem network and networking processes, the first step is to give form to relations system that is not prescribedand that it is constantly evolving. Structures that interact for a proper"Institutional duty" (eg DG Agriculture, European Rural Network andLeaders Sub Committee, Ministry ofAgriculture, National Rural Networkand Task Force Leader) can not be considered outright"Network system"
Italian LEADER Network: the monitoring “they use” the Network for…. • Since 2009 • n. 436technical support requests • n.1.995 requests for diffusion of information on events, calls, projects, etc. • N 2.415 participants to workshops, seminars; etc. “behaviour” of LEADER operators
Monitoring Contact density - Regions 2009 2012 HIGH In particular Participations to seminars HIGH MEDIUM In particular MEDIUM Information requests for the Network LOW LOW
Network Monitoring 2009 TODAY • Annual average Support requests / diffusion = 6 • Annual average participation in events = 4 Contacts pattern -LAGs
Needs analysis and intervention planning in the start-up phase.
LAG Learning needs. Needs analysis and intervention planning in the start-up phase. The issues and activities of the LEADER TASK FORCE are periodically reviewed in relation to the phases of the RDP Axis IV implementation. N. Of LDS (Local Development Strategy) Selected and approved. Starting Up of LDS «Local Development Strategy». LAG & LDS selective process Focus Group : needs analysis. Time 2009 2010 Learning needs - Methods and Programming practices - Legal aspects - RDP Administrative and Financial Procedures - Communication with the local territory - LAG/Relational (its communication, self-assessment) - Specific Thematic analysis - Specific update needs HIGH RELEVANCE LOW
THE SUPPORT OF THE ITALIAN RURAL NETWORK : the LAGS START UP – example TOOLS : 10. Methodological documents 11. Monitoring system 12. Test of development methodologies in LAG areas 13. Geo-referencing TOOLS : 7. Projects Data Base 8. AWARD “E.S.E.M.P.I” 9. LEADERBOOK social network TOOLS : 4. Juridical on line consulting 5. Report AL 6. Analysis of the tools for communication and animation for the LAGs TOOLS : 1. “AL” : our Monthly Report 2. Methodological documents on local animation Technics 3. Projects Reviews WORKSHOPS : e. "The selection of the beneficiaries of Local Development Plans” f. “Evaluating and Monitoring Leader” g. “Signals of Leader: to invest in transparency, communication and evaluation for the future of Leader” f. Evaluating the animation capacity of LAGs. • National Study Visits : • Renewable energy (LAG Valli di Tures e Aurina) • Sustainable Tourism (LAG DELTA 2000) • Networks and local food chains (LAG TERRE SHARDANA; LAG Maiella Verde) • Cultural heritage ( LAG BasentoCamastraRocca di Cerere, LAG Area Graganica; LAG CILSI) TOOLS Thematic Groups WORKSHOPS : c. “The operational planning of activities and the administrative and financial management” d. “The planning of communication activities, animation and technical support" WORKSHOPS : a. Local Actions Groups: «Legal and institutional OPTIONS for the management of local development plans” b. “HOW to Develop a strategy for local development with the Leader method: key elements for quality in Programme planning ” Focus Group for analyzing the needs
Participants Network monitoring