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EASEE-gas. E uropean A ssociation for the S treamlining of E nergy E xchange - gas. EASEE-gas. Why the need ? The US example The European project. WHY THE NEED ?. Before liberalisation. Few participants, stable and long lasting relationships. After liberalisation.

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  1. EASEE-gas European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas

  2. EASEE-gas • Why the need ? • The US example • The European project

  3. WHY THE NEED ? Before liberalisation Few participants, stable and long lasting relationships After liberalisation Many players, short lived and fast changing relationships Hence need to streamline transactional processes

  4. BUNDLED BUSINESS MODEL Producer Gas Merchant LDC End user physical contractual

  5. GENERIC CORE BUSINESS MODELLiberalised market commodity commodity Producer Trader shipping Title transfer hand over capacity tittle transfer capacity Transporter Shipper commodity hand over shipping title transfer commodity supply base management End user Supplier physical contractual notional

  6. GENERIC BUSINESS MODELLiberalised market Non gas services Gas services Core Business Partners Legal Finance Software etc. Storage Terminal Hub etc. physical contractual notional

  7. INDICATIVE VOLUME CHAIN 0-300 0-300 Ship/Trans Traders Producers 50 100 100 50 Suppliers Storage End Users Large accounts 50 10-20 Retail Suppliers Ship/DSO 50 End Users Res. & Dom. 50

  8. INDICATIVE VALUE CHAIN Ship/Trans Traders Producers 120-140 10-30 10 110 100 100 120-140 Storage Suppliers End Users Large accounts 130-150 0-50 10 Ship/Trans Suppliers 170-290 50-100 50-100 End Users Res. & Dom. 220-390

  9. THE US EXAMPLE Gas Industry Standards Board GISB

  10. THE US EXAMPLE Gas Industry Standards Board created in 1994 with a mission to : “ develop and promote standards to simplify and expand electronic communications and to simplify and streamline business practices that will lead to a seamless market place for natural gas “

  11. THE US EXAMPLE GISB structure • segments members • producers 12 • pipelines 44 • distributors 28 • end users 17 • services (incl. marketers) 49 • Total 150 • government (observer) 1

  12. AMERICAN (GISB) BUSINESS MODEL Producer Marketers & other services Pipelines LDC End user physical contractual

  13. THE US EXAMPLE GISB structure • Board of Directors • Advisory Committee • Executive Committee • - Working groups • 3 staff

  14. THE US EXAMPLE GISB General Policies • Balanced voting rules that : • protect minorities • promote consensus • Open to all • Partnership with government • Driven by volunteers

  15. THE US EXAMPLE GISB achievements • 7 years of existence : • 400 business practices established • 40 transactions standardised • 5 model agreements • Transformed to NAESB to include power industry

  16. THE EUROPEAN PROJECT Supported by EU and by CEER Created through joint Task Force

  17. THE EUROPEAN PROJECT Task Force participants • EFET • OGP • Eurogas • GTE • Edig@s • Eurelectric • GEODE

  18. THE EUROPEAN PROJECT Task Force remit • To define the principles • To set up the organisation • To adapt US example to liberalised European gas • scene • To define relationship with other organisations • Started : October 2001 • Creation of EASEE-gas : March 14, 2002

  19. THE EUROPEAN PROJECT EASEE-gas mission statement • “To develop and promote common practices to • simplify and streamline business processes • between the stakeholders that will lead to an • efficient and effective European Gas Market”

  20. THE EUROPEAN PROJECT EASEE-gas basic principles • Open, independent organisation • Full members: vote and fee • Associate members: no vote, no fee • Driven by volunteers • Financed through membership fees

  21. EASEE-GAS • Status • Membership • Organisation • Working Groups

  22. STATUS • Created 14.03.2002 by 6 founding members • Offices at Paris, France • Board picked from the Task Force • House Rules : final draft • AFG provides administration support

  23. MEMBERSHIP • 17 full members • 3 associate members • Membership recruitment campaign • being launched

  24. FULL MEMBERS • Companies or divisions with separate • accounts • Can join through one or more segments • Annual fee: EUR 1500 per segment

  25. EASEE-gas SEGMENTS • Producers • Traders & Shippers • Suppliers • Retail suppliers • End Users • Transporters • Distribution System Operators • Service providers

  26. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS • Government agencies • Regulators • Not-for-profit organisations • Consumer groups • Individuals et al.

  27. ORGANISATION Full Members by segment Associate Members Executive Committee Board of Directors Advisory Panel General Manager & Staff Working Groups

  28. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Composition • 8 directors, 1 per segment • 2 year staggered terms • Governance issues • Membership Responsibilities

  29. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Composition • 24 members, 3 per segment • 3 year staggered terms • Coordination of working groups • Vote on common business practices Responsibilities

  30. EXAMPLES OF COMMON BUSINESS PRACTICES • IT / Communication standards • Procedures for noms, renoms, matching • Generic agreements, eg trading, OBA’s • Harmonisation of units • Market players’ codification scheme • Glossary of gas industry terminology

  31. ADVISORY PANEL • Up to 8 members appointed by the Board • Chosen from authorities, regulators, • consultants, industry specialists • Advise Board and Executive Committee

  32. WORKING GROUPS Ongoing • Message standardisation and validation • Communication Started up • eb XML • Business rules • Real Time Data Transfer • Harmonisation of units

  33. MESSAGE STANDARDISATION & VALIDATION Goal Develop and maintain Edigas protocol Status Operational

  34. COMMUNICATION Goal Replace current communication solutions (ISDN, X25) by Internet Protocol Status Preparing to launch bid requests for VPN based network Issue VPN or pure internet

  35. eb XML Goal Provide for IP friendly messages Status First meeting held 19/04/02

  36. BUSINESS RULES Goal Define actors, information, operational rules Status First meeting held 25/04/02

  37. REAL TIME DATA TRANSFER Goal To define and develop the best solution for exchange of real time data (operator to operator, operator to shipper, etc ) Status First meeting held 07/05/02

  38. HARMONISATION OF UNITS Goal To adopt common / universal units for volume, GCV, capacity, gas composition, impurities, etc Status Preparing for first meeting

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