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Year End Test

Year End Test . Part 1. Stele of NaramSin AKKADIAN c. 2300-2200 BCE 6 ½ ft. tall Sandstone. Seated Khafre Gizeh, Egypt, Dynasty IV Ca 2520-2495 BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT. Bust of Nefertiti Tell el-Amarna, Egypt Dynasty XVIII Amarna Period 1353-1335 BCE contraposto.

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Year End Test

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  1. Year End Test Part 1

  2. Stele of NaramSin AKKADIAN c. 2300-2200 BCE 6 ½ ft. tall Sandstone

  3. Seated Khafre Gizeh, Egypt, Dynasty IV Ca 2520-2495 BCOLD KINGDOM EGYPT

  4. Bust of Nefertiti Tell el-Amarna, Egypt Dynasty XVIIIAmarna Period 1353-1335 BCE contraposto

  5. Standard of Urca 2400-2200 BCE SUMERIAN

  6. Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty 19 1290-1280 BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT

  7. The Palette of King Narmer Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Early Dynastic 3000-2920 BC

  8. Human-headed Winged Bull (Lamassu) Assyrian Reign of Sargon II, 721-705 BCE

  9. Kritios Boy ca. 480 BCE Early Classical Greek

  10. Riace Warrior ca. 470-460 BCE, EARLY CLASSICAL GREEK

  11. Kouros Greece ca. 600 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

  12. Peplos Kore ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK

  13. Sarcophagus from Cerveteri. C520 BCE 6’7” in length. ETRUSCAN

  14. Laocoön & His Sons ca. Early 1st century AD HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  15. Nike of Samothrace Samothrace, Greece ca. 190 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  16. Aphrodite (of Melos) ca. 150-125 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  17. Dying Gaul Pergamon, Turkey ca. 230-220 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  18. Head of a Roman Patrician, ca 75-50 B.C. REPUBLIC ROMAN

  19. Seated Boxer ca. 100-50 BCHELLENISTIC GREEK

  20. Portrait bust of Hadrian as general 130-138 AD HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN

  21. Gemma Augustea, Onyxca 1st Century AD, EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  22. Pantheon,Rome, Italy. 125-128 AD HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN

  23. Commodus as Hercules ca. 191-192 AD LATE EMPIRE ROMAN

  24. Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius Rome, Italy 175 A.D. HIGH EMPIRE ROMAN

  25. Arch of Constantine Rome, Italy A.D. 312-315LATE EMPIRE ROMAN

  26. Colosseum, 72-80 CE. EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  27. Slide 4 Empress Theodora and her Attendants, Church of San Vitale,Ravenna, c547. BYZANTINE

  28. Slide 6 Arch of Titus Rome, Italy, after A.D. 81 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  29. Slide 7 Good Shepherd Mosaic (Mausoleum of Galla Placidia),Ravenna, c425-426 AD EARLY CHRISTIAN

  30. Augustus of Primaporta,Early 1st Century BCE EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  31. Portraits of the Four tetrarchs 305 AD LATE EMPIRE ROMAN

  32. AraPacis,13-9 BCE. EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  33. Spoils of Jerusalem,relief panel from the Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy, after A.D. 81 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  34. Hagia Sophia,532-537.Istanbul, Turkey. BYZANTINE

  35. Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion of Christ, plaque from a casket, ivory, ca 420Early Christian

  36. Aphrodite (of Melos) Melos, Greececa. 150-125 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  37. Saint Matthew,from the Gospel Book of Ebbo, France, ca 816-835 CAROLINGIAN

  38. CHI-RHO-IOTA from THE BOOK OF KELLS Around 800 CE Hiberno-Saxon / Early Medieval

  39. Gislebertus, Last Judgment(from Saint-Lazzare) Autun, France ca 1120-1135ROMANESQUE

  40. Gero Crucifix 6-ft. tall Oak Carving ca. 970 OTTONIAN

  41. Bishop Bernward Doors(on Abbey Church of St. Michael) 1015 OTTONIAN

  42. Giotto Di Bondone, Lamentation, ca. 1305 Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy

  43. Betrayal of Jesus Duccio Di Buoninsegna, detail from the back of the Maesta altarpiece from the Siena Cathedral. Siena, Italy. 1309-1311

  44. Basilica of St. Chapelle(Le Sainte-Chapelle)1239-1248

  45. Ambrogio Lorenzetti Peaceful City, 1338-1339 Siena Italy

  46. Cenni di Pepi (Cimabue) Madonna and Child Enthroned(1280) Tempera and Gold on Wood, Florence

  47. Simone Martini (and possibly LippoMemmi) Annunciation, 1333 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

  48. Nicola Pisano Baptistry Pulpit, ca. 1260 LATE GOTHIC / PROTO-RENAISSANCE

  49. Jan Van Eyck Ghent Altarpiece (open), 1432 Saint Bavo Cathedral, Ghent, BelgiumEARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

  50. Rogier Van Der Weyden, Deposition, 1435. EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

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