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CCSS Mathematical Practices

CCSS Mathematical Practices. For elementary school. Practices to keep in mind when planning a unit or lesson …. Our goal is for students to become. MATHEMATICALLY PROFICIENT. What does it mean to be MATHEMATICALLY PROFICIENT ?.

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CCSS Mathematical Practices

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  1. CCSS Mathematical Practices For elementary school Practices to keep in mind when planning a unit or lesson …

  2. Our goal is for students to become MATHEMATICALLY PROFICIENT

  3. What does it mean to be MATHEMATICALLY PROFICIENT?

  4. The Eight CC Math Practices:MATHEMATICALLY PROFICIENTstudents… • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  5. What do the practices look like in the classroom?

  6. Getting there: The Eight Practices of Mathematically Proficient Students • Focus is on problem-solving (HOW) rather than content (WHAT) • Experience before formality • Multiple valid solution strategies • Communicate thought process to others • Mental models and connections to prior knowledge • Persistence

  7. How do the practices inform your unit and lesson planning?

  8. Use Non-Standard Problems From the 2010 third grade NYS assessment: A bus has 14 rows with 4 passenger seats in each row. What is the total number of passenger seats on the bus? A) 18 C) 48 B) 46 D) 56

  9. Use Non-Standard Problems The complaint: Students are not taught two-digit by one-digit multiplication in third grade The response: The problem can be solved with repeated addition or by making a drawing & counting.

  10. CONCRETE (physical object) PICTORIAL (drawing) ABSTRACT (notation)

  11. http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/classroom-video-visits/public-lesson-number-operations/182-multiplication-a-divison-problem-4-part-c?http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/classroom-video-visits/public-lesson-number-operations/182-multiplication-a-divison-problem-4-part-c?

  12. Anticipate different solution strategies Derek worked for 35 hours last week and earned $16 per hour. How much did he earn last week, total? • Two digit X two-digit algorithm 35 x 16 • Area model (30x10)+(30x6)+(5x10)+(5x6) • Repeated addition • Distributive property (35 X 10) + (35 X 6) • Mental math (35 X 16 = 70 x 8 = 560)

  13. How does this inform your unit and lesson planning? • Non-standard problems • Use of manipulatives/ tools • Physical and pictorial models • Peer-to-peer communication • Anticipate different solution strategies • Connections to prior knowledge & across content areas • Finding patterns and generalizing from them • Discovering the standard algorithm last

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